Chapter 15

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
Days went by and Hebe got settled in her new job.She was assigned in Nursery for the newborn babies.She loves taking care those angel like babies.Somehow it is comforting that her colleagues are also very helpful and supportive for a newbie like her.

Jiro is more tolerant of her and more patient.It seems he calmed down now,somehow Hebe was missing the impulsive and impatient Jiro that she used to know.Sometimes she wondered if it is because he loves her less now than before.

After three months from her application Hebe finally got a response from the hospital that she applied for in US.They want her paper processed as soon as possible and they referred her to an agency to expedite her papers.Hebe does not know what to feel.She was not happy but more afraid,she does not know how to tell Jiro of her plans.

Jiro came to their house in one of his visits.Her parents knew their relationship now .They did not say much just expressed concern what will be his reaction when she lives.She just told them that it is alright with him.

They were talking in the living room when her Aunt stop by to picked something.And she saw them and greeted them.

"Oh you must be Jiro,Hebe's boyfriend."she said."Nice to meet you"

Jiro smiled and nodded as he shook hands."Handsome boy,Hebe ,you got a handsome boyfriend."she said.

"So Hebe when are you leaving for the States.You are so lucky,Don't forget to remember us when you're there."she said.

Jiro looked at her and he saw the changes in her color."He forced a smile in her Aunt's direction and then looked at Hebe.Jiro was so surprised and so angry.It was like a bomb and he felt like screaming and exploding.He can only take a deep breathe.

Hebe did not reply to her Aunt,for she felt like dying right in front of Jiro's eyes.She could see the pain and anger in his eyes.She felt her eyes teared,and Jiro eyes seething with anger and pain.

"I have to go."he said choking with words,as he walked away with out a backward glance.

Hebe followed him."Jiro please listen to me" as her tears rolled."Let me explain."

"What is there to explain?So when are you planning to tell me ,while you are in the airport waiting for your flight.So when?You told me you have not decided yet,you did not tell me that it is a done deal."Jiro said."I feel such a fool."

"Jiro,please listen to me,please"Hebe said"I love you."

"You could have fooled me"Jiro said."I almost believed you." as he left.Hebe could just cry.

Hebe cried that night.She called Jiro but he did not answer any phone call.She can just cry.She never heard from him for days.One night she got a call from him and he sounds drunk from other line.

"So you have decided to leave me?"Jiro said."I guess I can never change your mind."

"I felt so stupid,you never said a thing,I thought you change your mind,I thought I will be a reason enough to make you stay,but I was so wrong."Jiro said."You hurt me so much Hebe but I don't know why I still love you"

Hebe cried and cried.She does not know what to do.She wants to stay with him and spent her future with him,but her family,her parents....will she give this all up for him?

"Don't go Hebe,just stay with me."Jiro said."If you really love me,you are going to stay here with me."

"But I promised my parents,just give me two years,Jiro"Hebe said."Just give me two years and I will come back to you,I promised."

"I don't know two years seem to be like eternity"Jiro said.
"I don't think I can wait for you." as he hung up.

Hebe can only cry....Either stay and give up her parents dream or go and lose him.

Days passed and no call from him.Hebe just kept quiet and took everything in.Silently she cried at night for him.

One day Ella call her and told her she have important things to tell her.

"So what is up to you?"Ella said."I heard you are leaving soon for US huh.That is good."

"Yeah,pretty soon."Hebe said.

"You don't sound happy.Did you break up with Jiro already?"
Ella said.

"Why would you say that?"Hebe said.

"Nothing,I saw him yesterday with a girl,looks like a date to me."Ella said."But don't worry you are prettier than her,"her words is like a knife to her heart when she heard it.

"I am sorry,"Ella said when she notice her expression."I did not know you are still on."

"No,don't worry about it."Hebe said.

That afternoon Hebe called Jiro and she told him she wants to talk to him.They agreed to meet someplace as she hung up.Today they have something to settle once and for all...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!