Chapter 1

Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow- Completed
It was late in the afternoon of late spring and the temperature are rising.Hebe saw the beads of perspiration forming in her forehead and she just took a shower few minutes ago.She is still in her pink robe and just barely wearing anything but an under wear.She damp the sweat with napkin and continue applying the foundation on her face.

She looked at herself in the mirror.She can see the almond shaped eyes with deep brown color as she traced it with dark brown eyeliner.She followed it up with a mixture of charcoal and gray colored on her eyelids as it contoured her eyes to give that appearance of deep set eyes.Funny how one try to cover up ones self,while most of her classmates envied her almond shaped eyes.She brushed her eyebrows and followed it up with a dark colored pencil to give the impression of dark thick brows.And lastly she traced her pouty lips with a red pencil and followed it up with a coral colored lipstick and applied lip gloss for the finishing touches.

She grabbed her blush on and applied it on her cheeks to give her a glowed feeling.Her hair is partially tied up with the bangs and a few wisp of hair falling on her face.She applied some more hairspray so as not to misplace any strands and gave her face a softer look.And the final touches ,she dabbed a perfume on her wrist,neck, earlobes and in between her .Some how the sweet scents that emanated in the room gives her a boost of confidence ,as she smiled at her image on the mirror.

She went to the bed where her peach colored dress lays.It was sleeveless with a halter top and it seems with a purpose to show off some skin.Her cleavage peaking in between.She put on her jewelry last ,which is just the basic ,a necklace ,a gold bracelet and a ring.

Today is her friend's wedding and she will be the one of the bride's maid.Liza is her classmate in college and they just graduated in college a few weeks back and she have to get married.She is pregnant and they needed to do it right away before it starts showing.Lisa is the prettiest in the bunch and she luckily hooked up a rich guy and before she knew it they are already planning a wedding and pregnant

She got her purse and the invitation as she slid her feet on the heels that boost her height a few inches more.She walked slowly trying to adjust to the height of the heels.She have forgotten how to walk in heels,for she is so used in flat pumps and sneakers and sandals when going out.

A car honked outside,which means that her friend Ella is already outside waiting for her.She hurried her pace as she yelled to her Mom."Mom I am leaving,Ella is here" as she walked out of their house.

Liza choose an old small chapel for their vows.She remembered going to that old church with her a couple of times.Sometimes ,she could not understand her friend's fascination on that old ,worn out church.But she kept insisting to have their wedding there and Ron just give in to her every wishes.

The church are decorated with white lilies and roses and a sprinkle of Baby's Breathe.Peach colored ribbons add some colors to all white flowers mixtures and some green leaves.Hebe breathe in the scent of flowers around her as she walk in the entrance foyer of the church while waiting for the bride.

There are only few guests invited,just few members of the family on both sides,Liza' college friends which is Ella,Hebe,Selina and Angela,and Ron's college buddy which are their partners as bestman and groomsman.She caught glimpse of the guys who will be their partners,as she was hoping for someone interesting to come into view but she found none.

The organ started the music as they line up and getting ready to march their way to the altar.She was looking for her partner and she was getting anxious for he have not showed up.Suddenly out of nowhere,there was this guy standing on her side,a little short of breathe ,his jacket in his hands as he tried to put it on and tried to fix the bow tie in front.

"I am sorry ,I am late,the traffic..."as his voice drown with the music.Hebe looked up at him and she saw the most handsome guy on her side.She can't help herself but blushed as her heart start racing.She felt the sweat on her hands as she hold his arms and marched on the way to the altar. Somehow her heart just went wild as she tried to take a couple of deep breathe to calm herself down....

All throughout the ceremony,Hebe can't help herself but stole some glances on her partner and she also noted that he was checking her out.There was also one point ,when their eyes met and all she can do but smile.Somehow the ceremony seems unimportant all of a sudden everything seems to stop.It seems that she was only aware of one thing and that is the man on the opposite side of the altar who make her heart race and made her hand sweat and shake.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
super cute
anne, what can i say? this is just SPLENDID! so, this was partly your story--awesome! but how i wished that all first/true love can have a happy ending just like this one, maybe for some fortunate others...but for some-- the memory of first love will only be a thing in the past that is so good to reminisce :( awwwww--it stings!