Yong Yong's House

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV It's 2:00, on saturday, and i was still in bed. I didn't  hear Young Min so im guessing hes outside.  Ahh! This week was soo boring! But very peaceful. I haven't seen or heard of Yong Yong since we went over to her house.  I got out of bed to get something to eat. I saw no saturday morning breakfeast on the table like their always is and the house was empty. Wheres Young Min? Wheres Omma and Appa? And importantly, wheres my breakfast? I went into the kitchen and stuck my head in the fridge to see what I can eat. When I closed it I saw a note on the door.  "Kwang Min, Something urgent came up. Appa and I will be gone until tomorrow. Young Min will be at Min Woo's house tonight so if you need anything go next door and Mrs. Jung will take care of you.      Love, Omma.  P. S. there's no food.  They just left me? Great. I'm home alone. With no food. *Sigh* I went into the snack cabinet and pulled out some cookies.  I should call Hyung to see if we can get me some food. I took out my phone and started dialing his number.  "Yabaseyo? Hyung!" "Ah Kwang Min-ah! You're finally awake?" said Young Min.  "Ye. Where are you? Can you bring me some food?" "I'm still at Min Woo's house but we're gonna come over a little later and I can't I'm broke. Why don't you eat the cookies in the cabinet. " "Umm I'm eating it right now. But I'm still hungry! Come home soon and cook for me!" "You should really learn to cook for yourself. Go ask Yong Yong. Shes having a sleep over today. So she'll probably have food." "*Sigh* Araso." "Oh! And don't forget to be nice!" "No promises. Bye" I hung up and went back to my room and changed my clothes. I didn't want to go to their house but I guess I have no choice.  Yong Yong's POV I txted Jae Rin and Jin Jin. They said they were on their way. I had everything ready food, movies, music. All we needed was boys to make it a party. Omma and Appa left in the morning. They said they were coming home tomarrow at noon.  It felt so good to have the house to myself and my friends.  *Ding Dong*  Oh they're here! "I'm coming!" I yelled running down the stairs to answer the door.  "Hey!--oh. Umm. Kwang Min? Do you need something?" "Umm. I umm was wondering umm if you could make me something to eat." I was stared at him with my "clueless" expression for a couple of seconds and let him in the house.  "Umm. Don't you have food at your house?" I asked.  "Anie. We don't. Omma and Appa went on a little trip so the house is empty." "Oh I see." it felt ackward being alone in the house with him. I couldn't really say much to him.  "Yeah... So can you please make me food."  His voice was so gentle when he said that. It's alot different from his mad voice. It made him look angelic and cute. I was almost speechless.  "Oh yeah. Wait in the dinning room for a while."  he nodded and went into the dinning rule.  I was shocked that he actually listened to me.  I went into the kitchen and brought out some of the food I bought for the sleep over. Basically it was just frozen pizza that you put in the oven. I peeked out to see what Kwang Min was doing while waiting for the pizza to cook.  It looked like he was just spacing out at the wall. He really did look like his hyung. I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. Even if I forced myself to I still wouldn't be able to look away.... Put my looking stopped because I heard the door bell.  Their here! Oh no! Kwang Min is here.  "Kwang Min-ah! Come here quietly! Hurry!" He obeyed and came to the kitchen.  "You need to hide. Quickly! Hurry and follow me! Ask questions later   Just go into my room and stay there. Araso?" I said while we ran up the stairs to my room.  "Araso. But wait!" I didnt have time to wait so I opened my door and pushed him in.  "Where's my food?" I heard him say through the door. I ignored him and ran to the door.  "Chingu! You're here!" I said while opening the door.  "Yong Yong!" they both said yelled.  "I smell pizza. Yay!" said Jae Rin.  I let them in and made them stay in the living room for now.  I ran back up stairs and knocked on my door. "Kwang Min-ah!" I yelled quietly. I opened the door to see Kwang Min standing in the middle of room looking at the poster of Boyfriend.  He looked at me and said "You're a psycho in desguise aren't you?" "Yah!" I yelled. Crap too loud.  "Yong Yong-ah! Are you okay?" yelled Jin Jin.  "Ye! I'll be down in a minute!" I couldn't let them see that Kwang Min was here. They would think something's going on between us.  "is that your friends?" asked Kwang Min.  "umm. Yeahs so you need to get out cause were having a sleep over. Soo you know how to get out from the window right?" "Umm this is this is the 2nd floor." "I'm glad you understand! Now go!" "Yah! I'm not going out through the window! That's dangerous! Are you crazy or something?" "Right now I am. Now go! it's perfectly safe. I promise." "That's not safe! I have to dance and sing next week and you expect me to go out through the window!?" We were fighting again. And just when I thought nothing else bad would happen... The door slammed open. We both stepped back when it opened and seeing Jin Jin and Jae Rin in the door way.  "What's going on? We heard alot of yelling. " said Jin Jin.  "Kwang Min oppa! You're here! In Yong Yong's room? But she never let's anyone in her room... Hey what's going on?" said Jae Rin.  I opened my mouth to say something but Kwang Min ended up explaining instead.  "My parents are out so she's making me something to eat." said Kwang Min.  "Oohs. That's nice of you Yong Yong! We should all go eat something now. I think the pizza is done." said Jae Rin.  I looked at Kwang Min and gave him a thumbs up. And left my room.  We were all on the table eating pizza. He was quiet for most of the time. I guess it's because he doesn't really know Jae Rin and Jin Jin. I looked at Kwang Min while he was taking a bit out of his pizza. He noticed me looking at me and asked " What? Do I have something on my face?" "Anie. I was just looking at your shy face cause I don't see as often as your mad face." I said.  "Well who's fault is that?" "Yours of course!" "Aissh! This girl is crazy! How do you two put up with her?" He said facing my two friends.  They just ended up laughing.  "Well she only argues with people when she has to. Like this one time she stood up to a boy who kept on teasing Jin Jin but after that day we haven't seen him since." Said Jae Rin.  I had a big proud smile on my face when Kwang Min looked at me.  "No wonder she doesn't have a boyfriend." My jaw dropped. I wanted to flick him in the head.  "Anie. That's not the reason. She always says that she's gonna end up with someone famous so she stays single until it's gonna happen." said Jin Jin.  "Yah! Why are you telling him things about me?" "Mianhe" they both said.  Kwang Min started to laugh and we all started laughing too.  The laughing stopped after we heard the door bell rang.  Whos here? I wasn't expecting anyone. I ran to the door and looked at the little peep hole. It was already 8 and it was hard to see who it was outside. All I saw was 5 figures. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD