Chapter 39



Himchan's POV
(Just once) Look at me
(Only for you) I'll give you my heart
Do you really not see me
"mianhae…I can't accept your feelings..I like..yong guk oppa..even if he may not like me back.."those words kept replaying in my head. I grab the glass of soju and drank it down in one shot.I could feel the soju burning down my throat and pass my bruised heart. I left out a loud groan and drank down another shot. This is already my 5th bottle already. I have been sitting here in our practice room since I got back from the amusement park filled with disappointment. I thought I could have her,how stupid was I to think I could actually replace him? I asked her to the amusement park today to prove that I could be the one for her. She agreed to give me a chance.
I had everything planned out, every single detail and even prepared to sing a song for her but everything was ruined. I poured myself another shot and drank it down.I took out my phone with my shaky hands, I was a little drunk already after so many rounds of shots. Pictures of her flooded my phone, as I swipe to the next picture and the next one and the one after. My heart ache so badly and I really wish I was the reason that she was smiling brightly. 
Although, I liked her first but her heart chose yong gook. What was I lacking? what is it that yong guk has that I don't? I gave her my heart and even when I knew that she liked yong guk. I saw the way she looks at him, she could never take her eyes off him. Even if she don't know that she likes him,her heart was slowly beating towards him. I tried to stop it by making chances for myself. Whenever she and yong guk fought, I was always there first.I was always watching over her and helping her.I never asked for anything in return.
All I wanted was her love,I brought the bag for her and got myself one.I wanted it to be a couple for us but I was too afraid that I would scare her away if I used it too.So I kept it away but I guess I should had more courage.Now she will never really see me again.She will only see me as a oppa that takes good care of her that's all…that's all I will ever be.
I was the always second and yong guk would always be first.He was first to debut and helped made the group popular. He was always the perfect one,he was always praised for everything he did. I, who put in effort in everything I do have to be known as second in command. I don't want that, I was living in his shadows .I admit he is much more talented than I am but I was not lacking much behind. If I was more competitive, I could have been even better than he was. But I was too easy going and I let him take everything away from me. I may be always smiling on the outside and supported him when he needed it. But I know deep down inside, I was envious of him and hate the fact I was always a couple of steps too late in anything.
I could give him everything but why did he have to have haneul too? Can't I just have haneul? I don't need anything else, if I have haneul it feels like I could have the whole world. She gave me sense of direction in life and because of her I finally had something to work hard for and know I could be appreciated. I know that whatever I did for her, she appreciated it but that's not enough for me. I want more just her simple appreciation. I wanted her heart, soul and mind but I could never have it. She smiled for me first and my heart knew her first. But even so what? He still got the girl in the end…just how all those stupid fairytale endings that our parents used to read to us about.The prince charming always gets the princess and they lived happily ever after.
Sadly, for me there is no happy ending. I was never the prince charming from the beginning, I was just the guy that the princess found comfort in. I looked at my favorite picture of her sadly as I caress the screen like I would be caressing her in real life. I wished that the picture could come alive and let me live my fantasy for one last time before I could convince myself to face reality. I took one last shot of my soju as I press delete. I deleted the entire album containing her photos. How I wished that deleting her out of my mind was as easy as just pressing delete. It's impossible right? No matter how hard I try,my heart is always gonna know it's her. Maybe when I meet the right girl for me only then would she be able to leave my heart..?
Everything in life feels like it's going to be black and white.The colors in my life are gone together with my heart.I fell back onto the floor.I had my arm over my eyes as the tears that I held back came rolling down.Yes…I'm crying for her and I'm laughing at myself for being so stupid to believe that I could actually get her to see me..I'm really stupid.
"I'm letting you go…."
Haneul's POV
Here I am, in the arms of yongguk. We are lying side by side on the patch of empty grass field and grazing at the stars. He had his arms around me and a blanket over us to keep us warm. We did not have any exchange of words as we just graze at the stars quietly. Simply just enjoying each other's company. The cool night breeze blew against our skin and sent shiver down my spine. I leaned closer to yongguk and buried my face into his chest. He held me closer and kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and he stare down at me affectionately. I smiled at him as my fingers reached up to caress his features. He reached up and wrapped his warm bigger hands around my smaller ones. He rubbed his cheek against my hand. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes to cherish this moment. I still could not believe that I'm actually yongguk's girlfriend. I always though he hated me and was never his type.
"oppa…why me..?" I asked in harsh whispers and I was afraid of what his answer would be. He opened his eyes as he looked at me affectionately and caressing my cheek.
"Cause it has to be you.If it's not you then I don't know what love is."I looked at him wide eyed.Love..?How could he be so sure that he loves me..?I know that I LIKE him not LOVE least not now.
"how could you be so sure..?I'm not beautiful..and I'm not perfect like untie.I'm clumsy and I have a lot of flaws."
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and I'm the beholder. No one is flawless.Your imperfections are my perfections."he leaned down and kiss me. This kiss was different,it was gentle and it was like he was trying to express his feelings for me.Hoping I would be able to understand. He pulled me back as he stared down into my eyes with affection.I blushed and buried my head into his chest.He held me closer and wrapped the blanket tightly around our bodies. I have not felt so much love in a long time. I'm happy that I never gave up on him. I feel sorry towards himchan but my heart knew who it belongs to from the start.
I looked up the into the beautiful night sky. 'Omma and appa….are you watching from above? I have found unnie and we living together happily. She takes really good care of me and I have found someone who can love me whole hearted. You don't have to worry about unnie or me. Unnie has found the right person who gives her the love that people around envies. Even I envy her but now I don't have to cause I have him. Please watch over us and guide us along the way. I want to be with this person for as long as I can. Omma and appa I can't imagine not being beside this person for the rest of my life. So please watch over us. I felt yongguk's phone vibrating in his pocket. I gently shook him to get his attention. He opened his eyes and rub the sleep away. I pointed to his pocket hinting to him his phone was vibrating. He grinned at me sheepishly and reached into his pocket to get his phone.I watch how his eye brow frowned in confusion and he picked up the call.
"bwoh?"He shot up and he stared ahead wide eyed.I slowly sat up in confusion as I gently tap him on his shoulder asking what was wrong.He looked at me and mouthed"later".He hung up the call and stood up in a rush.He started folding the blanket in a hurry.I sat there confuse and just started packing up everything.
"Oppa..what's wrong..?"I asked hesitantly 
"Ha neul ah~we have to go back."after making sure he had gather everything he reached out to grab my hand.I refused."I won't go unless you tell me what is going on..oppa.."He sighed as he ruffed his hair.
"It's…it's daehyun and youngjae.They are fighting in the dorm and our manager is not around.Himchan is not home too.I have to go back to get things straighten out.Zelo and jongup can't hold them back for long." When I heard himchan was not home, I felt guilty about rejecting him.Will it cause more trouble..?I snapped out of my daze as yongguk pulled me up and dragged me out the grass field. I followed behind like a ragged doll.Sudden realization hit me. Where's unnie? She should know about this right?
"oppa! where's unnie? we should call her!" I used my free hand and reached into my jean's pocket to grab my phone. But I was stopped by him. He shook his head no "I'll explain later. Let's just hurry back." I nodded in confusion and followed him.
I could sense how nervous and anxious he was. He held onto the steeling wheel tightly and was he was speeding down the highway. He was sigh every 5 seconds and he would tap his fingers impatiently when we stopped at a red light. He was behaving differently. I was worried and scared. I held onto the strap of the seat belt nervously and looked over him once in awhile.
Just what is going on…?
When we got into the apartment, I saw zelo grabbing onto to youngjae holding him back from landing a punch on daehyun's face. Jongup was trying to hold daehyun back who was getting to go head to head with youngjae.The whole place was a mess, everything was all over the place. There was a broken chair and the fragments of the broken cups were all over the floor.I saw a few blood strains, looks like someone stepped on it. Youngjae had a broken lip and he had a really bad black eye and his hair was messed up.He looked very furious and he kept swearing at daehyun.Daehyun was not any better at all. He has a torn lips and a huge bruise on his left cheek.He too had a black eye. He was kicking in the air and asking youngjae to come at him. The guys were having a hard time holding them back.
Yongguk rushed towards them and stood between them.He was trying very hard to separate them.He kept yelling and screaming at them.The whole house was a mess,I was afraid and I stood rooted to the ground and watched helplessly.I was lost at what to do and I wanted help,I really do..I just don't know what to do.I watched as yongguk got caught in the crossfire and a punch landed across his face.
"Rikku loved you and you choose another girl?"when I heard that something in me broke and I rushed up to daehyun.I grab a lock full of his hair from behind and yanked his head backwards."You broke up with untie?!"I yelled and twisted his whole body to face me with his head. He stared at me in shock and I landed a tight slap across his face with the bad of my hand.
"Unnie loved you!How could you?!" I punched him square on his face and I think I broke his nose.Before I could land any attack at him,yongguk rushed up towards me and held me in his arms. I struggled to break free from him and attack daehyun.I watch as zelo and jongup stared at daehyun like he had just murder somebody. They slowly stepped away from daehyun,they finally understood why youngjae attacked daehyun.
"hyung is this true…?"Daehyun swipe the blood dripping down his nose harshly with the back of his hands."YEH! I broke up with her for someone else!So what?what's wrong? Can't I want my own happiness? Can't I be selfish for once?"when he said that zelo landed a punched right across his already bruised cheek. "Yes,rikku noona does not deserved to be treated like that."Daehyun chuckles as he leaned against the wall looking at us as he held onto his bruised cheek.
"Get out! I f you think you did nothing wrong get out.Come back when the rest have calmed down.Go!"he yanked daehyun by his arm and pushed him towards the door."You're just letting him go like this?After what he did to untie?"I yelled as I pointed to the door."Yes.Two of you clean this place before manger hyung comes back and try to reach himchan.Youngjae get yourself cleaned up.Haneul come with me."everyone followed his orders quietly and did not dare question him about anything.I followed behind yongguk quietly. My heart was beating angrily, knowing that the guy that my unnie trusted did that to her.Yongguk sat me down on the edge of his bed.He went to lock the door.I looked at him with questioning eyes.He avoided my stare and ruffled his hair.After a moment of silent of me starring at him and him avoiding my stare,he decide to talk.He let out a sigh before looking at me dejectedly.
"Haneul ah,I-"I cut him off.I was so angry that all these while he knew about it but he never told me anything.No one did!While my unnie was suffering to keep her smile,I was not aware of anything.
"You what?How could you keep something so important to me?!"
I storm up towards him and grab a fist of his shirt and yanked him towards the  door and pushed him out.
"Get out!I don't want to hear anymore lies!"
I had to hear this for myself!I have to hear unnie's side of the story.I have to know is unnie's okay.We have been separated for so long and now I'm not doing a very good job as a younger sister.I shakily fish out my phone from my pocket and press the speed dial 1.I was biting my thumb anxiously,waiting for unnie to pick up.I was so afraid that something happened.I paced around the room praying she would pick up.I wanted to dash out of the room to look for unnie but I don't know where to start.I'm not good at handling my emotions.Finally what seems like forever,she finally picked up her phone.I sighed in relief.
"Unnie!Where are you now?Are you okay?"I asked fanatically.
She let out a soft and weak giggle."Aigoo,Uri Haneul is worried for me?"
"Unnie!Where are you now?"Prepared to dash out the door.
"Haneul ah~Unnie is fine.Unnie is busy now,when you wake up tomorrow everything will be at it right places.I promise."With that she hung up the phone.
I opened the door to see yongguk standing there welcoming me with open arms.I rushed into his arms like my life depended on it.He held me tightly and safely in his arms.I wanted to apologize for the way I acted but I was too overwhelmed by all the happenings.
The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me abruptly.I groan and stirred away.I wanted to get more sleep.But the person kept shaking me.I got so angry I shot out of bed and yelled at the person.
"this better be important!"
"Haneul..rikku is on TV.I think you need to see this."before I could react he yanked me out of bed towards the living room.Where everyone gathered.They were watching the morning but what got me awake was unnie's on TV!I yanked the TV control out of zelo's hands and turned the volume up.She was sitting in front of a class of reporters.Cameras flashing and everyone anxiously wanting to know what she had to say.She was dressed differently.She was suit up perfectly like a professional business woman.She did not look nervous at all.She smiled brightly in front of the camera.
"Annyeonghaseyo.I'm Fujiyaka Rikku the Heiress of Fujiyaka global."she smiled as everyone gasped and start flashing more pictures of her.One of the reporter raised his hand.She nodded gently at him allowing him to ask a question.
"Why are you showing your face only now?All these while,Fujiyaka Global has never shown how their heiress looks like."
"Well,that's cause I like keeping a low profile.There are things that I'm not willing to sacrifice if I made my identity known."she answered his question honestly with a bitter smile.She must have remembered all those times she shared with daehyun.
"I'm here today to announce that Fujiyaka Global has another heiress.I have found my little sister."she gave the media a while to digest the news before they fired their questions.The members and I gasped as we realized that I'm going to be introduce to the media.What is she up to?What is going on?
"I urged the media to not approach her.she's not very good at handing such situations.She is rather shy so please do not scare her."even though,unnie broke up with daehyun and all.She still place my well being first.
"My sister grew up here in korea with her mom.Yes,we share the same father but different mother.Her mother is the first wife of Kim corporations.Yes,my sister is Kim Haneul.The poor girl who was framed by her own family.The poor girl who the public and media misunderstood because of what that heartless old man and his family said."everyone gasped when she curse him. I giggle at the expression she made when she cursed him. Unnie never fails to brighten the mood.
"Yes!I don't respect people who hurt others.I'm also here to announce that she is the rightful owner of Kim coraprations.The folder that my workers are handing out contains the infomation and edvinences that he hid her mother's real will who was then the rightful owner of Kim corporations. He made her new on and made himself the CEO. She left 20billion in her account for her future education but he withdrew the money without having to get Haneul's consent since she was underage.He took everything away from Haneul and called her a thief. Fellow reporters present today,your job is to write about the injustice people face.So please give Haneul her confidence back. She don't deserved to be labelled as the bad person after all she has been through.I have taken legal action against Kim coraprations's CEO.Everything that they own now shall all be in Haneul's name.Haneul would take over the company when she turns 21.In the meantime,I'll be taking care of her company for her.That will be all for today's press conference."With that she stood up to leave the room and ignored whatever question the reporters threw at her.
I'm..I'm now the heiress to Kim corporations..? What am I going to do..?
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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
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Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD