Home Again

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed

Hebe looked out at the window of her bedroom,and everything is still the same and different at the same time.It must be her ,she thought.The sun is up and her Mom is busy cooking for her.Ella and Lisa is coming over to see her,after a year.It seems she was gone forever.

Her thoughts came back to present when the doorbell rang as she checked herself in the mirror.She looked the same,the same Hebe as before,the girl that Jiro used to love.She did not know when that thought came from as she frown and it still hurts at the same time.She brushed away the thought,if she could only brushed away the pain.

Ella and Lisa looked the same.Ella is engaged this time to Chun,the other boyfriend long time gone after she left.And Lisa just have a baby,she still have the weight that she gained from her pregnancy and she in the process of losing weight.But she looked happy and contented.

"So did you find an American boyfriend there?"Ella asked.

"No,of course not,they are quite ,I don't know."Hebe answered laughing."But I met a doctor there.He was one of our resident in the hospital.He is also from here but I don't know.But he is very persistent,I might  say" as Hebe laughed.

"I'm glad you're not hung up on  Jiro anymore."Lisa said."He has moved on himself."

Hebe did not say a word.He has moved on.Does it mean ,he got a girlfriend already?.She wondered.We'll he has been dating even though,they have not officially broke up yet back then.It is no wonder,but somehow the news cut her deep but she forced herself to smile.

"Oh,Hebe you will be the godparent of my son.He is going to be christened this Saturday."Lisa said."Anyway it is just going to be private affair,just the family and the sponsors."

"Alright,I might bring Calvin too,so you can meet him."Hebe said."He is coming from Los Angeles on Friday."

"Uhmm,sounds serious already ,to follow you here."Ella said.

"No,he is coming to visit his family.He is also from here."Hebe said."He is really nice."

"Yeah,that is only an excuse to be with you."Ella teasing her."So we are not going together?"

"I'll call you,if ever,I still have to check on him."Hebe said."I still don't know his schedule."

"Uhmm this getting serious than I thought,checking schedules already."Lisa said."What do you think Ella."

Ella smiled."I hope not too serious just like before."she said.Hebe can only looked at them,and could not quite get it what Ella meant.

That Saturday,Hebe dressed meticulously.She can't understand why,but she have all the works,make up,dressed up real nice.Usually,she does not care about her appearance.She wondered if it is Calvin.Since she got the news that Jiro have moved on,she have been pushing the thoughts of him aside and keep putting Calvin in her mind.She can do it,she can forget him eventually.She can only hope.

Hebe went with Ella in the church,and she will just meet Calvin in the reception where they will go to see his family,after.The church is empty except for Lisa and her family.Ella ,Chun was there already and Hebe.They are just waiting for one of the sponsor before the rites starts.

Then from some where Jiro came walking hurriedly towards the altar,looking just the same,looking so handsome and so tall,and Hebe's heart stopped beating...How can he be here?

She turned pale and Ella looked at her and hold her hand.It was cold.She have to grip Ella's hand too tight as she looked down,not wanting to see his eyes if ever,he will look at her.How come Lisa never told me that he will be here.She took a deep breathe.She can do this,she have grown ,she cannot be affected by him anymore.But how come,she feels she is running out of air,just being with him in the same room.How come whatever confidence she have is gone,just the mere sight of him?....she can only hope...she can get pass this ceremony and then she does not have to see him ever again...she can do this...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!