Chapter 7

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
The days that followed came too quickly for both Jiro and Hebe.Jiro still continue to pursue and woo Hebe and to make her say yes.And Hebe stood up on her ground that it is still too early to tell.But deep in Hebe's heart,she knew that she have helplessly fallen in love to this dashing young man and have totally conquered her heart.

A week to go and it is almost examination time for Hebe.Jiro did not bug her as much,and lessen his call to her so she can concentrate on her study.But his call has been her inspiration and distraction at the same time.He did not pressure her as much as before.They met again once in the house to visit and this time there less family member around and more private time together.

Finally the dreaded exam is over and Hebe can take a deep breathe.Jiro invited her out as sort of celebration for all her hard work.They met in the mall and they went out to a restaurant and eat and after that they went for a walk in the park.

"So finally you can concentrate on me from now on."Jiro said."No more exams to worry about."

Hebe smiled at him"And why do I have to concentrate on you? You are not even sick?"

"Yes I am ,I am so love sick for you."Jiro said.

"You are so corny that it is not even funny."Hebe said."I thought you are doing great not pressuring me this last few days."

"I was just trying my luck,who knows today might be the day." Jiro said."Seriously now,I really love you Hebe,Do you love me too?"

"Uhum."Hebe said as she laughed and nod her head.

"Really,you love me too?"Jiro asked in confirmation.

Hebe smiled again and nodded her head.Jiro let out a whoop so loud that people start looking at them.He was so happy.You can see the excitement in his face.

"I want to hear you say it."Jiro said "Not just uhum and nod I want you to say that you love me too."

"Do I need to say say that?"Hebe asked now the coloring on her cheeks turned from pink to red.

"Yes,I want to hear it from you,to make sure that I am not imagining things or misinterpreted what you are saying ,so there will be no confusion in the end."Jiro said.

"But I am...too embarrassed."Hebe said."Just let it be."

"No,I want you to say it.I have been waiting for this moment and I want to hear the whole words."Jiro insisted.

Hebe took a deep breathe"Alright,I love you too Jiro."Hebe said turning red once more."Happy now."

"More than happy"Jiro said"You just don't know how you made me happy." as he hold her hands.

"But can I ask you something,can we keep it a secret."Hebe said."I don't want my parents to know."

"But why keep it a secret?Does it mean I can't even tell my pet dog about this?"Jiro asked.

Hebe laughed."No,not a soul"she said.

"But I want to tell my family about you and my friends."Jiro said."I don't think I agree with this."

"Jiro please my parents will not understand"Hebe said."They are from old school,they think I should wait."

"Alright,I guess I should be happy,but I want everybody to know that I got the prettiest and the iest girlfriend in the whole wide world."Jiro said.

Hebe laughed."You are do dorky,and for your age it does not seat well."

As they walked hand in hand together....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!