Chapter 3


Haneul’s POV

Haneul sshi, would you like to hear a story..?’ he asked me. I nodded me head in respond.

‘Once upon a time, there was a guy who hated talking to people and was always misunderstood by his peers for being proud. In his world, there was only music. He could play the piano and could even compose a couple of songs. Cause of that his male classmates were envious of him as the girls in the level were head over heels in love in him.

They would always bully him by throwing his books away or locking him in the toilet. He never fought back or said anything to anyone. He was always alone. Till one day, she came along. She was outgoing and easy going, the girls in the class got along with her and the guys in class like her.

She was the class president and led the class to winning a lot of awards. When the guys in the class bullied him, she would stand up for him and fight for him. Although, she was always getting the cold shoulder and was always ignored by him, she never gave up. She would always follow him around and talking to him even if he ignored her.

Finally, the ice broke. When she was in trouble with another school’s queenka he came to her rescue. *Pats my head* so you don’t have to worry about Rikku, she stronger than she looks.’ The doe-like eyes guy said.

‘Yah!.. You should not be talking about people behind their backs.’ We turned to see the guy who hugged Rikku earlier. ‘Daehyun ah~ Are you blushing..?’ he backed away slowly while placing his palm over his mouth and hiding his face. Soon, the group came together and started teasing him. Im kinda envious of their friendship.. I never had friends like that. I never knew what its like to have friends and what fun felt like. Their smile were so pure and filled with happiness. I cant remember the last time I smiled..

‘Yah!’ the door burst open and there stood Rikku with Yiseul. She had Yiseul in a head lock. My jaws dropped all the way to the floor. ‘Yah~ Where’s Yongguk..?’ she said in between pants. ‘I will call him now..’ One of the members scammed to get his phone. ‘Yah! Stop moving or I will pull your hair out!!’

‘I would listen if I were you.’ Daehyun walked towards Rikku and used his sleeve to wipe the sweat on her forehead. ‘Do you know who I am?!’ Yiseul screamed as she tried to struggle free from Rikku’s grips. 

‘No.’ Everyone answered at the same time. ‘AHH~ Im going crazy here!!’

Lets just say, Yi seul apologized to me in public after Rikku sshi flipped her on the floor twice. I knew it was not a good idea..Do you think she would let me off so easily? I decided not to go home.. I’ll just sleep in the park like the last time..

‘Ne~ Haneul ah~ If you ever need my help please call me! Here’s my name card. Take care~’ I still cant forget her face when she pass her card to me. I looked at the card I was holding. Fujiyaka Rikku Stylist/ Fashion Coordinator (Contact number) Should I call…?

In the end I decided not to. I went to the nearest convenience store to grab some dinner. I was grabbing things I wanted to eat and it was a lot. Cant blame me right…? I had a long day. I was about to pay when I looked up and saw the amount I had to pay. My jaws once again dropped down to the floor.

‘Excuse me, would you kindly pay? You’re holding up the line.’ He sounded irritated. ‘….excuse…’

‘Yah! I’ll pay for hers and mine. This should be enough.’ The mystery man took his drink and left. I hurried after him after grabbing all my stuffs.

‘Excuse me! Excuse me!’ I kept calling out to him but he never turned back. He was walking towards the park. I managed to catch up with him and pulled his hood down. ‘Excuse-’

‘Yah! Why do you always get others into trouble? Stop following me! Lucky its dark here’

‘Eh! You’re the meanie from rice (BAP)!’

‘Bwoh? Yah! I just saved your back there. Yah~ its not rice (BAP), its B.A.P! Get it right~’

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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
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Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD