Part 14

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

They started eating breakfast together and Kang Gary said,"Wife thank you for making me breakfast in the morning when you were just ill yesterday, the breakfast is extremely delicious."

She replied smiling,"Why do you want to change my name to wife now I'm not used to it, if you like the breakfast that much I can make it for you every morning."

They had finished breakfast then suddenly a text message came to Kang Gary it said

To: Kang Gary. 7:56am

Oppa I may need your help please come to *apartment*

From: Chun Sung Im

Gary picked up his phone and Ji Hyo asked,"Oppa who is it?"

He replied,"Ughhh it's that horrible girl who ruined our marriage."

Ji Hyo said,"What did she say?"

He replied,"She said to me to come to her apartment, I'm not going to bother though as I need to come with you to the check up to make sure you're ok and anyway she's probably lying anyway. I'll tell her that I can't come."

She said,"Oppa won't that be a bit rude?"

He said,"What's ruder? her ruining our marriage or me telling her that I'm not coming?"

She said,"But she might really need your help but it's not up to me just write what you want."

To: Chun Sung Im 7:58am

Why do you want me to come for want to break our marriage? well it's not going to happen just find another person to help you, get lost you have lots of other friends

From:Kang Gary

She saw the message and texted back

To:Kang Gary 8:00am

I can't believe you can be that cruel I have seen the real side of you, I don't want to see you or talk to you ever again. I will get you for sure soon, wait for it.

From:Chun Sung Im

Gary didn't know what the last line meant but he knew that it wouldn't happen, as long a e protecteed Ji Hyo well she wouldn't get hurt at all. Kang Gary told Ji Hyo,"Don't worry anymore she won't make our marriage apart ever again and I've got proof so anyway don't worry and lets tidy up and go to your appointment."

Ji Hyo replied once again,"Ok lets get ready to leave after having a morning shower.

They washed the dishes first taking turns while they each had a morning shower and wore a coat as it was a little cold outside.

They went outside and drove a car to the hospital, they arrived just in time for the appointment as Gary booked the time at 9:00am as later they both had schedules.

Ji Hyo was feeling better and was ready for work so she had just remembered to text her manager telling her that she'll be coming to work today.

They walked into the hospital but as usual there were lots of interviewers but Kang Gary remembered calling the security guards to protect them.

The doctor came and lead Ji Hyo to a V.I.P private room where no one could go in except from the doctor and celebrities for a private appointment.

Song Ji Hyo said,"Oppa can you wait outside first I need to talk to the doctor in private ok."

He replied,"Ok but call me in after so I know what had happened."

The doctor asked,"So Song Ji Hyo where have you been feeling unwell and why have you come here? Can you describe what you had?"

Song Ji Hyo answered," Well I was suddenly ill yesterday but now I'm all better, I was having morning sickness, headaches, some pain in my stomach and something weird which was that I missed the time of the month and I'm thinking that I might be pregnant.

The doctor said,"Due to all those signs of illness it seems to be that you might be pregnant but we have to make sure by testing your urine, the result with come out in around 5 minutes as you are V.I.P.

She went to the toilet to collect some urine from herself and gave it to the doctor.

She was feeling a little worried as she never asked if Gary ever wanted children with her.

She had finished having a check up and the doctor called Gary in. They held hands tightly together as Gary was worried if why she was ill and Ji Hyo was worried about whether she was pregnant or not.

Gary asked,"Doctor can I now know why Ji Hyo was having headaches and sickness and why she got better so quickly yet?"

The doctor replied,"Gary your wife has mentioned that she has missed her time of he month meaning that she could be pregnant but it can also relate to stress."

Gary told Ji Hyo,"Why didn't you tell me? if you told me we would've came to the doctors days ago not until now I thought you said you would tell me everything."

Ji Hyo said,"Oppa sorry I didn't know that if I was pregnant you would care about the child and I don't know if you like children either."

They both stopped talking to listen to the miracle that the doctor was going to say.

The doctor said,"Congratulations Ji Hyo you are pregnant."

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cookiebear123435 #1
Thanks for all the Support I will update when I have finished all the parts on Watt pad with my other fan fictions then update it on Asian fanfics, might take a few months sorry. If you want to read it on Watt pad with my other unfinished fan fictions, my username is the same so you can find it easily.
adkunw #2
Chapter 2: hahahaaa.. kang gary fainted because he knew that ji hyo have a feeling for him.. :D
garydaughter #3
good job author. ツ