Now Is The Truth

My Immortal-Completed
The glass crashed to the floor as it made a large crashing sound.Jiro stared at his Uncle and Selina as they were locked in embrace.Selina seems to woke up as she looked at him,and was quite surprised at the position that she was in.Dadong likewise was surprised at the change in Selina.There was no loving gaze in her eyes but that of a fear and and the state of being lost.Looking at her,he realized that she is not his Nana but physical resemblance was so close,like Nana in her youth days.

"What is going on here?" Jiro asked."Did anything happened?" with a frown on his forehead.

Dadong was lost for words."I might have confused this young lady for someone else.It must be the medication." as he quickly recovered."I am so sorry." as he looked back at her face.

Selina tried to smile but she was afraid.She does not know what happen to her.She just fond herself in his arms and her eyes in tears.

"Oh,Uncle,this is Selina,my friend,Selina as you know my Uncle Dadong." Jiro said in introduction."She was here the other night with me but you were sedated at that time."

"Oh,thank you for coming over and I am so sorry." Dadong said as he smiled at her.

Selina was able to smile this time.The medication must have made him confused,she told herself."It is alright." she said.But one thing that still bothered her is that why she was in his arms and why did she willingly embraced him back and let her kissed her.

"I will be going back to the office,I have to check on something,will you be coming with me Selina?" Jiro asked.He does not want to leave Selina with his Uncle anymore.He might be his Uncle and all but to see Selina in the arms of another man bothered him a lot.He does not want to have his Uncle to have another chance with her and the truth is his Uncle is still a very attractive man considering his age.

"Yes,I am coming with you." Selina said."Goodbye for now.I hope you are feeling better soon."

Dadong just smiled and looked at his nephew.He seems to be very protective of the girl,Selina,tha same name as his Nana and the resemblance is so close and quite scary,as if his Nana have come back.

The Lady stared at Dadong as she stood by his side.there was a smile on her face,Dadong still loves her after all this time and she have felt his arms and his love and yes he have felt her love too.

Chun went to the hospital leaving Charlene behind.he have to do it by himself.He sneaked out when Charlene was resting and taking a nap.It is better this is just gonna be him and his brother.

Chun walked slowly to the room where Dadong was staying.As he took a peek at his brother,he was sitting on the lounge chair by the bedside.There was nobody with him.he have a magazine on his lap as he was flipping to the pages.he took a deep breath as he walked in.

Dadong was so surprised to see his brother in flesh in front of him.He must be worried about him.Expect chun to be always a Mother Hen to him,a;ways watching over his welfare ,all throughout this year.He smiled at the sight of him.

"Hey,bro,I didn't know you were here.Jiro did not tell me." Dadong said.

"How are you feeling?" Chun asked as he looked at him with affection and put his hand on her shoulder.

"A lot better now.I should be able to go home soon." Dadong said."I hope you did not come home at my expense?"

Chun smiled."For you and someone else ,for Jiro." he answered.

"Why is he in trouble or something?is there going on in the office that I don't know?" Dadong asked in concern.

"No,it is not about the business,it is something between you and Jiro.I have to tell you the truth.Before I tell you the whole story,I just want you to know that I did all of this to protect you and most of all Jiro." Chun said as he looked at his brother's eyes.His own eyes filled with both pity and guilt for hiding the truth from his brother.

Chun told Dadong ,how their parents went behind their back to make a deal.That Nana have no knowledge of what transpired between her parents and their parents.He also told him how Nana came to his office to ask him to deliver a letter to him,but their Dad found it out and how he tore to pieces her letter.

Chun looked at his brother in tears as he recounted everything to him.Jiro moaned in anguish in between,his heart went out with his beloved Nana.her suffering and her pain thinking that he have given up on her.But Dadong was not ready for the last part,that Selina have bore him a son and he was not even by her side through it all.He wept in tears when he learned how Nana died from complications from childbirth.He knew that Nana died already for he came back for her looking for her when he came back from America but he does not have any idea of how and when.His beloved Nana have to suffer in humiliation and in shame for bearing their son.Ans all this time ,he never knew about it.

Both brother cried and wept for each other."Where is my son Chun?I want to see my son.Does he ever knew he have a father?" Dadong asked.

"Dadong,you don't have to worry,he was brought up quite well." Chun said."Jiro is your son.Mom and Dad brought him to us after Nana died."

" my son,and you never told me about this.Why Chun? Why did you deny me of my son?" as Jiro cried"All this time and nothing about Nana and nothing about my son."

"I am so sorry.I don't know what to do.I just did what I thought what was the best at that time.If he grew up with me,with us,he will have a secure happy home and a set of parents that will love him." Chun said."Me and Charlene loved Jiro as our own,as our first born,you should know that,you have seen that."

"But he is not your son Chun,he is my son,and you deny us of whatever possible relationship that could have grown."Dadong said.

"Jiro loves you,he loves you Dadong." Chun said,

"But not as a son loves his father,not as a son,he loves me as an Uncle and it is not the same." Dadong said as he banged the table in frustration and cried some more.

"Tell me how would I make up for the lost time with my son? I am old now and quite sick.I was not even there for him when he needed a father." Dadong said."Now he is a grown man and he doesn't need me anymore."

"he will still needs you.he will need your love ,once he finds out the truth." Chun said.

"He still doesn't know any of this?" Dadong asked.

Chun nodded his head."I never told him yet.And it will break my heart to tell him all of this." Chun said. Just then Charlene came rushing on the room,and she saw them together,and she knew that Chun have already Dadong about the truth as tears came,as she walked towards her husband,and Chun put her arms around her to comfort her.Dadong was unaware,he was too broken to feel anything anymore.He does not know whether he will ever heal and will ever be complete again.Tears won't be enough this time......

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
wow good fic !!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
tears..tears..and more tears :( what a touching story, i'm just thankful that im in the comfort of my room while reading this story or else it will be a shame! and the title -- a song's title that gave me chill in my spine and goosebumps even before. the ending still made me cry--but this time it's tears of joy :) it's still a happy ending after all :) another story worth reading!