Chapter 20


Rikku’s POV

‘Rikku unnie, thank you for doing so much for me.. I will pay you back soon.’ I smiled down at her and I plant a kiss on her forehead. She beamed at me sleepily as she slowly closed her eyes. I left the lamp beside her lit as I made my way out of the room. I turn to have one last look at her.

‘Good night, Haneul ah..’

‘Good night..unnie..’ I heard her murmured.

I smiled bitterly and I shut the door quietly. I leaned against the door and sigh. If only she knew.. it could kill her.. l left out one last sigh before I went back to the dining table to wash up the plate and my cup. When I was done, I picked up my bag on the chair and went back to my room. I place my bag down on my desk chair and empty the contents so it would be easier when I switch to another bag tomorrow to match my outfit. I took out my phone from my cardigan pocket to charge it when I noticed there was a text message from an unknown number. I sat down on my bed as I read the text.


‘This is the owner of the Lamborghini that you took pictures of without my consent. You are hereby charged to spend another day with me for another date. If you don’t agree, be prepared for my lawyer’s letter.

-Mr Kim-


I laugh a little as I read the text message. How could someone who is 27 this year be so childish? I thought for a moment as to how I should reply to that text message. After a few seconds, I typed my reply..


‘I apologise for that but I would have to pass on that charge. If you think you’re the only person who has the money to hire a lawyer, you’re wrong. Have a good night Mr Kim.’


After waiting for a couple of minutes there was no reply so I went to change into a set of comfortable clothes. I took my personal organizer and went through my schedule for tomorrow. Checking against the member’s schedule to see what I need to prepare. I felt my phone vibrating beside me on the bed. I reached for it and I saw that he was calling me now.

‘Moshi moshi..?’ I shut my organizer and place it on the table beside my bed. I leaned against my headboard as I waited for a reply.

‘Ah.. I guess I would have to get a Japanese laywer’s letter prepared.’ He said teasingly.

‘For Mr Kim’s information, I can read Korean well. I appreciate that you would go through such troubles.’ I could hear his infamous laughter.

‘Okay, lets be serious here. Are you up for a date with me?’ I felt my heart skipped a beat. I was nervous.. why?

‘How did you get my number..?’ I asked to change the subject. I heard his infamous laughter again.

‘From the agency and I spent a lot to get your number’ I giggled as he answered me in a serious tone.

‘Well, Im afraid I could only offer you friendship.’

‘Is there someone?’ he asked very seriously.

‘Maybe yes and maybe no’ I replied in a playful tone. I know if Daehyun knew he would be hurt but its better this way.

Jaejoong and I chatted over the phone till a little over 2am. we decided that its time we turn in and get some sleep. After I hung up with him, I saw I had 2 missed call from Daehyun. How did I not notice when I was talking with Jaejoong..? I wanted to call back but I was afraid he would be asleep by now since he has an early schedule tomorrow for the filming of running man. I sent him a text message to let him know that Im okay and that I was on the phone with a friend and also to wish him goodnight. I place my phone back onto the table as I let out a sigh as I lay in bed, tomorrow’s going to be a long day..


Haneul’s POV


I reached out of my blanket and looked for alarm clock with my hands. Why? Im not very good in the morning. I have trouble getting up and I hate getting up. I struggled to get up and wince as I found the alarm clock and slum my hand hard on it. it stopped ringing and I slowly got out of bed. I went to get a nice warm shower to start my day. After I got out I went to put on my uniform. I looked into the mirror and I adjusted my bow tie as I checked myself out in the mirror. I decided that I should tie my hair up as it would look more presentable.

After I was satisfied, u gave myself a pat on the shoulder, grabbing my bagpack and walked out of the room. I was welcome by the mixed frangance of the coffee and fresh made pancakes coming from the kitchen. I smiled as I thought that it was Rikku unnie who was making breakfast for me. I walked into the kitchen only to see Himchan making breakfast instead. He was cutting the apples into small little cube sizes and dice strawberries and place them on the top layer of the lunch box he made.  I was a little taken aback by this side of Himchan.

I knew he was a gentle person but this… Im just a little surprise. He turned around to bring the lunchboxes he made out when he noticed me standing there awkwardly. He beamed at me before wishing me a good morning and walked passed me to place the lunch boxes on the table. I nodded as I helped to set the table. I realized today there are only 4 sets of breakfast prepared. I was about to ask when Himchan answered my question.

‘Gukkie and Daehyunie together with Youngjae had to attend a filming for running man so they left early. Rikku had a last minute changed of schedule so she left as well. Have a seat, I’ll get you some coffee.’ he pulled out the chair for me like a true gentleman. I could not stop myself from blushing from that gesture. He beamed at me before he went over to get me some coffee.

I could hear Zelo and Jongup bickering from the main entrance. I smiled as I cannot help but laugh as Zelo shoved Jongup playfully. Jongup turned and pretended he was about to hit him. Zelo quickly ran up to Himchan when he entered with my coffee. Zelo hid behind Himchan and complained that Jongup pushed him. He gave Himchan his puppy eyes and Himchan fell for it straightaway and went over to Jongup to hit his head.

Jongup winced and Zelo made a face at him without Himchan looking.

Himchan came over to pat Zelo on the head before everyone sat down and had breakfast. I was feeling really nervous that I could not eat much. A lot was running through my mind, I was afraid if I would make any friends and if the people in my class are going to be mean to me. While the boys were eating their hearts out, I was playing with my fingers. I guess Himchan noticed my nervousness because he reached to grab my hands and I looked up at him. He gave me a gentle smile and assure me everything was going to be okay.


Uwa so many comments! well at least more than what i see usually thank you so much! :) <3

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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
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Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD