Sneaky Spies

You're My Neighbor?
Young Min's POV ~The Next Day~ It was 7 in the morning and i was going to meet Jin Jin at her school again. Yesterday was so fun! I go to go on my first date with Jin Jin and I got to walk her home. All thanks to Yong Yong and Kwang Min. Aww. I love them so much. But they acted a little wierd yesterday. Kwang Min wouldn't suggest something like that. The weirdest thing was that he up all night txting, which he usually doesn't do. Hmmm.... "Hyung, are you going to see Jin Jin today at school?" asked Kwang Min.  "Ye? Wae?" "umm. Can I come?" he actually wants to come with me? "Sure. Wae?" "huh?" he said.  "Wae do you wanna come all of a sudden?" He gave me a guilty look. "I umm wanna check out the school. Yong Yong told me that theres a Pokemon club. Yeah..." "Araso." well I guess that's a good excuse. We went out the door and started walking and saw Yong Yong.  "Yong Yong!" I yelled when she started to walk. She turned around and she smiled. She looked at me, then at Kwang Min. But when she looked at Kwang Min her smile was gone and instead she bit her lip. She looked like she did something bad. Kwang Min had the same expression.  "Annyong Yong Yong!" I yelled again.  She went back to smiling and she waved. We walked next to her so we could walk together.  "Hey. How was your walk home with Jin Jin?" she asked me.  I smiled. "It was fun! We bought ice cream, held hands, and something else.... Keke!" She giggled. "If it's something gross don't tell me. Haha." "I'll tell you anyways." I said. "We...........played tag!! Kekeke!" We all laughed but other than that Kwang Min didn't talk or was arguing. But he was looking at Yong Yong every once in awhile.  We got to the school and I saw Jin Jin, Jae Rin, and Sung Jo sunbae hanging out under a tree. "Young Min oppa!" Jin Jin, my little tokki, yelled.  "Annyong!" I yelled back as we walked closer to them.  She was smiling and jumping up and down like a little girl. Now I could tell that Yong Yong wasn't the only fangirl out of her friends.  "Young Min-ah! What took you so long?" she asked.  I pinched her cheeks. "Mianhe my little tokki. I had to wait for Kwang Min." "Did you force him to follow you again?" Jae Rin asked.  "Anie. This time he actually wanted to. " I said. The others, except Kwang Min and Yong Yong, had a surprised face.  "It must be because you found out that the girl you were looking at in the club, goes to school here. " said Sung Jo Sunbae.  "Right! She does! She's in my book club." said Jae Rin.  "Ahh! That must be it. So my dongsaeng had a crush?" I said jokingly and everyone started laughing except the two.  "Ya! Kwang Min doesn't like anyone and if he did it wouldn't be her!" yelled Yong Yong in a angry tone.  Everyone was shocked. Wow. It was one side of Yong Yong that we haven't seen.  She went back to her regular tone, smiled, and said "Mianhe. I didn't get enough sleep last night."  "Really? What did you do?" asked Jin Jin.  "Kwang Min probably didnt get enough sleep either. He was up txting all night." I said and saw Kwang Min blush.  "oooos" everyone said.  "Who is it Kwang Min?" asked Jae Rin. "a girl?.....a guy?!" "Ya! It's not a boy and it's none of your business." he said looking irratated.  He hit Yong Yong's arm. "Ah. I'm gonna show Kwang Min the library. He wants to see the books." said Yong Yong.  "Araso. See you later." said Jin Jin. And they left.  Jin Jin's POV "Ya! Oppa. Something wierd is going on." I said to Young Min.  He nodded. "I noticed that too." Jae Rin and Sunbae nodded their heads too.  "I've never see Yong Yong like that." said Jae Rin.  "Yeah. Not even when I drew on her Super Junior poster. Well, I mostly got hit by Jae Rin cause I drew a beard on Sung Min." said Sunbae.  Jae Rin slapped him. "I'm still mad at you for that. I gave that to her on her birthday. " I remembered that day too. We all ganged up on Sunbae and made him buy all of us posters. Sigh. That was like in middle school a I still have my free poster from him.  "Ya! So what are we going to do? You wanna spy on those two?" I asked.  "Mmmm. Sounds fun! I'm in!" said Jae Rin.  "Me too!" yelled Young Min.  "I can't I have to study." said Sunbae.  "Aww! Come on Sunbae!" said Jae Rin.  "Just ask Min Woo. He'll probably want to help too." said Young Min.  "Araso." she said.  "Okay. Young Min, you watch Kwang Min. Me and Jae Rin get Yong Yong then later we'll switch" I said.  They both nodded and the bell rang.  "Annyong my tokki! I'll txt you. " Young Min said walking backwards and waving at me.  Jae Rin and I got to class and saw Yong Yong sitting down.  I hit the desk she was using. "Spill it." I said.  "What are you talking about?" Yong Yong said taking out her books.  "What are you hiding? We know you're hiding something. You never look us in the eye when you hide things." said Jae Rin.  She looked at both of us.  "I'm. Not. Hiding. Anything. Now won't you guys stop it." she said.  "Araso." I said. When I said, it I came up with a brilliant idea. Yong Yong was always bad at lying. I could probably crack her by telling her a bunch of stuff until we see her hesitate.  I looked at Jae Rin with a mischievous smile and she immediately understood.  "Ya Yong Yong. We have a new student in our class. Do you think that new guy is cute?" I said pointing at the new kid.  "Anie." she said calmy.  "Did you steal money from someone?" asked Jae Rin. I looked at her and gave her a serious look. She mouthed "Mianhe". Her question was so direct.  "Anie. I just got my allowance." Yong Yong said calmly again.  Ah! I got one! "Yah Jae Rin. Did you see the group of girls that tackled Kwang Min when he was leaving campus?" I saw her stop what she was doing and was paying attention to us. "What happened to Kwang Min?" She asked looking worried.  Yes! We finally got our answer! "Oh nothing. Why? Does it worry you?" I asked.  She laughed. "Anie. I want to use this against him." Dang it! We lost it.  I txted Young Min the results.  Young Min's POV I walked back home with Kwang Min but he didn't talk. He was just smiling and txting.   It must be a girl.  "Kwang Min-ah! Why are you so happy?" I asked.  "I'm not happy. I just feel like smiling." he answered. That is not my dongsaeng! He would never answer like that.  I grabbed Kwang Min by the shoulders and shook him yelling "Give me back my brother you demon!!"  "Ya! What are you doing?!!" he looked irrataed now. He was back to normal.  "Mianhe. I thought I lost you for a second. So spill it. What are you hiding?"  He looked guilty. "I umm. I kinda stole your money to by Pokemon cards. " he said.  I looked at him confused. "Really? That's it? That's all your hiding?" "yeah.... That's it. " he said.  He's such a bad liar.  I took out my phone and txted Jin Jin.  Jae Rin's POV Well, Young Min's and Jin Jin's plans didnt work. So I was set out to spy on Kwang Min while Min Woo went to spy on Yong Yong.  Young Min told me that Kwang Min was going out on a walk so I had to look for him.  There he is! He was walking towards the park. I silently followed. Where is he going?  He headed towards a strange person in a coat, hat, and dark shades. It the figure looked like a man. Gasp! So he really is going out with a guy!! He walked up to him and gave him money. The coat person gave him two rectangle size pieces of paper. What the heck is he doing? Kwang Min looked around the park before he took the paper. I had to hide before he sees me.  I couldn't see him but I could hear him say "Don't tell anyone. You tell, and you'll die." Gasp! Hes must be in a mafia... or worse..... I have to tell the others!  I got out my phone "let's all meet at Young Min's house" I txted to Jin Jin and the others.  We all arrived at Young Min's house and we all discussed our results.  All we know is that Kwang Min's been txting someone and that he got two pieces of paper from a wierd looking person.  "Let's just give up." said Jin Jin. "does It really matter what theyre up to?"  "True. " said Young Min. "I guess we give up." "Aww. It was just getting good!" I said.  "its okay. Ya. I almost forgot! I have concert tickets to a Big Bang concert tonight. Do you guys wanna go?" asked Young Min.  "Yeah!" Jin Jin and I both yelled.  "What about Kwang Min?" Jin Jin asked.  "He doesnt like going to concerts. He said it's too noisy for him."  "Wait. What about Yong Yong?" I asked.  "Well. Yong Yong probably doesn't want to come right? She has alot of homework to catch up on anyways." said Jin Jin.  "Oh yeah!" I said. "She has a D right now since I don't let her copy my homework anymore." We all nodded. "Yay! Let's go get ready and I'll meet you guys there." said Young Min.  "Araso" we both said.  Young Min's POV We all arrived at the concert and got the V.I.P seats. With me sitting next to Jin Jin and Jae Rin sitting next to a open seat, which is going to be taken by Min Woo. The truth is that everyone in Boyfriend got a ticket but Kwang Min and Hyun Seong gave me theirs.  "Young Min Oppa. Are Dong Hyun and Jeong Min coming?" asked Jin Jin.  I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I said looking around the concert hall.  "Ya!" yelled Jae Rin. "Isn't that Kwang Min?" I looked at where she was looking and it really was Kwang Min! We all looked shocked when we saw him and he was heading towards us.  He got closer and his eyes got wide.  "Ya! What are you guys doing here?" he yelled looking scared. "We should be asking you that." I said putting my hands on my hips. "umm--" "Kwang Min-ah. Is this our seats?" Yong Yong said coming out of nowhere.  Her eyes widened when she saw us.  "Umm. Sorry wrong number! Bye!" she turned and started to walk away but Kwang Min grabbed her by the back of her shirt.  "Ya. Just stay here." said Kwang Min.  She nodded and weakly smiled at us. "Hey guys. Nice to see you here." she said.  "You're going out with Kwang Min?" asked Jae Rin.  "Ya! Why didn't you tell us?" asked Jin Jin.  "umm. I just umm. I dont know. Kekeke.Mianhe. " answered Yong Yong. "Howd you guys get it? I had Kwang Min's tickets." I asked.  "I kinda asked Jeong Min and Dong Hyun for their tickets." he said giving a guilty smile.  "Ya! So Dong Hyun was that guy in the coat at the park?" said Jae Rin.  "What?! How did you know?" Kwang Min asked.  "kekeke. I don't know." Jae Rin said with a guilty look.  "Ya!" Kwang Min yelled.  "Calm down and watch the concert you big babo." I told him.  I brought out my phone and txted Kwang Min.  "Haha! You guys are busted! You're so cute dongsaeng but I give you credit for actually not letting us find out! Pyong!" Kwang Min looked at me and sticker out his tongue and mouthed "merong".
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD