Part 12

Monday Couple Fan Fiction

Kang Gary called for a private appointment to the hospital with security guards so no one would take pictures and bump into them especially the news reporters.

If they did they would have created another big rumour around the newspapers and be answering questions like,"why is Ji Hyo and Kang Gary at the hospital? who was ill?"

After Kang Gary booked the appointment it was about 4:30pm, as he knew Haha and some hyungs were coming he got ready to make dinner for them by taking everything out of the fridge and freezer.

While Gary was doing that Ji Hyo was watching tv in bed, she was feeling a little better again but she was thinking that something was wrong.

she had missed her month for a few days, she thought it was normal as that was what sometimes would happen like when too much stress is happening She thought about one thing which could've happened.

Just then she remembered what had happened between the few months.

Before she could think any further of what had happened the doorbell rang, Gary shouted,"I'll get it," charging out of the kitchen to open the door so Ji Hyo didn't have to get out of bed and open it.

It was the running man hyungs all of them too, Kim Joong Kook, Yoo Jae Suk, Haha, Lee Gwang Soo and Ji Suk Jin. They all came and and visited Ji Hyo. I felt very sorry for Kang Gary as he had to make more food and drinks for everyone.

I told all the hyungs to watch some of the running man or emergency couple man and woman that I had always recorded  to watch when there was nothing to watch on tv. They sat on the sofa and some chairs together and started watching tv, I quietly escaped from the bed and tiptoed to the kitchen to see how hard Kang Gary was working making the food.

I peeked through the door and he saw me saying,"Ji Hyo you're meant to be in the bed resting, you're not feeling well today, you need to get better and go back to work to film emergency couple I really don't want you to get ill anymore and you know that."

She replied,"Oppa I really don't want you to work that hard all by yourself i wanted to help you, look your foreheads all sweaty and wet, I should be helping you as your wife no matter whether I'm ill or not I can get through it."

He replied,"Don't worry about me I'll get some hyungs to help me it doesn't matter if I'm working too hard the main thing is that you get better you shouldn't wear yourself that hard when you're ill, here let me take you back outside, I'l tell some hyungs to take care of you, it's also time to have your medicine, I'll get it for you now."

He then got the medcine and helped me to walk back into the bed as I was still a little bit dizzy. He said to everyone,"Hyungs please look after Ji Hyo for me I don't want her to move out of bed since she's ill and Gwang Soo come in and help me."

Gwang Soo replied,"Why me?" then everyone laughed violently which made Ji Hyo's stomach hurt a little bit. Gwang Soo always had to help as he was the youngest and he was always the one who got bullied everyone told him to stand with his anger inside.

They were watching all of the emergency couple man and woman episodes, they thought that Ji Hyo was a very good actress and thought that she should go in more dramas.

After a while the dinner was ready, we sat around the table while drinking beer except from Ji Hyo who was drinking water as she was ill. The hyungs all told Ji Hyo,"We hope you get better soon and start working again we really loved watching the episodes of emergency couple you and everyone workig with you are all lke pros."

Ji Hyo replied,"Thank you oppas I hope you will have progress in your work too."

On the table there were naengmyeon (cold noodles) for dinner, they found it delicious and said,"Thank you for the dinner hopefully you can teach us how to make it for our wives to eat it is especially yummy."

After dinner they sat down again and watched a bit of tv with some beer again before they left as Kang Gary and Song Ji Hyo told them not to leave yet. After having some beer it was very late, they didn't want Ji Hyo to feel tiresome so they left at the same time.

They left then Song Ji Hyo went to have a shower and told Gary that she would be fine.

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cookiebear123435 #1
Thanks for all the Support I will update when I have finished all the parts on Watt pad with my other fan fictions then update it on Asian fanfics, might take a few months sorry. If you want to read it on Watt pad with my other unfinished fan fictions, my username is the same so you can find it easily.
adkunw #2
Chapter 2: hahahaaa.. kang gary fainted because he knew that ji hyo have a feeling for him.. :D
garydaughter #3
good job author. ツ