

3 years later,

‘Unnie?’ Haneul popped her head into the kitchen and looked for the sight of her sister. Once she spotted Rikku by the oven she went over and gave the elder girl a hug before Rikku could even respond. ‘Unnie!’

‘Aigoo, you’re still such a baby’ Rikku pinched Haneul’s cheek and shook her head but a smile was tugged on her face, glad to see Haneul.

Haneul beamed up at Rikku ‘Im always a baby in your eyes anyway isn’t it?’

‘Right, you’ll always my baby sister but does Yongguk knows you love me more than him?’ Rikku joked.

Haneul shook her head then placed a finger on her lip ‘ssh… you can’t tell him that’

‘What can’t you tell me? The fact that you love your sister more than me?’ both sisters looked towards the kitchen door to see Yongguk leaning against the door with a raised brow, his arms folded in front of his chest.

‘Uh-oh, looks like you’re in trouble’ Rikku let out a chuckled while Haneul meekily smiled and walked towards Yongguk.

‘You know its not true right?’ Haneul battled her lashes and looked up at Yongguk who seemed amused by her change.

‘Not true? But I heard it clearly just now.’ Yongguk tried to hide his smile as he cotinued to question her.

Haneul shook her head then tip-toe and placed a peck on Yongguk’s lip ‘you know that’s not true. I love you the best’

‘Aigoo you lovebirds should just get a room instead of blocking the way here’ Haneul and Yongguk broke apart to see Daehyun shaking his head. ‘Now move away, I need to get my hug too’ he shooed the couple aside and opened his arms as he walked towards Rikku. ‘Come here’ Daehyun motioned his hands as he walked towards her.

‘Oh you’re here Daehyun’ Rikku went forward and gladly walked into the arms of Daehyun.

‘Miss me?’ Daehyun asked Rikku who was in his arms.

Before Rikku could even reply, an unhappy voice spoke ‘Now now, you should probably get your hands off my wife. That hug is too long for my taste’ a pair of hands lifted Daehyun’s hands away. Both of them looked up to see Jaejoong who didn't seem quite happy about their hug.

‘Uh-oh, now you’re the one in trouble Unnie’ Haneul said then turned her head to Yongguk ‘Oppa, lets not join the fight huh? Jaejoong oppa hwaiting!’ Haneul pumped her fist before she led Yongguk away. Yongguk just let out a deep chuckle as he moved along with her.

Daehyun raised his brow at Haneul’s action ‘yah, you talk as if something would happen to me’ Haneul just stuck her tongue out at Daehyun before walking towards the leaving room along with Yongguk.

‘Oppa!’ Rikku just embraced Jaejoong without a care of the others.

‘I should probably take my leave before your husband decides to kill me. Here’s a little token, the guys and I decided to bring some wine for the gathering’ Daehyun placed the wine bottle on the table before he saluted ‘she's all yours’ he bowed and left.

‘Aigoo, I already told them not to bring anything’ Rikku shook her head before she turned her attention to Jaejoong who still had his hands around her waist. Rikku wrapped her hands around Jaejoong’s neck and looked into his eyes ‘so since when am I Mrs Kim? I don’t remember being married to you’ she questioned.

‘Hmm.. who else would you marry to if that guy isn’t me? I thought I made it clear to everyone and even the media that you’re my fiancée?’ Jaejoong frowned as he played along.

Rikku reached up one of her hands and lightly caressed Jaejoong’s cheek ‘Hmm.. I don’t know oppa, I did agree to be your fiancée but I didn’t say I am going to be married to you’ she dropped her hand back around Jaejoong’s neck and shrugged innocently.

‘You’re not going to?’ Jaejoong raised his brow.

Rikku looked at the wedding ring on her hand ‘still considering..’ she nodded her head and pretended to be in thoughts.

Jaejoong let out a chuckle ‘you should consider. Well you see, standing in front of you is the Asian hottest male that woman sought for, he can sing, he can dance and he can play instruments, you should know, it isn’t cheap to go for his concerts’ Jaejoong listed while Rikku nodded her head as she continued to consider ‘Oh right, Kim Jaejoong’s a singer. Anything else? You know after all Im getting a husband..?’ Rikku looked up from her ring, seemly not satisfied.

‘Well lets see what else Kim Jaejoong can do.. Hmm.. he can cook, he does house chores, he have lots of money?  You see the house here? It will belong to you along with his money if you marry him’ Jaejoong continued.

‘Well that’s a good one’ Rikku nodded at the last quality, ‘anything else before I made my decision?’

Jaejoong tapped his chin and pretended to be in thoughts before he placed a peck on Rikku’s lip and whispered ‘Lastly, he loved Fujiyaka Rikku more than anything else in this world, is that good enough?’

‘Qualities accepted, I guess I should become Mrs Kim then. It can't be help can it? Since Im the only one that Kim Jaejoong loves’ Rikku arrogantly said.

‘Yeah, I guess it can't be help’ Jaejoong placed another peck on her lip before both of them burst into laughters.

‘Noona, can we eat already?’ Zelo popped his head into the kitchen and innocently asked.

Rikku let out a chuckle again before she nodded ‘Yeah Junhong, I just have to bring the cookies out and we’ll be done.’ She smiled.

‘Hurry up okay Noona?’ Zelo said before he disappeared again.

Rikku was about to take the cookies out from the oven but Jaejoong stopped her ‘go outside Mrs Kim, Mr Kim will do it for you’ he lightly pushed her towards the kitchen door. 

‘The famous Kim Jaejoong would do it?’ Rikku gasped.

Jaejoong let out a small laugh before he replied ‘yeah, I’ll do it’

‘Im so honored’ Rikku placed her hand on her chest and slightly bowed her head before she placed a quick kiss on his cheek ‘I’ll wait for you outside’ she left the kitchen after Jaejoong nodded. *Silly girl* he shook his head and took out the cookies after wearing the kitchen mitts.

Rikku walked out towards backyard where everyone was gathered at. ‘Rikku’ ‘Noona’ She smiled at the B.A.P boys before she took a seat beside Haneul who was chatting with Yongguk.

‘Lets eat’ Jaejoong wrapped one arm around Rikku’s neck while his other hand placed the cookie on the table along with the other picnic foods.

‘Yes!’ The maknae line instantly grabbed for the foods while the others chuckled at the cute sight.

‘Eat slowly, there’s more than enough food for all of you’ Rikku warned before she patted the empty chair beside her as she looked up at Jaejoong ‘sit oppa’

Jaejoong reached for a sandwich and placed it in Rikku’s plate before settling down beside her. ‘You should eat too’ Rikku gladly picked it and took a bite of the sandwich they had made before Haneul and B.A.P had arrived.

Living day by day, clashing in this world when these things get hard

When you feel like you’re just one single person out of the countless people


When I see your eyes, looking at me lovingly, I feel special

When you hold me in your warm embrace, all my scars on my body heal

Rikku watched everyone enjoyed the food and Daehyun who sent a winked at her when their eyes met. Rikku couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle before she looked at the man beside her. She could still remember each and every day, the things that happened during these 3 years. *3 years had passed, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to stay strong for Haneul, I wouldn’t be have the courage to face Daehyun now and still managed a smile on my face. Because of you, Im able to live my life full of happiness every single second.* Rikku recalled the days where Jaejoong would always stay by her side and healed her broken heart. When she decided to confront Daehyun, all he said was ‘go, if that’s what makes your heart at ease. I’ll always be by your side, I’ll protect you’ Rikku could still remember that day clearly. It was pouring heavily that day when she was inside the café having a talk with Daehyun while Jaejoong waited outside for her all the while until she finished her talk.

Jaejoong had never complained a single thing nor asked her anything when she left the café. The first thing he did was to wrap his scarf around her neck and smiled warmly at her ‘Its cold, I don’t want you to be sick’

Rikku snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Jaejoong’s voice. She looked up and was met with his caring of pair eyes ‘Nice? Should I go inside and get you some lavender tea?’

‘Its okay oppa, Im good’ Rikku shook her head and smiled *It is because of the each and every love you show me, the scars on my body are able to heal. It is because of the love you never failed to show me, my broken heart is fully mended. Because its you, I am able to stay strong even when the world is clashing*


When we’re together, when we’re together

Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear

When we’re together, when we’re together

I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

‘That’s good then, tell me if you need anything’ Jaejoong lovingly caressed her cheek. The woman in front of him was a really good woman that he felt lucky to have. She was strong, beautiful and most importantly caring.

Rikku never failed to give him the warmth he needed. He could still remember the first day he met her. She gave him the warmth he had long for ever since he became famous. She had considered every single aspect for him. From boldly suggesting warm tea when they just met to giving him her scarf simply because she was afraid he would catch a cold at the end of their meeting.

All the girls he had dated, all the girls he met all treated him well because he was a famous idol. The girls were all either after for his look, if not money. There wasn’t anyone who treated him like how Rikku did. Rikku showed him that there’s still someone in this world who would treat him like a normal person despite his popularity, there’s still someone in this world that wasn’t after his money nor his look. Someone who was really looking at him, the simple and plain Kim Jaejoong instead of the famous idol group JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong. She caught his heart ever since then.

Jaejoong didn’t care even when he found out that Rikku had a boyfriend. He didn’t care when he knew Rikku was using him for Daehyun. Because of the first day he met her, no matter what Rikku did to him, he could only see her good. Seeing how she treated Daehyun when they were still together only made him jealous, only made him wanted her even more.

*It was you who warmed my heart that grew cold over the years after debut. You never seemed to fail in making me fall deeper in love with you every single day. Till now, my heart still beat fast just looking at you. When you smile, I couldn’t help but smile as well. Rikku, you got the most beautiful smile in this world do you know that? And Im glad that smile only belong to me now* A smile was automatically formed on Jaejoong’s face as he watched Rikku chuckled over some things that Youngjae had said.


When bitterness washes over me, when I suddenly feel like Im alone

At the moment when everything feels strange and I suddenly have no confidence


Your voice that believes in me and gives me courage allows me to go out in the world again

The fact that you are a step behind me, always watching over me, is so precious to me

Haneul looked at Yongguk who had went over and talked to Himchan. A smile was tugged on her face as she watched two of her guardian angels which one had become her first and last love. Himchan in Haneul’s eyes was a great man, too great for her. He was there for her during her every single downfall. From her first fall in the school court to each and every single fight she had with Yongguk. She was glad she had someone like Himchan as her oppa, someone that would always be there for her whenever she needed a shelter. *Thank you Himchan Oppa* it was as if Himchan could heard her voice, he looked up and smiled at her. The way he looked and smiled at her was different now. It was filled with love but instead of the love between a man and a woman, it was the love between an oppa and dongsaeng.

Haneul gladly smiled back before looking at the man beside Himchan, the first and the last guy she fell in love with. Haneul still remember the time when she first met him. He was cold, hard and frightening. The first time they met, he had already hurt her heart. It was true he was the one that hurt her the most ever since they met, she hadn't knew the reason why before but she knew the reason why now. She was in love with him before they met. She had fallen in love with him ever since she first heard his voice, the same place she met B.A.P. She was in love with him that’s why she was in pain. People always said the one whom you love the most is also the one that brings you the most pain. She couldn’t understand that sentence before when she heard it but now she finally understand what it meant.

Each and every single time when they fought, she would always felt bitterness washing over her, felt that she was alone, a girl without confidence even when Himchan was there for her.

No matter what Himchan said, no matter how much kindness he showed her, it can never be compared to the little and small kindness Yongguk provided her once in awhile. She was elated, happy, joyful just because of the kindness he gave once in awhile but those led her to yearn for more. She remembered how she yearned for his attention, his kindness even when they fought numerous times. Looking at the man in front of her now, he wasn’t a person that was cold, hard and frightening. Yongguk was a man that didn’t know how to portray himself other than his closed one, he was especially awkward among girls as she recalled the scene where Rikku teased Yongguk in the lift. That was also the first night Haneul had seen a couple of his shy sides. *Oppa, you have a heart warmer than anyone else that I have known of and Im glad I was able to see the real you. Thank you for looking after me all these years. Without you, I wouldn’t have the courage to take over Kim Corporation when Unnie passed it down to me. Without you, I wouldn’t be Kim Haneul, the girl that grew up to know the true meaning of love*


When we’re together, when we’re together

Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear

When we’re together, when we’re together

I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

When Yongguk looked up, Haneul was already not in her seat. ‘Zelo! Jongup! Come back here!’ he watched as Haneul chased after Zelo and Jongup who seemed to have taken something of hers.

‘Oof!’ Yongguk instantly stood up from his seat when Haneul fell. ‘Haneul!’ Yongguk was about to go over when Haneul waved her hand with a smile ‘Im alright oppa!’ then ran off to catch up with the maknaes.

*Clumsy girl, I can never be at ease when you’re like this* Yongguk shook his head but a smile was plastered on his face. He never expected himself to fall in love until Haneul came into his life. He didn’t know when he fell in love with her or how he fell in love with her. All Yongguk knew was, when he realised everything, the clumsy girl had already made her way in his heart and become his very own clumsy girl.

Yongguk could still remember his words from 3 years ago, ‘beauty is the eye of the beholder and Im the beholder. No one is flawless. Your imperfections are my perfections’ till today, he still loved her the way she was.

Haneul was a girl that he couldn’t ignore even if he tried to. She would always land on his radar and he would always felt the urge to protect her. Back then, he didn’t know how to approach her so he would always ended up fighting with her, hurting her. It frustrated him how she could have a normal conversation with Himchan but not him. He could still remember how useless he was whenever Haneul looked at him in the eyes with her curious gaze, with her beautiful smile that made his mind went through a state of blank and all he could do was to scratch the back of his neck and looked away. Jealousy and frustration had also become his friends ever since she came into his life but now looking at the girl in front of him, his only friend was happiness even though jealousy does visit sometimes.


Like this, just the way we are right now,

If you are by my side

Whatever hardship may occur

I can win over it


When we’re together, when we’re together

Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear

When we’re together, when we’re together

I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

‘Zelo!’ Yongguk watched Haneul yelled as she continued to chase after the taller male. ‘Oof!’ Yongguk instantly ran to Haneul’s side as she fell for the second time.

‘Zelo! Jongup! Stop this instant!’ Yongguk roared as he made his way to Haneul. Jongup stopped in his track while Zelo obediently raised his hands in surrender and slowly walked back while Yongguk pulled Haneul up and brushed off the grass on her legs. ‘Look at you,’ Yongguk sighed as he brushed off the grass. ‘Come over here now the two of you!’ Yongguk commanded.

‘Maknae’s in deep trouble’ Youngjae shook his head.

‘Hyung help!’ Zelo called out to his hyungs at the table. Daehyun chuckled ‘You’re on your own buddy’ he folded his arms, preparing to watch the drama that was about to unfold.

‘Sorry’ Himchan pretended he didn’t see anything.

‘Rikku noona?’ Jongup put up his pitiful face as well. 

Rikku just shook her head ‘you know how well I can't do anything when your Yongguk hyung goes berserk! You’re on your own kids.’

‘Jaejoong hyung?’ the kids looked at Jaejoong for help. He was their last hope

Jaejoong shook his head as well ‘Im sorry kids, your leader’s too scary’ Rikku chuckled at words and raised her brow ‘since when are you afraid of B.A.P’s leader?’

‘Well you never know’ Jaejoong nonchalantly shrugged while Rikku rolled her eyes at him. ‘Love you too’ he gave her a quick peck on the lip when no one was looking.  

‘Hyung..’ The maknaes tried to plead at their Yongguk hyung who was glaring at them.

‘Im fine Yongguk, they’re just kids. Just let them be, today is suppose to be a fun day for them. Its been awhile since they last played with me. With all the promotions going on, they hadn't even had a proper rest not to mention have fun like today’ Haneul pleaded for them while Zelo and Jongup eagerly nodded.

It was silent for a moment before Yongguk heaved a sigh ‘alright, both of you can go now’

‘Yes! Love you Noona’ Both Zelo and Jongup hugged Haneul before they ran off again.

‘Thank you’ Haneul placed a light kiss on Yongguk’s cheek. ‘You’re being too nice with them’ Yongguk shook his head in dismay.

Haneul just chuckled ‘I know you wouldn’t punish them anyway, you’re too kind-hearted to’ she smiled.

‘You know me too well’ he lightly pinched her nose while Haneul smiled back.

‘Look sunset!’ Zelo excitedly pointed towards the sky.

*Just like the Sun that brightens up the sky, the stars that filled the nightsky, you’re the only one that can brighten up my life, the only one that can make me smile even when the world is clashing down. When we’re together, I know we can last forever,* ‘I love you’ Jaejoong took Rikku’s hand and place a kiss at the back of her hand while Yongguk kissed the side of Haneul’s temple.

The last word that formed the sentence, the last word that tied up their life, *together.* They looked into each other’s eyes, a smile automatically appeared on their face as if it was a mutual agreement before they turned around and looked up at the beautiful sky.



*When we're together, I know we can last forever, together*



The end~ Once again thanks to all the people who subscribed! I hope you enjoy the last chapter! Love you guys! :)) Do comment as well, I'll love you even more hehehe :))

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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD