

At the han river

Hyurin pov:

I saw a familiar figure sitting at the bench in front of river, waiting for me. I approach him and sat beside him. "Hey for your information about yesterday, im not kill that guy." he said suddenly without im asking. I look at him and make a face "then, what?" i ask. "We're just fighting, then he pull out his knife. I hold his hand to prevent him from killing me and then he end up killing his self. That was an accident and its not my fault."he say "Err.. okayy i see" i said. Dont know how to give a reaction because i dont know why he telling me about this, like i care?

"im just telling about this bcs i dont want you to label me as a killer." he said. "err yeah"i replied in shock. "This guy really has a talent to read people mind or what?" i asked to myself. "Well, why are you asking me to come here? What you want me to do?" i asked him curiously. "Oh yaa. I want to introducing you to my parents now. Lets go!" he say while grabbing my hand. "Huh w..wwhat?" i was in shock again while trying to shoved his hand. Seriously this guy should stop making me shock. 

He then let go of my hand and faced me "Hey listen. The reason why i asked you to be my girlfriend because i want to show you to my parents. They want to arrange a marriage to me if i dont have a girlfriend. Just for 365 days. 365 days and it's was over. Move on and forget all of this thing like we never met like before this " "Bb..but" "Come on! Help me! Can you?" he asked. Wait he asked for help? "Err ye?" "Lets go!" he say while grabbing my hand again. I just followed him behind. Soon, we arrived at his house. I was amazed because his house was so big. "Hey! how can you amazed my house while your house is 2x biggest than this?" he asked. "Err just, emm bcs yesterday you say that you has no place to go but look! you owned a big house" i said while pointing at his house. "Ohh!" he chuckled. "Its because i accidently drop my keys when i was fighting yesterday. I dont want to disturb them since i know they are already sleep, that why i decide to slept at your place." "but still, you can climbed your house like what you did at my house right?" i ask. Still curious with him.

"Hah that's because i dont want to be caught as a 'robber who is robbed his own house'." he say while laughing. Then he stop laughing because i make a "wth" face to him. "Hey just forget them. Let's go inside!" he grabbed my hand and go inside the house. I sometime wonder, is him is the guy i met yesterday? He is more nicer than scary guy yesterday. But hey, maybe he is a nice person since he say that yesterday he not the one who killed that guy. Maybe.

I dont even felt nervous like i should to because this is just a fake. "Im home! Mom! Dad!" he shouted calling his parent. "Yes?" they quickly come to us. Both of his parent eyeing me. "Who is that?" his mom ask in serious tone. I dont know why but I suddenly felt a little bit nervous. "Let me introduce you my girlfriend, err.." he look at me with 'what the i dont even know what your name' face. I understand him and smile at his parent. "Hello! Im Tao girlfriend, Park Hyurin" i introduced myself and bowed to them. His parents suddenly beamed a sweet smile for me. "Wahh she is so pretty and polite!" his mom exclaimed while hugging me. "Im glad to know that you find the right girl, Tao-ah" his dad said while smilling. Tao sighed in relief. So? He is nervous huh?

"Come in! Lets has a lunch together!" his mom grabbed my hand and bring me to their dinner table. Tao and his dad smilling and follow us behind. I sit infront of his mom and Tao sit beside me. "nah eat this!" his mom hand me a meat. "Neh". While eating, his parent chatting about their life. They also talked about Tao when he was kids. I nodded and smilling while listening to their story. I can see how happy they are. Tao sometimes ask his mom to stop but then, they end up laughing. How i really want this kind of dinner. Happy and full of laughter. Since my mom gone, me and my dad are separate. Dad is not coming home and only come home when he was in drunk. "Hey Hyurin, now your turn tell me about your family" his dad ask. "Uhh ahh.. emm my dad is a doctor and he owned the hospital, Park's Hospital." "Wahh that is great!" he exclaimed. "uh yeah"

"Your mom?" his mom asked me. "Oh well, my mom is.. is already... d..died." i said while lowered my head."Oh we are sorry about that" his dad say. "Oh its okay" i said smilling. "Aigoo you must miss your mom right?" his mom asked and i nodded. "its okay. I can be your mom starting from now. Just call me mummy okay?" his mom said while ruffling my hair. "Oh yeah... mummy." i say while giggling. "Huh? call me daddy then" his dad asked while giggling. "Yeah daddy~" all of them laughing. "What? they are my mom and dad. Only me can call them like that" Tao say in jealous tone. "Yah! she is going to be my daughter too, soon right?" his mom asked. "Err yeah~" Tao smile and nodded."I cant wait for that Hyurin ah. When you two get married soon, i will always cook a delicious food for you ok?" "Yeah auntie" i said nodding. 

-Tao pov
"Mom, dad i will sent her home now" i say to my parents. "Why so hurry?" my mom asked. Aish look like she really like this girl. "Uh i have something to do right now" Hyurin said. "Oh okay. Tao ah, always bring
Hyurin come here next time eh? We can have lunch or dinner together again. I will cook many delicious for you eh Hyurin ah?" "Yea auntie" we said at the same time. "Thank you for today mom and dad" she bowed to them and they nodding. "Bye Hyurin ah, come again next time".
I exited the house first because want to Hyurin finished the talked quickly. "Yeah sure! Bye" she said and follow me exited the house. She waved at them for the last time and enter to my car. My dad is the one who ask me to drive her home than walking. I actually prefer walking than driving plus im to lazy to drive and her house is not far away from here. "You really doing a great job for taking my parents heart" i said kidding. From the corner of my eyes i can see that she look at me and rolled her eyes. We soon arrived at her house. Before she exited from my car, i stopped her "Hey thank you for helping me. My dad said that he will cancel about the arrange marriage. Thank you" i say while smiled to her. I really meant it. "Oh its okay then since your parents is very nice to me. Goodbye" she say and exited the car. I watched her until she enter her house. Im glad that i find a right girl to doing this job . Then i drove my car to go meet my friend.
Hyurin pov:
I went into my room and laid myself on my bed. I was just confused. Is that is the guy that i met yesterday. He was seriously different like the guy i met today. The way he talked to me very calm and friendly, not like a yesterday, his voice was scared me. Yes maybe he's really a nice person like the way he thanks me for helping him, i know that he really meant it. Then i heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Tao, I answered quickly "Hello?" "Hey let's met tonigh at 8pm. i will pick up you. Bye" he said theN hang out the phone before i cant even say any words. Aish seriously this guy? how can he just order me just like that. Even he is nice but he is still a jerk. I sighed. Why am i promised to him that i will do anything what he want?

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Chapter 10: daebak ^^ you've made such a good story ~ i like it .btw are you malay? haha just asking .please update soon :3
Ikimmykim #2
Thank you for updates this story really fast :) I love this story!
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