Breaking In

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV Why did I tell her that? What's got into me? I actually told Yong Yong that she had to stay with me. "Umm. If you don't want to stay with me, I can try to sneak you into your house" I said trying to be nice. We were walking to my house but Yong Yong was quiet most of the time. Her expression was tired looking.  She looked up at me and smirked. "Anie. It's okay. I already told omma that I was sleeping over Jae Rin's house." "Well you don't want to atleast get some clothes?" "Okays. "  Why wasn't she arguing with me? Was she sick or something? "Soo how do we sneak you in?" I asked. "Simple. I just go through my window." "Whats up with you and your window? You mustve sneaked out alot." She finally smiled "Yupps! Omma never lets me go anywhere cool. If I hang out with my friends it would have to be in a safe envoirement." "Ahh I see. And that's why you're not allowed to go the club. But I agree with her. You're too much to handle to be hanging in a club." She stuck her tongue out at me and flicked me in the head.  "Yah!" I yelled and she ran away from me.  "You can't catch me!" she yelled as I ran after her. It was almost dark when we reached her house.  "Are you gonna come up with me?" she asked me while I was staring at where her window was with my eyes wide open.  "Anie. I'm fine. You can go without me." She smiled mischievously. "You're not getting off so easy." She pulled out a ladder hidden that was hidden on the side but it didn't reach her window.  "Are you sure this is safe?" I asked.  "Of course! You see that tree?" she pointed at the tree that was a foot away from the house. "You just climb the ladder then jump on the tree's branch and go in to the room. Easy right?"  "You're crazy!" I yelled.  "Shhh. Their gonna hear us."  She started climbing the ladder while I made sure it stayed in place. She got up to the tree, opened the window and went in. She stuck her head out the window and told me to come up.  Yong Yong's POV I got in my room faster than usual. I guess I didn't want Kwang Min to worry while I climbed up. But I was worried about Kwang Min as he climbed up. If he got hurt i would be blamed and we'd just go back to fighting again.  "Yong Yong help me out here." he said standing on the tree branch. I stuck out my hand to grab and he clutched it tightly.  "When I count to 3 you jump and I'll pull you." he nodded and bit his lip.  "1..2...3!" he jumped and landed perfectly on the floor. "See. That wasn't so bad." I said helping him off the floor.  "Grab your things and let's get out of here." he said looking worried.  "Don't worry. Omma and Appa end up sleeping early anyways so we won't get caught." I dug through my drawer, got my clothes for school tomarrow and packed it in a bag.  Kwang Min was just looking around my room looking at my posters. "Its kinda weird seeing myself on your wall." he said.  "Oh shush. Now I'm going in my closet to change. No looking! You look and I'll post secrets about you on your fan page." I said going into my closet.  "Pssht. Why would I peek?" "Ya! Where's my curling iron?" I heard Omma yell.  "Yong Yong had it last!" Appa yelled back. "Check her room!" "Yong Yong hurry up! Were gonna get caught!" Kwang Min said as I rushed out of the closet.  "Go out first. I'll meet you down." I said to Kwang Min.  He obeyed and climbed down.  "Hurry!" Kwang Min gestured.  I slowly went out the window and jumped on the branch.  I heard the door knob being turned and the door opening. I had to hurry before they saw me.  "Just jump!" Kwang Min whispered.  I gave him a "are you crazy" look.  "Just close your eyes and jump!" I closed my eyes and jumped. It felt like I landed on lumpy grass. I opened my eyes and saw that I landed on Kwang Min.  My eyes and his eyes were both wide open.  "Umm." I said.  I got up as fast as I could and helped him up. He grabbed my hand and ran to his house.  Kwang Min's POV "Ya! You're never doing that again! You'll get hurt!" I yelled when we got into the house.  "Shhhhh. Isnt your parents gonna hear us?" "Anie. Their not here. They're gone this whole week."  "What?" she looked at me like she was worried and uncomfortable. "They went on a little vacation. Why? Are you scared that I'll make a move on you while were alone?"  "Pshht. You're not like that." she said softly.  "I wouldn't be so sure about that." I said getting closer to her.  "Ya! I'm not falling for that again." she yelled which made me step back.  I couldn't help but smile and laugh.  "Come on. I'll show you my room." I said as I guided her to my room.    
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD