The After Shock

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV We got home after the dinner with the neighbors. It was somewhat entertaining.  " haha! Did you see the look on her face when we told her we were the Jo twins from Boyfriend?" said Young Min said as we went into our room.  "Yeah. It was pretty funny." I said changing out of my clothes.  "She's pretty cute tho. We should take her to one of our performances so she can meet the rest of Boyfriend." "Nah. That's too much trouble. What if she goes around doing stupid things?"  "Oh come on! Whats the worst that could happen?" I didnt wanna answer his question. So I went and checked my phone to see if everythings there.  Hmm. Contacts:check. Pictures:check. Messages: 20 pictures sent?  Pictures? What pictures?  I checked through the sent messages and saw all the pictures from our concerts. There was even a picture of Yong Yong. She probably sent this to her phone. Wait. That means she went through my phone! Ahh! Really? This girl really wants to die? Shes a nosy person isn't she? "Yah! What's wrong?" asked Young Min.  I looked at him and said "That girl went through my phone!" "Well she probably went through it to find out the owner of the phone.  But even if she did it on purpose how could you be mad at cute clueless person like her?"  "Pshh. Cute? Its probably just an act to get our attention." "Whatever. I'm going to go to sleep. Night!" "Night" Yong Yong's POV Ahhhhhh! I slammed my head against my pillow and screamed. They were actually the Jo twins? and I actually said all those things about them? Ahhhh! How could this happen? Babo! Babo! Babo! How can I call myself a fan when I didn't  even recognize them? Aishh! I'm losing my mind. I should tell Jae Rin and Jin Jin about this! Wait. Maybe I should hold off on telling them for now. Hmm. Maybe I should properly introduce myself. Yah! That's it! If I see them I'll tell them to forget what I said.... I stared at the Boyfriend poster on the wall. Hmmm.... They look sooo much cuter in person hehe. Omg! Wait a minute.... I actually had Jo Kwang Min's Phone? Dude! That would sooo explain why he had pictures of Boyfriend. He almost got me thinking that he likes guys haha! I swear! I can be soo clueless sometimes! I Well time to sleep. I'm Soo tired. I grabbed my stuffed bunny doll and snugged myself under my blanket. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD