Chapter 11

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
It was late already,and Hebe was still flipping the channel of her TV in her room.She could not sleep as she got out of bed and looked out at dark nights.Stars eluded the sky,they said that stars don't exist in the city but you can see the faint haze of the moon through the dark clouds.Hebe looked back at the clock and it is already 11 o clock and Jiro have not called yet.

She went back inside and went to the bathroom to get ready for the night.She was brushing her teeth when the phone rang,she quickly gargled and rushed to the room to answer the phone call.

"It is getting late ,how come you are still awake?"Jiro asked.

"I was waiting for a phone call from my handsome boyfriend,I think he has forgotten about me, because he got a hot date." Hebe said."I guess I better forget him,huh,I wonder who can be the replacement.Are you still available,Mr handsome?"

"Crazy,I just got home now.I am so poofed."Jiro said."You just don't know what I went through,you should have come with me,"

"I can't," Hebe said."But maybe I should have come to see if you are flirting with some other girls there."

"ha..ha..ha,and what will you do sludge her?"Jiro asked laughing.

"Just don't have any ideas."Hebe said"So how was it seriously?"

"Oh as usual a lot of BS things,Most of my classmates were there and we are planning to have a partnership ,a law firm "Jiro said "Everything is still up in the air but it sounds good.I don't think my salary right now is enough to support a family,so we'll see.So what did you do today?"

"Not much but watch TV"Hebe said."I might start working soon ,so I am keeping my fingers crossed."

"So that's means less time for me." Jiro said."Just don't fall in love and date the doctors ,alright?"

"You are crazy." Hebe said."I hope I can work now,I am getting bored staying at home,I can't even go out."

"Did you tell your parents about us?" Jiro asked.

"No not yet," Hebe said "Why?"

"I thought you told them about us already." Jiro said."So when are you planning to tell them?"

"I am still trying to get a good timing to tell them." Hebe said.

"Do you want me to tell them and then I can ask for your hand," Jiro said. teasing her.

"No,no stop kidding like that,you are making me nervous," Hebe said.

"I think they know it already,anyway."Jiro said. "You think I should talk to them?"

"No,don't do that,let me talk to them first"Hebe said."If they knew I have a boyfriend already,they will watch me like a hawk and I might lose whatever little freedom I have"

"They looked alright when I was there." Jiro said."Maybe I should talk to them to let them know and then we can talk to them about our plans..."

"What plans?"Hebe asked."What are you talking about?"

"Never mind, Hebe why are you so afraid to let them know about us?" Jiro said"Or you just don't want it all about your freedom that is why you are not telling them,or is it more,are you embarrassed or something about our relationship?"

"You are twisting the words that I am saying Jiro." Hebe said."It is not like that."

"I am just quoting what you are saying,and trying to digest them" Jiro said."I hope you have a better explanation ,why you don't want anybody to know about our relationship.I am having a hard time understanding the whole thing here ,whether I still have a girlfriend or what?"

"Jiro,don't tell me ...why are you putting words out of context here." Hebe said,"Why can't we be just boyfriend and girlfriend for now and worry about other things later."

"You forget that your boyfriend is a lawyer."Jiro said."I want proof,I want commitment and everything clear no ifs and buts and no hidden clauses to confuse us or other people."

"So what is it?" Jiro said"Do you love me?Do you really love me that you will think of having a future with me?Just answer that questions.If you cannot answer that,then why do you ever waste your time or why would we ever waste our time if you are just playing games.Games are for kids,you have to grow up sometimes,Hebe"

"Yes ,I love you Jiro,"Hebe answered."And yes to all the questions that you said,yes I am thinking of spending my future with you."

"Good,I am happy now," Jiro said."I just want everything to be clear."

"So when are going to marry me,soon I hope." Jiro said."If your parents does not approve we can just eloped but you are still too young...I will be in trouble..maybe another year..perhaps."

"You are so full of it." Hebe said as she laughed.

"If I don't forced it out to you ,I won't even hear it" Jiro said.

"What about?"Hebe asked.

"No,you can't even say I love you and I have to force it out of your mouth.Why you just can't say it?" Jiro asked. "Too shy or the feelings is not there?"

"Here you go again."Hebe said."Stop analyzing my answer please and putting too much meaning into ianything."

"I will only stop,if you agree to marry me or if we are married already." Jiro said.

"Then ,it is going to be for a while." Hebe said. "As you said I have a lot of growing up to do and I need to learn a lot of things."

"I can teach you and it will be nice if I am the one teaching you " as Jiro laughed.

"I don't like the tone of your voice." Hebe said."You are being naughty now."

"Alright,I am going to behave now." Jiro said."How does the sound of Mrs Jiro Wang sounds to you seriously.?"

"Seriously it sound nice and I will be happy to be called as such."Hebe said."But not have to be patient with me."

"Alright,but you know I will always try until you say yes."Jiro said "And persistence is my middle name just to let you know."

"Are you not tired yet?" Hebe asked."You still have to work tomorrow."

"No talking to you is my relaxation period,it will be nice if you can give me a massage," Jiro "But keep talking to me and I will have the same results,it is very effective if you add I love you to it."

"You are so crazy,that's why I love you." Hebe said and was so surprised at herself. she felt shy afterwards."I am getting sleepy now."

"Alright ,I let you go for tonight."Jiro said."Just remember,I love you,I love you Hebe more than you will ever know." and with that he hung up.Hebe wondered how long can she said no to Jiro when he is that persistent,suddenly she is afraid...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!