Knowing The Truth

My Immortal-Completed
The trip to Taipei was uneventful.It was long and tiring but the flight was smooth with a fair weather all over.Chun has been silent all throughout the trip.He dreaded the time that is coming.He knew that he will be hurting his brother and it will reopen old wounds,but did it really healed?He knew that unless he told Dadong the truth,then all of them will be living in a lie.Will his brother ever forgive him? Will dadong ever forgive their parents for coming in between him and Nana?

So many questions in his head coming up.What about Jiro,he have loved him like a true son,like his first born,would he hate him and Charlene for not telling the truth before.Will he ever believe that he and Charlene did all of this to protect him and to spare him from all the pains of growing up without a parents?Would Dadong be a real parent to him,if ever he told the truth earlier?One can never know now for sure.Headache came and the pain seems irrelevant now but the two people that he loves and that is his brother Dadong and his son Jiro.

Charlene sense the turmoil inside of him,as she put her hands on the shoulder.Chun looked at her,and can see the anguish in her eyes.He helds her hands,they should be in this together,and he was so lucky to have Charlene on his side all through out this years.He was lucky to love her and be her husband indeed.

The driver picked them up in the airport,and brought them to the house.The house looked different now from the last time he saw it.It has the sad feeling inside,like the pain that was inflicted was still there.Maybe the sadness that Dadong felt have reflected in the house.

He went inside and saw the portrait of his parents looking down on her.Somehow today those pictures seems to be talking to him and begging him,for what he does not know.He have never called Jiro that they were coming,he will know it later,and how he hated of what will be his reaction when he finds out the truth.

The Lady saw Jiro when he came back from the hospital and decided to go with him to the office.She feels like she have to go with him for today.She can't understand the anxiety within herself,like some bad things is going to happen to him,she just needs to be there to protect him when that times comes.

Jiro decided to stop by the hospital to bring some clothes for his Uncle and he is going to drop by later to pick him up when he is ready to be discharge from the hospital.Selina called asking about his Uncle,and said about dropping by later to see him.

The lady saw the hospital and was so curious who is inside and what is going on.She needs to confirm her thoughts.It is daytime and less lost souls roam during daytime.In fact the hospital was awfully quiet today.She saw Jiro went to a room but have to leave to talk to somebody that looks like a doctor.

Tha Lady went to peep into the room and her whole world stop spinning when she saw who was on the hospital is her beloved Dadong.She stared at him,sleeping ,he looks older but the face that she loves dearly is still the same.Tears came as a sound of anguish and weeping followed.She went to touch him and she knew that he won't be able to feel her touch.She have waited for this ,to touch him and be with him.

Jiro woke up from the sound and he found nobody with him inside the room.He just took medication early on for pain.He tried to go back to sleep and to go back in his dream with Nana.

The door opens and Selina walked slowly inside.Jiro's Uncle sleep quietly as she went near his bed.And suddenly her head went woozy,and Selina was put aside as the Lady went to Selina's body.

Dadong opened his eyes and saw Nana by his side.The love in her eyes,cannot be mistaken it is his beloved Nana staring down at him.Tears came to his eyes as he d her hands and hold on to it tight.

"Nana,you came back for me." as he stared at Selina's face.he saw the tears in her eyes too,as he tried to wipe it away."I miss you and I still love you after all this years.You will always be the only one for me."

"I love you too Dadong.I have been waiting for you to come back for me.I have been waiting and looking for you." Selina said.And they hugged each other with much love for each other.

Jiro went back to the room to check on his Uncle before going back to the office and he was so surprised of what he saw.....Selina and his Uncle Dadong in each other arms as he back down and hit a glass as it fell on the floor and crashed making a huge vibrating the spell broke and Selina was able to break free from the Lady's spirit and was quite surprised to see Jiro's Uncle hugging and kissing her face....with much passion.... and as she looked back for the sound,Jiro stood there in shock....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
wow good fic !!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5
tears..tears..and more tears :( what a touching story, i'm just thankful that im in the comfort of my room while reading this story or else it will be a shame! and the title -- a song's title that gave me chill in my spine and goosebumps even before. the ending still made me cry--but this time it's tears of joy :) it's still a happy ending after all :) another story worth reading!