Part 33

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

They went inside to the hotel and went to the counter, Kang Gary told Ji Hyo and Bo Young to sit down for a while and he would get the card for the room. Ji Hyo and Bo Young started to talk about mny things like how well their career is what dramas they have done and many other things.

Meanwhile, Gary went up to the counter and said,"Hello I'm Kang Gary and my friend Joong Ki left a card for me at the counter, could you please give it to me."

The counter person said,"Ahhh, it's you, he left a card for you and wanted me to say to remember to text him before you go up so he knows when to get ready, by the way it is floor 7."

Kng Gary replied,"Yes I know, he said that, thanks for the card I'll be going up then." The counter person replied,"Ok." Before he called Ji Hyo and Bo Young to come and go up to the hotel room, he texted Joong Ki to get ready.

To: Song Joong Ki

We are now at the counter desk on the ground floor, get ready, we will be up soon.

From: Kang Gary

Song Joong Ki saw the message straight away and replied back and told everyone to get into position.

To: Kang Gary

Ok, you can ome up, we are ready see you in the room

From: Song Joong Ki

Kang Gary called Ji Hyo and Bo Young and then together they went up to room 203. They opened the door and as usual, it was dark like no one had been using it. Gary put the hotell card into the card sensor holder so the electricity will light up. 

The light opened and there was a banner which said "Park Bo Young, Will You Marry Me?" Park Bo Young said,"Omo." O.O Suddenly the running man members came out one by one carrying a red rose giving it to Bo Young as they came out.

The order was: Lee Gwang Soo, Ji Suk Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Ha Ha, Kim Joong Kook and lastly Song Joong Ki. Song Joong Ki didn't come out with a red rose but a bunch of red roses, he knelt down holding the flowers and ring saying,"Will you marry me?"

Bo Young was shocked, she said,"Uhh, I don't know what to say." 

Song Joong Ki said,"I know we haven't dated for long or none at all, it may be a little fast but during all those times we hung out like in dramas and having a cup of coffee together, I have been thinking it of a date. I don't know if you feel this way too, but I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me and be together for the rest of your life with me?"

Song Ji Hyo whispered to her,"I know you really like Joong Ki, pick the right choice you know which one to choose. Don't pick the wrong choice." Everyone except from Bo Young and Joong Ki started to say,"Marry Him, Marry Him, Marry Him." Once everyone was quiet Bo Young started her sentence, she said,"I won't make the wrong choice anymore, I need to live my life happily and be wit who will make me happy and won't regret." Bo Young nodded as she smiled and let Joong Ki put the ring on her finger. Joong Ki put the ring on Bo Yooung's finger and they hugged each other happily. 

They all played together but Ji Hyo and Kang Gary just sat next to each other talking about what they should plan with their new family, like what their name should be and what they should do together. Ji Hyo asked,"Oppa, what do you think with our plans with our baby? What name shall we call it?" Kang Gary replied,"Ummm I think that we should think of a name but if we still can't think of a name then just call him little Gary for then. If it is a girl then call it little Ji Hyo until we find a very nice name," they both laughed and kept on talking.

Ji Hyo and Kang Gary went home earlier as they both were very tired from all the walking around and the hotel room was very noisy and they wanted to go home. They arrived home and went to bed next to each other hugging each other warmly. 

It was the next few days and they decided to go and have a check up again as it was nearly 2 whole month from their first check up. The baby had started to kick harder and harder from a few months back which was a very unusual experience for them, Gary and Ji Hyo felt the kicks and was very loving and caring to each other.

They wanted to make sure the baby was healthy and they can know how many weeks until Ji Hyo would have to go through the hardest bit of pregnancy for an accurate estimation. They first got up and then did everything like washing their face, changing their clothes, had a shower and also eating breakfast. After eating breakfast, Ji Hyo called the doctor to make sure that the doctor was free and to make sure that nobody knows. 

-----------Call to Doctor connecting-----------

The doctor answered it, 

Ji Hyo: Hello 

Doctor:Hello, who is it?

Ji Hyo: It's me Ji Hyo, you know the actress and the only girl on the variety show, running man

Doctor: Ahhhh, yes, is it that you would like an appointment to check on your baby?

Ji Hyo: Yes, will you be free? I was thinking that if you are free then I can come by with my husband and check on our baby to make sure its okay, can we?

Doctor: Of course, I'm free at most of the time you can come any time, I'll definitely fit a time in for you

Ji Hyo: Thanks I am going to come today so see you later

Doctor: See You later bye

Ji Hyo: Bye

-----------call ends-----------

So when Ji Hyo and Kang Gary was ready to go out to the hospital, they closed the house door, went into the car and Kang Gary drove Ji Hyo to the hospital for a check up. They reached the hospital and the doctor was already ready to give Ji Hyo a check up. They went into the check up room together holding hands tightly as they were a little nervous. They both went inside and sat down on the chair talking to each other before using the ultra scan machine to scan the baby.

The doctor started to talk saying,"Hello Ji Hyo and Kang Gary, so you're here to have a check up on your baby, so you can go onto the bed and sit while I prepare the machine." Ji Hyo said while holding Kang Gary's hand,"Thanks for creating time for us when we only said today." The doctor said,"No worries." Ji Hyo sat onto the bed with Gary next to her, Ji Hyo's tummy was now up to the size of an average sized balloon. The doctor prepared the machine and was ready to scan the baby. 

The doctor scanned Ji Hyo's tummy and the doctor could see that the baby was very healthy and the baby was growing properly. The doctor said,"So, here's the baby and at the moment it is growing very healthily, you should be able to feel the kicks from the baby from now on but every baby is different with how long until it kicks. You are around 7-8 months pregnant about 33 weeks pregnant altogether. There are still 7 weeks left until you might find a lot of pain, if that ever happens durig these few weeks tell your husband right away."

Ji Hyo said,"The baby is healthy, 7 more weeks, more counting to do, nervous." Kang Gary said to Ji Hyo,"Don't worry, I'll be here and there with you at all times, thank you and I love you." Ji Hyo whispered to him too,"I love you too."

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cookiebear123435 #1
Thanks for all the Support I will update when I have finished all the parts on Watt pad with my other fan fictions then update it on Asian fanfics, might take a few months sorry. If you want to read it on Watt pad with my other unfinished fan fictions, my username is the same so you can find it easily.
adkunw #2
Chapter 2: hahahaaa.. kang gary fainted because he knew that ji hyo have a feeling for him.. :D
garydaughter #3
good job author. ツ