Haru Haru


[ Jiyong's POV ]
I let out a frustrated scowl for the nth time before pulling myself out of TOP's car. Arghh!! I hate this! I hate this!! Again I hate this! So here we are in front of one of our favorite clubs in the past, Noise Basement or NB. I felt like I haven't seen it in ages, nah I haven't seen it since Dara came to my, err, our lives. But in the moment like this I wish not to see this establishment that witness us waste ourselves, enjoy ourselves and sink ourselves in the darkness together with es, alcohol and cigarettes. 
' Woah! This is exciting, ' Dara happily chirped clamping her hands together after stepping down at the car. I rolled my eyes and let out another frustrated sigh as I saw my oh so fragile innocent girlfriend stare at hell with amazement in her brown orbs. Gah! I can't believe we're really taking her in a club, if only she didn't shed a tear because of it we will never ever take her here. It feels like we're about to lead a lamb inside the lions' den. I saw the other members run their palms into their faces and I can totally feel how worried they are. Hello? I'm worried 10 million times here. 
I shift my eyes to my girlfriend once more, awww, isn't she the most beautiful, cute and adorable creature on planet Earth. Her hair was tied up with long full bangs that she just cut, she's wearing a pink coat pairing it with a black skinny jeans and white high cut sneakers. She's such a beauty, and she look like we're just about to enter to an amusement park.  Geez, this girl really. I just shook my head with light chuckles. 
But with her wearing skinny I can't help but notice how thin she is as if she's not eating anything. I kinda became worried about it, is that even normal. Well duh as if I'm not skinny. I admit I'm a bit skinnier than other girls but then I can assure you I'm healthier than a bull. 
We stole glances from each other telepathically saying what we're doing is just so wrong in so many ways we don't even know where the hell to start. ' Guys come on let's go now! ' Dara cheerfully exclaimed. ' Dara, club's don't allow highschoolers inside, ' Youngbae said trying to change her mind. Way the go Bae! Dara pouted and look at us sadly. Gah! Who would be able to resist that adorable being in pink? Who would? Tell me.
' But you all was able to go inside a club, baby boy let's go inside, ' she said in gentle voice as she cling her arms on me. Kill me now, before I can't resist her. ' Dara, just understand that a club is not for a girl like you, ' I said trying to back up Youngbae, and trying to convince her again. She frowned. ' I will be fine besides you're all there to protect me right? ' she pulled her most beautiful smile that we just melted and nodded upon swallowing the lump in our throat. Why can't we resist her? This is so unfair. 
' Long time no see GD, ' the club bouncer greeted me as he saluted. ' I can't hardly recognize you, you changed... drastically, ' the club owner who was puffing out smokes chuckled as she saw us. She look exactly like before, chubby wearing a red lipstick, thick makeup, fancy clothes and holding a cigarette but now you can see her age in her face through her wrinkles. 
I can't help but wonder if ever we didn't met Dara would we be like her, someone who grew old in that kind of life, in that club of her? Are we going to grow old having nothing but a useless lives. I slightly shook my head, it doesn't matter now, especially we have Dara now.
 I just look at the club owner, thanking her secretly inside. She has treated us as her own sons and she also has the habit of staying outside of the club monitoring at the people entering her club, probably looking for a mate, haha. ' She's probably the reason, ' she breathed as she stared at Dara's face which shows nothing but confusions as she glance at me.
 ' She's the club owner, ' I answered flatly as her face brightened, she quickly bowed down at her earning her a laugh from the owner. ' This is the first time someone bowed down to me, ' she chuckled as she shift her gaze not only to me but also to the boys. ' I'm glad, you all found something to protect, ' she smiled heartly as if we were her sons that are now all grown up and ready to face the world. Geez, this old hag never changed she's still dramatic. 
But then we all can't help not to smile and we even bowed down at her which took her by surprise. I can actually see her tears in the corner of her eyes. ' You all change indeed, ' she said with a hoarse voice but still her happiness is there, we can feel her happiness as she turned around and gestured we should just all enter the club and we just comply to her.
[ Dara's POV ] 
Wow, I didn't know that club would be this fun. There are glimmering lights of different colors and there's loud music everywhere and I didn't know that clubs are this popular, there's so many people. Everyone's enjoying, their dancing, drinking and laughing. I was so amazed in every little thing that my eyes are landing on. And because of that I bumped into someone, I almost fell goodthing, Jiyong was able to wrapped his arm around me. ' Watch where you're going punk, ' he said darkly. ' I'm okay, ' I smiled at him pulling him back to reality. He just heaved another sigh. 
' GD!! ' a loud voice called him as we all turned around to see who called him. My smile quickly fell as my forehead creased. It was a girl, and not just any girl it was a y girl. She's beautiful, y wearing such revealing dress that almost expose not just her but also her bust. While me, I look like an elemtary student. I tightened my hold on Jiyong's arm and I can see his enjoying whatever I'm feeling right now. 
' Long time no see, Hyuna, ' he greeted her back with a smug smile. I flipped my head to him with eyes turning into slits. He let out a small chuckle together with the boys who received my death glares. But then they just chuckled more.
What's wrong with them? I'm GLARING at them, GLARING!
' Seung Ri go ahead to the VIP room, I'll catch up, ' Jiyong turned to Seung Ri with a suppressed smile. I shoot another glare at him but he just smile boyishly while shrugging. The boys laughed. ' Jiyong, you're teasing her, ' Daesung laughed. Yes, they're making fun of me. ' I'm not, I just need to talk to Hyuna, don't worry I'll be the one to order our drinks, ' Jiyong replied innocently while giving me a child-like smile. ' Talk about what? ' I finally breathed out while my brow raised. 
They all throw another laughing spree. I just rolled my eyes. Jiyong quickly gave me a small peck in my lips. ' Babe, stop this jealousy. TOP will be with me, ' Jiyong said with soft chuckle as Tabi nodded. ' Let's just go, they'll be back soon you won't even notice that they're gone, ' Youngbae grinned. ' Let's go, ' Seung Ri laughed as he pulled me. All I can do is follow them while my eyes still not leaving my boyfriend who's up to talk to a gorgeous lady. 
I heaved a sigh, my attention darted on my vibrating phone. I quickly pull my phone from my pocket and pressed it on my ear. ' I love you, ' a voice came from the other line. My blood rushed in my cheeks as I quickly turned around only to see him with his phone pressing on his ear and with a sweet smile plastered on his face. The club's full of people but it feels like we're the only on there. The music is booming but all I can hear is his gentle voice and the loud thumpings of my heart. My heart is fluttering, it's wonderful, overwhelming and scary at the same time. It's scary how in just words he can seem to make my world go round, he can hold my everything. 
' I love you more, ' I answered with a smile as I quickly pressed the end button and turned around to follow the other. I feel silly that I actually get jealous over a thing that doesn't have any assurance. ' Feeling better? ' Youngbae asked with a smug smile. ' Better than better, ' I giggled earning equal chuckles and teasing from them. 
[ TOP's POV ]
' So what's with the talk? ' I whispered to Jiyong as we make our way to the crowd. ' I just need to clear things with the es I hooked up with before, ' he answered in a serious tone. Well, I will not stop him. It's a good decision you know, well unless he wanted some trouble especially when Dara found about his escaped with them before. 
In minutes we finally reached the bar where I quickly took a seat and order drinks to be delivered in our table. I also ordered some drink for me and Jiyong. I rolled my eyes as I saw Hyuna quickly threw herself to Jiyong. If he's the old GD probably their already on the dance floor ing each other. 
Jiyong gently removed her arms and pushed her away. ' I'm sorry, I'm not here for that, ' Jiyong said with a timid smile. Which made Hyuna gasped and bombared Jiyong question while having teary eyes. Actually I'm not listening to them, I'm paying attetion to the cocktail i'm drinking but Hyuna is just being loud here. She's asking what's wrong, she's saying she missed him, that they should try again. Seriously which part of 'I never had feelings for you, let's never see each other again' is hard to understand.
I know, I know Jiyong is being heartless here but this is the only way he can think to straightened out the things he did before. 
After almost half hour of convincing and comforting Hyuna and some of his other es we were finally able to stand up and leave. ' Gah! Women are such pain, ' GD bitterly spat. I just chuckled at him. ' It's partially your fault too, ' I shrugged. ' It's not my fault if I have a tempting body, ' GD smirked arrogantly making me almost spat the peanuts I'm chewing at his face. ' Man, you're disgusting, ' I breathed. He just laughed as he made his way to the crowd. I just shook my head and was about to follow him only to see a familiar figure entering the club. 
My eyes widen. Holy ! It's Chaerin! What is she doing here? Okay I need to calm down. Lee Chaerin or known to us as CL is GD's ex girlfriend. So what's wrong with that, since Hyuna and ten other girls were also his ex girlfriends? CL is a bit different, let's just say that he slightly had a serious relationship with her. They were really into each other and act like an inlove highschool couple. We even thought that they will marry each other and have a happy ending together only to woke up one day with her leaving without any reason. 
I thought GD was inlove with her, I thought he was smitten away. But seeing him with Dara now makes me think that what he had with CL is just a serious fling and never a relationship. Jiyong didn't even shed a tear when she left though he can feel some pain. He never changed and turned childish unlike now. 
' TOP what's the matter bro, let's go they're waiting, ' Jiyong called out stealing me away from my own thoughts. ' Bro, she's back, ' I answered pointing at the direction where CL was standing and seems like looking for someone. Jiyong wasn't able to move at first he was just staring at her. Then he let out a small chuckle. ' What do you expect me to come running to her, just because I finally saw her after years? ' he asked in a mocking tone. ' What I had with her is some serious flinging not a serious relationship, ' he added with a smile. 
I scowled as I roll my eyes. ' Bro, you know CL right and I bet she would never like when she find out about Dara, ' I breathed as I can feel shivers run down my spine. ' Just go ahead, I'll distract her a bit, ' I added as I gesture my hand shooing him away. ' Thanks bro, I owe you one, ' he smiled as he walked to our place. I just nodded as I turned my heel walking straiht to where CL is. 
I do hope she's here to invite us in her wedding. Gahd.
[ Jiyong's POV ]
I'd be lying if I say that her return didn't have any affect on me. I haven't seen her in years for crying outloud. I was shaken a bit, but no worries it's nothing more than that. Honestly I've been thinking what I would feel when I see her again will it feel the same? Like before? But just thinking about Dara, I finally was able to understand the diference between what I feel for her and Dara. 
I can still remember the day we met, she was the only woman who was able to catch my attention before. I chuckle remembering how I met her she was trashing a whole club, after seeing her boyfriend cheat on her. You should have seen the guy he was all beaten up. And that was the reason which made her unique. 
We shared a year of romance, but is it really a romance? I never felt anything like what I felt when I'm with Dara. I can't even say I love you to her. It will be wise to say that I grew attached with her. And yes, I felt pain when she left. But I thought I was inlove, I thought I would breakdown. But all I did that night was stare at the sky, heave a sigh and even wish her goodluck. 
I'm happy to see her. I'm happy to know she's safe. 
I just shook my head as I climbed the steel stairs heading to one of the VIP room where they were probably waiting. I quickly open the door only to be welcomed by laughing and drinking, Youngbae, Daesung  and Seung Ri. They probably missed the club thing. They were all happy but why do I feel like something's off here. 
I grabbed a bottle of beer and plopped myself beside Seung Ri. ' I knida missed this, ' I said with a chuckle before chugging down the beer. ' Yah we all kinda miss this too, ' Seung Ri agreed enthusiastically. I just grinned. It was all because of Dar---
' Where's Dara?! ' I asked as I slammed my bottle on the table snatching all their attetion. They began roaming their eyes all over the room. Their face fell in horror upon seeing what I was talking about. They stole worried glances at each other while I gritted my teeth in annoyance. ' WHERE. THE. HELL. IS. DARA. ' I scowled upon losing all my patience making them flinch. In just 3 seconds they all stood up rushing out of the room while shouting 'We're gonna look for her!' 
Arghhh!! Now where the hell is that girl!
[ Dara's POV ]
I was walking with eyes roaming all over the place looking for the comfort room. I was originally planning to aks Seung Ri to where the comfort room is, but then they were really excited and all happy so I decided to just find it own my own. The club really is a happy place, and I still find it amusing. 
Finally after few walks and few minutes of searching I found the comfort room. When I was about to enter the cr, I saw a boy and girl kissing all out. I was taken aback at first, geez don't they know that they should do something like that in a private place. Aigooo, I guess I expected clubs to be exactly what it is on tv. I just slowly slid my wy to the cr while trying to cover my eyes and not to look at whatever they're doing. 
After awhile I was about to return to our place when a guy suddenly bumped to me. ' I'm sorry, ' I said while bowing down earning a chuckle from him. ' Hey pretty girl, ' he said with a smile I can smell something weird in his breath probably its the alcohol he's been drinking. It's smells like the bottles that the boys opened. ' Hello, ' I politely greeted him earning another chuckle from him. He looked at me form head to toe with a smug smile. 
' You're interesting, and because of that let me treat you a drink, is it okay with you? ' he asked with a smile. Wow, they're are nice people here. I can't believe it. I nodded with a smile. ' Are you sure? ' I asked as he nodded in confirmation. ' But I heard drinks here son't tastes good, ' I said while slightly pouting. He just let a hearty laugh as he hanged his arm on my shoulder. ' No they don't taste bad, they're the best drink, little girl, ' he said laughing. ' Yah! I'm not a little girl, ' I said grinning.' Arasso, arasso let's just go to the bar now, ' he chuckled as he lead me to the bar that he's talking about.
------------------- :}
H E L L O!
I'm sorry for the super late update and sorry cause this was supposed to have 3 chappies update but seems like I can't pull that for now, sorry again. Please bear with me I'll see what I can do who knows tomorrow this might be updated again please bear with me
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Keep the inspiration coming I'll keep the chapters coming haha 
Love, love and love
Mbie07's out peace! 
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Chapter 11: *whispers* i'm soft for tabisan fr
Dara23 #2
Authornim i hope you’ll update this too it’s a really great story
Chapter 24: Authornim when will you update???I'm sorry for being persistent but I really love your story!it's really jjang...I would really feel sad if this story would not be continue....please update when you have time...but please don't forget this story!kamsamida!
Dara23 #4
Chapter 24: Hey hey update plssss next next next plsss plsss
Chapter 19: I really love this story...your style and imagination is great authornim...
Fluffysan #6
Chapter 17: Awww... Jealous Ji... So cute...
wani_oneni #7
Chapter 24: when are you gonna update this story? i can't wait for the next chapter.. hope you'll update it soon. thank you :) nice story btw
Chapter 24: Ohh you've been found little chaerin!! Aigoo update soon!~ :D
Yadz10 #9
Chapter 24: Please update soon authornim! :D
Yadz10 #10
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaah!!!! Cute cute cuuuuute!