Unexpected Guest

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV Eating pizza while two girls are staring at you, is really weird. If I wasn't so hungry I would of been out by now.  "Kwang Min-ah!" I heard Yong Yong call me from the front door. I got up and went to see what she wanted.  "Psshhhtt! Come here" she whispered. "You answer the door while I hide. If they ask if I'm here, then tell them we moved. Araso?" she said clutching my arm looking worried and scared.  "Why who's out there?" "I'm not sure but it could be big dudes who want to beat me up." "Why would they want to beat you up? What did you do?" "umm let's just say that this morning, I got into a fight with a few guys that wanted to buy the Boyfriend's new album for their girlfriends." "What?! Why didn't you let them have it?" "Well... I didn't want to. Those girls can't have you guys if they have those guys. Do you get what I'm saying?" "Anie." "Okay good I'll go hide. " She tried to slowly run away buy I grabbed her by her shirt and made her stay here. It's not that I wanted to see her get beat up, I just wanted her to take responsibility for her actions.  "You. Stay. Here. Araso? If they try to beat you up then get behind me." Why did I say that? Do I really want to protect her?  She nodded and grabbed the door knob. The door slowly opened and there they were the 5 guys were quite weird looking actually. One of them looked like me-- oh crap! It was Young Min, Min Woo, Dong Hyun, Hyun Seong and Jeong Min.  I looked at Yong Yong and she had a big smile on her face.  "Ahhh! It's Boyfriend!" she screamed. "Come in, come in" after she said that she left yelling for her friends.  They all came into the house.  "Yah! You scared her for a second. Why didn't you tell me that you guys are coming over?" I yelled.  "I did" said Young Min. "You weren't answering." I patted my pockets for my phone and to find out that I didn't have it.   "Looking for this?" said Young Min holding out my phone that was just laying flat on his palm. "I also packed your clothes." he held up a backpack too.  "For what?" He smiled and said "Were sleeping over hehe!" "Why?" I said in a whining voice.  "Because I want to hang out with Yong Yong and her friends!" "And don't worry" said Hyun Seong. "The rest of us won't be sleeping over." "But I wanna sleep over too!!" said Min Woo.  "Wait! Who said that we can sleep over?" Just as I said that Yong Yong and her friends were behind me.  "OMG! Boyfriend!!!" yelled her two friends. The just stood there with big eyes and smiled.  Min Woo tapped me and whispered to me "Watch this. " He went up to Jae Rin and showed his innocent baby face look. "Annyong! Im Min Woo." He grabbed her hand and Jae Rin fainted. Yong Yong ended up holding her so she didnt completely fall on the ground.  "Umm Min Woo... You shouldnt do that." said Yong Young.  "Hehe. Mianhe. I just wanted to test something." "What were you guys talking about?" "Ahh. Yong Yong." Young Min said. "Is it okay if we stayed with you for tonight?" "Ummm" it looked like she didn't know how to answer. If I was here I would say no. Who would want 6 boys in a house with 3 girls? Jae Rin got up and said "Yes please stay!" "I guess you guys can stay."  Bad answer Yong Yong. Bad answer.  Yong Yong's POV I had 6 boys in the house and 3 of them sleeping over. With no adults. Every girls dream right? Wrong. It's only a dream if you knew what to do with them. Everyone was just sitting in the living room being very quiet. The only noise you could hear was Jin Jin and Jae Rin sqealing very once in awhile.  "Yah! This is boring! Let's do something!" said Dong Hyun.  "I have movies we can watch but it's kind of a chick flick. So you'll probably won't like it." I said.  "Anie." said Jeong Min. "Let's play a game! What about spin the bottle?" Jae Rin and Jin Jin seems to like that idea.  "Anie! Theres only 3 girls" said Hyun Seong.  "Ahh! I got it!" said Young Min. "Let's play hide and go seek!" "Its too small in here there's no where to hide." said Kwang Min.  " Lets play in the dark! We always used to do that when we were little." said Jin Jin.  Yes we always played it. But I hated it because I always ended up as "it".  "Good idea! Lets do it!" said Young Min with full of excitement. "Wait!" said Kwang Min.  Good he probably can stop this game from happening I thought.  "Let me put my stuff away first."  I couldn't believe it. He's actually going along with it.  "Yong Yong can I put my stuff in your room?" I nodded and leaded him to my room.  Once we got into the room took out something from his bag. It was yellow and fluffy. It was a pikachu doll! It was so cute that I started giggling.  "why are you giggling?" "Ohs. Um nothing." "it's because of pikachu right?" I tried to stop myself from snickering but I couldn't.  He was getting mad again.  "Yah!" he yelled.  "Hey don't get mad... Um wait here." I went to my closet to take out one of my close friends.  With a big smile i said "Ta-da! Meet Hui Hui!" I held up my bunny doll and he started to laugh.  "Yah! What are you laughing at?" "haha you sleep with a bunny." "Who are you to talk! You sleep with a yellow rat thing!" " Gasp! Take that back!" I stook out my tongue and said "Here give me you pikachu." he gave it to me and I put Hui Hui and Pikachu on my bed right beside each other. "There! You see! Pikachu gets along with people very quickly unlike you." This time, he stook out his tongue and walked out the room. I followed him out but when we came out there was whispering around the my friends and Boyfriend. They stopped whispering when they saw us return.  "Let's play now!" said Young Min. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD