Meetings and Sweet Revenge

You're My Neighbor?
Yong Yong's POV We arrived at the studio in no time. Which was good because after seeing the studio, I almost forgot about the fight between Kwang Min and I. The studio from the outside had people waiting in line to get in. It was mostly girls with signs; screaming everytime they see a celebrity.  We all went into the studio through the back entrance but as soon as I went in, my jaw dropped and eyes widened. It was like I died and went to fan girl heaven. There was celebrities scattered everywhere. I couldn't move. It felt like I was glued to the ground until someone grabbed and pulled my hand for me to walk forward. I looked at who was pulling me. It was Kwang Min! I didn't know if I should be mad or faint. But all I know was that I was speechless until we stopped and he let go of my hand.  "Yah! Are you trying to be like a lost puppy? I knew it was a bad idea to bring you." he said almost yelling.  "Mianhe. But I would've been able to find my way if I got lost." "Really? How? You've been here before?" "Anie. I could've just asked Shinee if they knew where you guys were. That way I get to meet them and find my way back hehe."  "Typical fan girl answer." he said.  I opened my mouth to say a comeback but Young Min grabbed me by my arm and held my by my shoulders and said "Everyone, this is my chingu Yong Yong. She's also our new next door neighbor. Isn't she cute?" I looked at the people that he was introducing me to and it was... I can't believe it! Its BOYFRIEND!  " Annyong Yong Yong!" said Dong Hyun.  "Nice to meet you" said Jeong Min.  "Look shes speechless!" said Hyun Seong.  "Can I have your number?" said Min Woo.  Young Min flicked Min Woo's head. "Bad Min Woo!" said Young Min. "She's a big fan of Boyfriend so I invited her today. But she had a little fight with Kwang Min so let try to cheer her up. "  "Umm" I tried to speak but It didn't come out so clearly. " You're...You're...You're... Boyfriend... OMG! Nice to meet you! My friends and I love you guys so much! We always talk about how were going to marry you in the future." Crap! That last line came out on it's own. They all giggled until Young Min said "Here Yong Yong. This is where you'll be staying when we go on stage." Said Young Min showing me to a little couch. There was also a tv for me to watch the performances.  "We have to get dressed so we'll have to leave for a little while." said Dong Hyun.  "Araso. I'll be here waiting." They left to go on stage. I could here them whisper to each other "aww she's so cute. Why was Kwang Min fighting with her?" I giggled and took out my notebook.  "Yah! Listen. You can't go around looking for celebrities. Araso? And even if you do wander around people will think that your a psycho fan that wants to kidnap us. So stay and dont embarrass us." Said Kwang Min dressed in his performance clothes.  "Pshht. You're no fun."  "If you disobey, I'll go around telling people that you eat your boogers." " What?" I blocked my nose and said " No I dont!" "Well, don't wander around and I won't tell. Araso?"  "Araso. Merong!" He left  I started to fiercely scribble in my notebook.  "Stupid Kwang Min, telling me what to do!" I said to myself.  He's such a party pooper. I should really change who I like.  Hmmm. I should get revenge. My smile turned mischievous as I wrote something on a piece of notebook paper.  Kwang Min came back with a water bottle.  "What are you doing?" he asked.  I hid what I was doing and said "None of your business!" "Fine, I didn't really want to know anyways." I ripped out the piece of paper and took a piece of tape when he wasn't looking. The rest of Boyfriend came back but was called to do a quick rehearsal before they went on. I quickly went behind Kwan Min and patted him on the back.  "Mianhe Kwang Min. I hope we can be good friends in the future. I promise I won't ever go through your things again. Break a leg!" I said with my innocent look.  He turned to look me and said "Thanks." with a expressionless face.  Once he left I couldn't help but laugh. "Take that Jo Kwang Min!" Kwang Min's POV Was she trying to be nice to me? Maybe I really got through to her. She probably going to start listening to what I say now since I AM here favorite right?  I ran to the group and started rehearsing one of our songs.  "Where were you?" whispered Min Woo. "Why are you late?"  "I was trying to set some rules for Yong Yong so she doesn't go around bothering other celebrities." "You should just let her be. She probably wants to meets her favorite bands." "Why am I being scolded today? Just because I told her not to do things doesn't make me a bad person." "I know. I know. But you go overboard sometimes." "mmm. Do not." I heard the music start. That was are cue to start dancing. When I started to dance I heard laughs behind me. I turned around and saw Young Min and Hyun Seong laughing.  I looked at then confused and asked "What's so funny?" They stopped laughing and pointed at me. "What about me?" "Check your back" said Young Min.  I reached behind my back and felt a piece of paper. I yanked it off my back. In glittery pen "I'm a big Poopy Head! Pyong!" was written on the paper.  I crumpled the paper and put it in my pocket.  "when rehearsals are over, im so gonna get her." I thought to myself. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD