Chapter 3

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
The sun rose high up in full might as the coming season is about to come.The sunlight glared in between blinds in Hebe's bedroom.But it is not the sun that woke her up but the music tone from her cellphone.She tried to feel it in between sheets and pillows in her bed until she found it.

She managed a muffled "Hello".

"Hello,did I woke you up,sleeping beauty?" the other voice in the end asked.

Hebe barely awake,was unable to recognized the voice."Excused me"she said."I think you got the wrong number."

"Hebe,don't hang up on me,I am sorry,this is Jiro." he said."Did I woke you up?"

Hebe want to jump and scream but was able to contain herself.Suddenly her heart start to beat wildly like the sound of his voice and just his name is enough to cause chaos in her whole world.

"Yeah,but I am awake now,thanks to you."Hebe answered.

"I just woke up myself,I just want to hear your voice before I start my day."Jiro said."I'll be getting up soon to get ready for office.I just want to tell you,I will be thinking about you a lot,a lot today."

"You crazy,do you used the same line to every girl you meet?"Hebe said."I think I have heard it somewhere."

"Really?,as far as I know,I have used that line only to this girl on the phone that I am talking to."Jiro said."So what is your plan for the day?"

"Nothing much,I have to review,I have to take the Board soon."Hebe answered.

"Oh really,does it mean I can't bother you now and then? "Jiro asked."I don't want to be the reason why you flunked your test."

"Hey,I am not bad as student."Hebe said."As far as I know I think I am pretty smart"

"That is what I want in a girl,a self confidence."Jiro said."You know I met a certain girl,she was sort of pretty,she said she is smart and with self confidence too,do you think I should pursue her or even have a chance with her or just forget her all together?"

"I don't know,it is up to you what your intentions are?"Hebe said.

"No,no question about that,my intentions are pure,if she said yes,I'll take her to the altar no ifs and buts ,I think I am getting crazy about her already and it is only day two.What do you think?"Jiro asked.

"It is up to you."Hebe said.her heart jumping with every words he is saying.

"I think I will try my luck with her,you will never know,she might say yes,and then I will be the happiest guy in town.I hope she says yes."Jiro said."She is definitely a keeper.Can I see you today?I think I forgot how you look like."

"What?Mr.Jiro Wang,"Hebe said sounding mad.

"I am just kidding,but I really want to see you today"Jiro said."It is possible?"

"I have to review today,"Hebe said."And.."

"It is okay,if not today,I have some appointment myself but definitely this weekend.Can I come to your house?"Jiro asked.

"Sure,you can come on weekend."Hebe said.

"I have to go ,I am going to be late"Jiro said "Just remember I will be thinking about you." as he hung up.

Hebe just lay in bed dreamy and let out a big whoop of laughter.If she knew that this is how it feels to be in love,then she could have done it sooner.But then it has to be with the right guy after all.And only a certain guy can make her heart beat just like that....only Jiro...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!