At The Club^^

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV "What the heck is this place?" i thought as we walked into a wierd club full of people, loud music, and colorful lights moving all around the room.  "Excuse me, but what is this place?" I asked.  The girl smiled and said "this is a club just for teens. They have the best food here but I couldnt really come as often as I wanted to because of my parents so I used to sneak out. But that was like 4 years ago so I'm sure my parents would let me come here now. Oh! There's a open table! Let's go!" she said.  I looked at the place again. It was pretty cool maybe the rest of Boyfriends would want to hang out here.  "Yah! Ahjusshi over here!" the girl called from a four seated table.  "Why do we need four seats? There's only two of us." " Yes, that's true but my friends said they were here so I wanted to see them. Here's the menu. You should try the chicken here I sweat your gonna go nuts over it." I looked at her with my "are you serious look?" just when I was about to open my mouth to say something she yelled  " Jin Jin-ah! Jae Rin-ah!" I hear to girls screaming and running toward our table.  " Yong Yong-ah! You're back! We missed you so much! The group didn't feel complete without you!" Said one girl with dark brown curly hair.  "Yeah! You missed out on so much. We went to a Shinee concert without you." said another girl said with black hair in pigtails wearing glasses.  "What?! Did you atleast get my a souvenir from their concert?"  " Mianhe" they both said.  " it's okay but you guys are Sooo gonna buy me more posters for my room." "Araso!" they two girls said. " Yah! Who's the Ahjusshi?" " Ahh this is--" " Just call me Kwang Min" I said interrupting the girl named Yong Yong.  "Ahh, nice to meet you Kwang Min. Are you guys going out?" asked the girl named Jae Rin.  Yong Yong laughed and said " nope! But he is buying me food so let's hang out later. Araso?" "Araso. Ahh did u hear? Boyfriend is back from their tour!" said Jin Jin.  I looked at the girl named Jin Jin when I heard the word Boyfriend.  "Yupps I heard!" said Yong Yong. "I also heard that one of the Jo Twins was caught coming out from the airport almost the same time I arrived! That means I was Sooo close to meeting one of the Jo Twins! Eeeee!!"  When Yong Yong sqeuled, her friends started to squeal also. These people are wierd. Obsessed much? Wait. Im the Jo twin that was coming out of airport today. Crap that means papparazzi caught me. I didnt want to stay here any longer to hear them talk. I could coone out of my calm zone any zone any minute.  " umm I have something to do so here" I gave her whatever I had in my wallet and said goodbye.  "Ahh Ahjusshi! Gamweo for the money take care! I'll make sure ti give your change if I see you! Annyong!" Yong Yong shouted as I left the club. Well that's the end of that. I hope u dont those fan girls ever again.  Yong Yong POV After the Ahjusshi named Kwang Min left, we had a tasty meal with the money he gave me. We left the club and started walking home with my friends, since they lived in the neighborhood.  " hey Yong Yong, why did the Ahjusshi have to buy you food?" said by best friend Jae Rin.  " oh, well that's because I found his phone and he wanted to thank  me for returning it." ( haha riiigggghhht..) " Oh how nice but he kinda looked familiar don't you think?" said Jin Jin.  "I thought that too" I said. " but I can't really put my finger on it." Jae Rin gasped and said " I know who he looks like!... He looks like Kim Hyun Joong!" Jin Jin and I looked at each other and said " Ahhh... He does!" "Noo. Wait. That's not it. He looks like someone else. " I said.  " Hmm. Well let's think of that later. I wanna go home. Let's hang out later. Annyong" "Annyong Jin Jin! Annyong Jae Rin! I'll call you after the dinner with the neighbors." Okay! Time to face the neighbors. Fighting!
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD