I'm So Sorry For That...

You're My Neighbor?
Young Min's POV After rehearsal, I saw Kwang Min stomp off the stage as if he was mad and about to kill someone. The rest of us followed after him to see what was going to happen. He eneded up in front of Yong Yong, who was laying on the couch drawing in her notebook. "Yah!" he yelled. I saw Yong Yong drop her notebook and stood up.  "What!? Why are you yelling?" she shouted back.  "Didn't I say not to do anything stupid? And yet you still do it." "What are you talking about? What did I--. Ohs. Yeah I did that cause I wanted to. Merong! Its payback. Your welcome." Yong Yong sat back down and started drawing again. Kwang Min looked really mad. He grabbed the notebook from her hands and she was yelling at him to give it back.  *Sigh* why do I have to be the mature one today?.. I went between the two and pulled both their ears. They both were yelling "Oww" but I didnt care.  "Both of you stop it or else I wont let go of your ears." I said while pulling their ears.  "She started it" said Kwang Min.  "No! He started it" said Yong Yong.  I shook my head and sighed.  "Min Woo-ah! You talk to Kwang Min while I talk to Yong Yong." "Araso." said Min Woo.  I let go their ears and grabbed Yong Yong's hand and leaded her to a quiet place to talk.  "Okay. First of all, good prank! The glitter pen was a nice touch. And second of all, stop fighting. You guys only knew each other for a week and you guys are  fighting like cats and dogs." "Pshh. He's the one who keeps telling me what to do and gets mad at me for no reason. I think the Kwang Min that I liked was just an act. He isn't really shy or nice is he?" " Here let me tell you a secret about him. Kwang Min only acts shy around people he doesn't feel comfortable with or doesn't know. So that's why when he does an interview he's the Kwang Min that fans know him as. But when it's around us, its a whole another side of him you dont know. But dont worry. The other side of Kwang Min isn't just full of anger. I promise. " She looked at me with a guilty face like she committed a crime or something. "Mianhe Young Min-ah. I caused trouble today didn't I? I promise I'll try to be nice if he bes nicer. "said Yong Yong.  "Aww Yong Yong! I can't be mad at you. Soo you might have to do your apology to Kwang Min." "What!?"  I pushed her in Kwang Min's direction and yelled "Fighting! Make sure you don't start fighting again!" Kwang Min's POV *Sigh* this is like the 4th time im being scolded today. I don't really feel like listening to Min Woo cause all he's saying is to be nice to girls and blah blah blah. Pshh. She started it. Why should I be nice to her. I just sat on the couch and crossed my arms.  "Umm. Min Woo-ah can I speak to Kwang Min?" I turned to where Yong Yong was. She had a guilty look on her face. Like she was about to burst out crying. Min Woo left the and left Yong Yong and I alone.  "Mianhe." she said.  My eyes widened. "she actually looks like she means it. " I thought.  "I really promise that I'll be more mature and that I'll leave you alone from now on." "I forgive you this time but if you ever do that again, I'll tell security to kick you out." "Deal. I'll stay out your way." she said with a cute puppy face. Aww she really is cute. Stop it! You don't actually think that. "you don't have to that. Just don't do anything stupid." "Does asking Ki Kwang ,from Beast, to take off shirt considered stupid?" She asked.  "Yes. So dont do it." "Araso." I was so tired from being mad that I didnt have the strength to mean to her anymore today. Instead I'll do something nice... Like getting her water.  " Yong Yong-ah do you want water?" "yes please!" she said with a big smile. "Gamsamida!" "Okay wait here." I went to the Noona with water bottles and returned to where Yong Yong was but she wasn't there.  "Yong Yong-ah!" I yelled. I looked around the studio and saw her talking to CN Blue.  I ran to where she was and grabbed her wrist.  Yong Yong's POV I'm Soo thirsty! Where the he is Kwang Min with the water? I got impatient and decided to go on a water hunt.  Hmm. If I was water where would I be? Ahh! There! Right on the table next to the boy with the guitar. I crawled to the table so that Kwang Min doesn't catch me wandering around. I was still on my hands and knees I didn't want to get up. I stretched my hand to get the water bottle but instead of feeling the water bottle I felt a hand.  "Yah! That's mines! I saw it first." I said while getting up.  "Mianhe. But I touched it first." said a cute boy voice.  I looked up and saw that the hand I felt was Jung Yong Hwa from CN Blue! My eyes widened and I started squealing. "Hi. I'm a big fan! Can I have your autograph?"  "Who's this?" said Min Hyuk. And the rest of the member gathering to where I was.  "Hehe. Hi. I'm Yong Yong. I--" Before l could finish someone grabbed my wrist and was pulling me. "Yah let go!" "What are you doing?" it was Kwang Min. Shoot! I'm going to get yelled at again.  "umm my pen rolled and it landed next to CN Blue so I went to go get it." "Such a bad lie. You need to learn a little better." said Kwang Min.  "Fine. I'll lie better. Oh Kwang Min you look so cute today! Is that good enough for you?"  He was starting to get that mad look again.  Why are we fighting again? I just went to go get water. Sheesh. This guy really does have an angerment issue. Is he jealous or something? Nah! But that would be so cool! Jo Kwang Min jealous over me? That is one of my biggest dreams.  "Yah! Stop that! Were fighting again!" I yelled. He didnt say anything. He just handed me a water bottle and started walking away.  Please dont get the security. Please don't be mad.  I should stop him before he does something.  "Wait!" I ran as fast as I could to catch up to him. I wished I wasn't wearing heels today. Even though they were small heels, I still couldn't do alot with them. I finally was almost close enough to grab the back of his shirt. I reached for his shirt and ended up slipping on my heels which made me fall backwards.  My eyes were closed and I blanked out for a couple of seconds. I opened my eyes to see Jo Kwang Min's face right in front of me and his lips on mine. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD