Part 28

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

Park Bo Young said,"Did anything happen?"

Ji Hyo said,"Lets not talk right now, I'll tell you later lets go back to Joong Ki's hospital room, I got a text saying that Joong Ki has woken up and wanting you."

Park Bo Young said,"Then lets go careful."

Ji Hyo said,"I thought you would just leave me and run over, anyway thanks and lets go." Park Bo Young said,"I said I would take care of you with yur husband, I really wanted to run but I have to wait for you and help you to, thank you for the advice,"

Ji Hyo said,"If you need anything else you can ask me or Kang Gary we'll always support you fighting." Park Bo Young said,"Fighting." They walked back to Joong Ki's hospital room and Park Bo Young ran inside and sat on the chair next to the bed where Joong Ki was lying and Ji Hyo walked into the room and said,"Joong Ki are you ok? You had a lucky escape, if you need any help again call us too don't try and be a hero all by yourself."

She then sat on the sofa with the others crowding around and told the running man members excluding Bo Young and Joong Ki,"It's all sorted, I'll tell you at our house when Gary picks me up from todays final filming which I forgot to tell you but I have to finish the filming or they'll have to wait for me for a long time. I've fully recovered so don't worry about me, I had to miss so many times of filming I feel sorry for all of the other members for filming without me I have to at least be there for the last episode, when you're at the house just continue playing games don't make our house a mess."

Kang Gary said," I'll come to filming with you, I need to take care of you, if they mess up the house I'll definitely make them tidy it back up like how I made it."

Ji Hyo said,"I know I've just got out of hospital but I've been in here for a long time and I eant to appear in the last episode, I already told my manager and she will come with me Gary you don't have to come, I'm scared you'll be jealous with me and Choi Jin Hyuk." Kang Gary then started pouting and made Ji Hyo said,"Oh, don't be jealous Gary, if you want to come to the filming then come, Gary should me create a sleepover for everyone, just for one day?" Gary then just smiled and said,"If you want to, your choice but us two are definitely sleeping in our room, they can sleep outside."

Ji Suk Jin said ,"Obviously, we won't disturb your lovely night, we'll be extra quiet." Kang Gary said,"Yea it better be quiet, it's our romantic night, don't disturb us or you'll be sleeping outside." Yoo Jae Suk said,"It doesn't have to be that harsh." Everyone just laughed.

Meanwhile, Park Bo Young said," Joong Ki Oppa are you Ok? sorry, because of me you ended up here."

Joong Ki said,"No I'm ok, are you ok? I was more worried about you than myself, oops don't remember what I just said,"

Park Bo Young said,"Oppa, I will remember what you said, I like what you said just now, it makes me feel happy and I feel like at least someone cares about me, sorry, it's all because of me that you had to stay in this hospital room, it should be me on there not you."

Song Joong Ki said,"Don't say those type of things, we're friends right?" Park Bo Young asked,"Oppa do you think that our relationship is just friends?"

Song Joong Ki said,"Ummm ....... "

Park Bo Young started to say,"Oppa just forget about what I just said, you don't need to answer it, I know the answer, I'm umm going to go to my next schedule, I need to film something sorry bye, see you later." She then walked out the room hiding her face as she started to cry without wanting others to see, Ji Hyo said,"Bo Young ahh, Bo Young are you ok."

She replied,"Yes I'm fine."She ran to her working place and stayed there listening to some music to try and forget what happened.Meanwhile Ji Hyo said,"Yahhh Joong Ki why are you lying to her?" Joong Ki said,"I didn't know what to say, what was she meaning anyway, you tell me then Ji Hyo." Ji Hyo said,"Yahh Joong Ki it is that obvious, figure it out by yourself but I know why she said that, don't you?"

Joong Ki said,"No."

Joong Kook said,"Joong KI, you have to stay here for one night then tomorrow if you are fine, you'll be able to go back home, we'll visit you tomorrow, if you are bored go on your phone, have extra rest."

Joong Ki said,"Bye, see you tomorrow I'll think about why she said that."

Everyone said,"Bye see you tomorrow." Everyone left the room and they went back into the black car and drove back to Kang Gary's and Ji Hyo's house. After they dropped off the running man members at their house and opened the door for them to stay inside, Ji Hyo said,"Oppas bye I need to go to filming I'll come back as soon as possible to tell you what happened bye Fighting!" The running man members said,"Fighting Ji Hyo good luck on your first day back on filming bye see you soon."

Ji Hyo and Kang Gary said,"Bye." The running man members who were inside the house were continuing to play some games and go on their phones and eating some foods. Meanwhile, Gary and Ji Hyo had arrived at the filming center, everyone was there saying," welcome back to filming." Ji Hyo said,"Thanks, I'll try my best today, sorry for not being able to film but I hope I can be on the last episode which will be filmed today."

The director said,"Ji Hyo are you sure you are ok to film back, but anyway welcome back to filming." Ji Hyo said,"Thank You director, I'm ok to film back, sorry for causing everyone to have to carry on without me."

Everyone said,"Not at all, lets start filming."

Ji Hyo's manager then came in and said to Ji Hyo,"Ji Hyo, welcome back on filming."

Ji Hyo said,"Thanks, but I won't be taking any schedules after todays unless if it's something important as the baby's going to come during these few months, I have a new address and if you want to find me just call me, I'll tell you when I can have schedules again."

Ji Hyo's manager said,"I understand good luck on filming." They started filming and it took them 3 hours to film, once they finished filming, it was about 9:00pm, they got off filming a little earlier as when Ji Hyo was filming, she and her other people who were in the filming, were all like professionals so everyone could finish one scene in around 3 takes. Ji Hyo was smiling happily and laughing as sometimes actrors and actresses couldn't take their laughter but just kept laughing.

It was 9:00pm when it was time to go back home, they had finished the last filming of emergency couple, they were going to celebrate but Ji Hyo had said,"Sorry I need to go home to get some rest I don't want Gary worrying about me, but you have to call me for the party I'll try and come if he will let me, he'd probably come with me again."

Gary said,"You're always making me as an excuse, anyway bye, me and Ji Hyo are going to go home, see you soon, maybe on running man or somewhere else."

Everyone said,"Bye." Gary and Ji Hyo went outside of the filming center while ssaying goodbye to the car, they were going back home. Meanwhile everyone except Ji Hyo was feeling excited hearing about what Park Bo Young's true feelings were for Joong Ki. Ji Hyo thought, it's time to tell them all why Park Bo Young said those things to Joong Ki and her feeling for him I need to tell them but in what way?

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cookiebear123435 #1
Thanks for all the Support I will update when I have finished all the parts on Watt pad with my other fan fictions then update it on Asian fanfics, might take a few months sorry. If you want to read it on Watt pad with my other unfinished fan fictions, my username is the same so you can find it easily.
adkunw #2
Chapter 2: hahahaaa.. kang gary fainted because he knew that ji hyo have a feeling for him.. :D
garydaughter #3
good job author. ツ