Chapter 21

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
The traffic was horrendous for a Saturday morning.People should be staying in their house,instead of going out,Jiro thought as he drummed his finger on the steering wheel while waiting for the traffic to ease up.It took him a while before he found the right church.He almost ran to the altar,knowing they will be waiting for him.

As he walked hurriedly to the altar,he checked on their faces,and then a face from the past,a face that have been haunting him,was there as she looked at him and then looked down,when she realized it was him.Ron never told me she is going to be here,Jiro thought.He never gave me any warning,I am not ready for this,I am not ready to face her,as panic rose to his throat.He took a deep breathe so as to fill his lungs with the much needed air.He closed his eyes for a second,trying to gather all his strength.I can make this, just this once,I can make it,and then I don't even have to see her ever again,as he forced a smile to them,but she never looked at him at all.

Hebe does not even know,how the ceremony started and ended,she was just too aware of him being there,so close and so far away.And finally it ended as they took pictures with the baby and Lisa and the whole group.They laughed,and teased,but neither one acknowledging each others presence until they are finished.

On the way to the reception as Hebe waited for Ella by the entrance and she did not know,that Jiro was behind her.

"You need a ride?"Jiro asked as she turned to look at him.

"No thank you,I am waiting for Ella."Hebe said.

"Suit yourself."Jiro said,and left her without looking back.Hebe can only looked at his back,just as Ella came.She looked at him and then looked at her,but did not say anything.

On the reception they have their own private dining room,with is just a big table,for they are not more than 30 people.Jiro was there before Ella and Hebe arrived and most of everybody.And the only available chairs was the one beside Jiro.They have no choice but to take the seat beside him.But she let Ella sit between them.He only looked at them,no smile and no word spoken,like they never knew each other before.

There were stories being told from each of them ,random topics,random thoughts being said,until the topic point to Hebe,as everybody looked at her,except him, who acted busy working on his cell phone,like she does not matter at all.

"So Hebe,when are you going back to States?"Lisa asked.

"In two weeks time."Hebe answered."I am just here for a vacation."

"I thought you doctor friend is coming over,where is he?"Lisa asking her again giving her a grin."And do you have to go somewhere after this.?"

"He should be here soon."Hebe said,trying to avoid Jiro's eyes on her."yes,we are going to visit his family."

"Uhmm sounds so serious,he even came here just to be with you."Ella teasing."So Hebe just let us know when is the big thing."

Hebe did not say a word.When she tried to looked at him he was fiddling with his phone like he was not paying any attention at all.

"So Jiro when are you getting married,I heard it is coming?"
Ron asked."You are not going to let Helene wait forever,are you?"

Jiro just smile and said."Maybe soon,I let you know."he said.His eyes are sharp as he looked at her.Hebe looked away.Just then Calvin came with a big smile as Hebe walked towards him.

"Oh,good you're finally here."Hebe said."I thought you got lost,so how was it?"

"I'm fine,it is just the traffic."Calvin said as he gave her a kiss on the cheeks.Jiro caught the sight as he muttered something to himself,unable to control it.He went back trying to do some thing with his cellphone ,anything to distract his attention from the two people ,as they sat near him.He looked away,looking bored.

After a heavy banquet,everybody posed to take pictures with the baby.Hebe looking so tired and worn out already.Too much stress for one day,she thought.They still try to avoid each other gaze.And then finally,Hebe and Calvin have to go ahead of everybody as they said their goodbye to everybody.Jiro looked away,never bothering to look at her,as she walked out with Calvin.

Once they went out of the room,Hebe let out a deep sigh,and Calvin notices it."He was there,isn't it?"Calvin asked,

Hebe nodded as the tears that have been threatening start to fall."Excuse me ,I have to go to the rest room."as she rushed to the comfort of the restroom and cried .She stayed for a few minutes,until she finally came out after fixing herself.But her eyes still red from crying and that's not escaped from Calvin as he looked at her.

Calvin looked at her with pity as he touched her head and pat it and then he put his arms around Hebe.

Just as Jiro was on his way out and he saw them together, with Calvin's arm around Hebe.He let out a word,as he took a deep breathe,does he have to see this,he thought.I am in turmoil already just seeing her and to see her in the arms of another man is just too much,he thought.I need a good fixing today.I need to drink,need to drink to forget what he have just seen.Damn you Hebe for hurting me once again.,he told himself.I never ever want to see you ever again....

"Calvin,would you mind if you just take me home.I don't think,I'll be a good company today."Hebe said."I am sorry."

"Sure Hebe,I understand,I'll take you home."Calvin said,as they rode in his car on the way home,and Jiro can only looked from behind....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!