Moving On

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
The flight from Taiwan to California was along one.It seems like forever to Hebe.She cried all the time thinking of Jiro and not having to see him before she leaves.There goodbyes left a very sad feeling in her heart.She does know how came she felt so helpless and everything seemed to be against them.

She remembered the pain in his eyes.It seemed she has been hurting him forever and him hurting her back.How can two people who loved each other so much hurt each other at the same time.Tears rolled again as she wiped them.The pain that she felt is like a knife that she does not know if she will ever recover.They say that first love is sweet,how come it is so painful when you part.Will she ever forget her first love?They say first love stayed forever in your heart until you found your one true love.Will Jiro stay in her heart forever?She hope she can past this...she can only hope.

Her thoughts came back to the present when they announced that they are approaching Los Angeles International Airport as Hebe got ready.This is the start of her new without Jiro and life of a whole new dimensions...and living alone...maybe it will make her stronger...maybe she need this in her grow up and learned the real world....

After that night,Jiro woke up and realized that Hebe is gone from his life for good.The pain remains,the bitterness ,he can still taste it in his mouth,But he have come to realized all the mistakes that he have done,if one can call it a mistakes,he have done it only because he loves her too much and he felt so desperate,but only to lose her in the end.Maybe he tried so hard to get her ,like it was force.Love can never be force, you just let it be and let it grow...He never let it grow and he choked the love that they have for each other.

Today,Jiro promised himself,he will start anew.He will have a fresh start without Hebe on his side.She was never was.She belonged somewhere else,definitely not by her side.No matter how much you love a person,if it is not meant to be,then it wasn't meant to be.Hebe is not meant to be with Jiro,that is the realization he learned.And the pain won't go away.They say to listen to one's heart.He listened to his heart and what happened,he got hurt more than ever.He is not going to listen to his heart anymore ,it is going to be mind over heart,my brain over my heart,and I won't let my heart feel he cried for the last time ....

Hebe got settled already,he stayed with her Aunt for a month and then eventually got an apartment of her own and then moved out.She have a feeling of satisfaction after she fixed her apartment and stared at them as she drank her water.

The hospital where she was working was a big teaching hospital.There were medical students,and nursing students,and medical residents.She works in one of the surgical department there as a staff.Nursing in US took a completely different turn and it is such an adjustment to Hebe,But it is also helpful then she won't have time to think of as much of Jiro.She still think of him every night and every waking hour and cried when she realized he won't be hearing his voice anymore.It is so hard to forget him....

One day on her way out ,Hebe bumped to somebody,and as her things that she was holding was scattered on the floor.She quickly bend down to pick it.

"Oh I am sorry,I was not looking,I really sorry Miss."he said as he helped her picked it up.

"Oh it is okay."she said."It is also my fault for not looking" as she looked at him.He was staring at her when she looked up and smiling.

"I am Calvin Chen,one of the resident here.and you are?"as he continue to stare at her..

"I am Hebe,Hebe Tian,one of the staff nurse."Hebe said as she smiled back.

"Uhmmm good,are you on your way out?"Calvin said."Can I give you a ride or something?"

"No thank you."Hebe said as she walked away.Calvin looked at her retreating figure.There was a smile on his face,she is pretty he thought.

"Jiro,we can't do that kind of approach in this case.We have to think of something else.?"Helen said.

Jiro looked at her and smiled."Why not,they did it before like the case Smith versus Jones.They did it before we can go that way."

"Alright,why don't we sit on this one for now.What do you say for lunch?"Helen said as she smiled at him and her lips.

"Alright ,I am sort of hungry too."Jiro said as he took his jacket from the chair."What do you want to eat?" as he put hold his hand on her hand and Helen looked at him with a smile in her eyes.

"How about some sushi,I feel like eating some Japanese food today." Jiro said.

"Sounds good to me."Helen said as they leave the office hand in hand.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!