The Twins' House

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV "Wow! You're room is so..... Plain." she said looking at Young Min's and my room.  This is what I get for bringing a girl over to the house *sigh*.  "I'm a guy! What do you expect? Posters of 2PM shirtless?" "Do you have that? Cause that's the only poster I dont have." I ignored her. "This is where you're sleeping" I said pointing my bed.  "Where are you going to sleep?" she asked.  "The living room. Why? You want me to sleep with you?" "Yah!" she yelled.  "Why? What's wrong? We already slept together."  "Babo!" "I'm kidding sheesh. You're no fun anymore. I'm gonna call Young Min."  She nodded. "Order some food while you're at it! I'm hungry." I left the room and called Young Min.  "Yabaseyo?" he answered.  "Hyung! Where are you? It's almost 8 and your not home yet." "Dongsaeng! I'm with everybody that was at the club with us. Were going to go to the arcade so I'll probably be home late." "Ya! Should come home now!" "I'll be home soon and plus I figured that you and Yong Yong should have alone time. Annyong!" "Ya!" he hung up before I could say anything else.  I pressed end and started dialing again.  "umm can I have one bucket of chicken please?" Yong Yong's POV Kwang Min takes so long! And I'm so bored.  I layed on his bed looking at the wall.  Wow! This is Jo Kwang Min's room! And I'm actually on his bed! How lucky am I? These two are so famous yet they're so normal. Well normal-ish. No wonder alot of girls go crazy over them. All of them are cute as ever!  I should check on Jin Jin to see if she's okay. I tool out my phone and dialed her number.  "Yabaseyo?" she answered.  "Jin Jin! Are you guys okay?" I asked.  "Yong Yong! You're missing all the fun! Boyfriend is bringing us to the arcade. Oh and Young Min asked me out! Hehe." "What?! Really! I'm so happy for you! How's Jae Rin?" "Jae Rin is fine but she's kinda clueless right now. Min Woo and Sunbae are fighting over her and yet she doesn't know what's going on. "  I laughed. Oh Jae Rin. She's so innocent and clueless but that's why we loved her.  "Really? Well you guys have fun." "Hey. Good luck with Kwang Min Oppa. Fighting!" Before I could say anything else she hung up.  What is up with them? I feel like this is a set up.  I heard a knock on the door and Kwang Min came in with a bucket of chicken.  "I got food!" he said with a big smile.  "Woohoo! Great! I'm starving!"  I grabbed a chicken and took a big bite.  "Not on my bed!" yelled Kwang Min. "Go eat on Young Min's bed!" "Araso!" I said with my mouth full of chicken. "Gamweo Kwang Min." I gave him a thumbs up. "You're the best!" He grinned and bit into a piece of chicken too.  After dinner I was so tired. I plopped on Kwang Min's bed and closed my eyes. Kwang Min was on Young Min's bed looking through his Pokemon cards.  "Yong Yong-ah! Are you sleeping?" "Anie." I said tiredly and yawned "I'm just resting my eyes." "You want me to go out now?" he asked.  My eyes opened. "Anie. Stay here till I fall asleep. Araso?" I said keeping my eyes open. I didn't want to go to sleep yet. I wanted Kwang Min to stay with me but my eyes wouldn't let me stay up.  He smiled at me. "Araso." and went back to sorting his cards.  Kwang Min's POV Yong Yong looked like she was fighting her sleep. I was kinda falling asleep too but i said that I would stay until she falls asleep.  "Yong Yong-ah. Aren't you going to sleep yet." I asked.  "Anie." she said weakly. "Just talk to me for a little while." "About what?" "Anything." she mumbled.  "okay. Umm. What's your favorite color?" I asked.  "Yellow." she answered.  "Umm. What's 2 + 2?" "4."  I should give her a harder question.  "If Young Min and I were stuck in quick sand and you could only save one person. Who would it be?" I asked really curious to know the answer.  "I'm not answering that" she said normally.  Dang it! I really wanted to know.  "Yah Yong Yong! Do you still like me?" I asked.  "mmhhmm. I do. Your my favorite." this time her voice went back to weak and her eyes closed.  She looks cute when she's sleeping. I should get out of the room now.  I put away my cards and put a blanket over Yong Yong.  I couldn't help but watch her sleep for awhile so I sat on the floor besides the bed. She's annoying when shes not talking but she isn't boring to talk to.  I heard the door open and it was hyung.  "Kwangy. What are you doing?" he asked.  "Shhh. Yong Yong's sleeping." "I'm going to bed. Where are you sleeping?" he asked jumping onto his bed.  "Outside. Yah! You're sleeping outside too!" I yelled softly.  "aww. Fine. Just give 5mins and I'll be out. Araso?" "5 minutes is all you get." He nodded and snuggled under his covers.  I wanted to ask one more question before I had to go out.  "Yong Yong-ah. Would you be my girlfriend?" I asked waiting for the reply I knew I wasn't gonna get.  "mmm. Chicken....." she mumbled in her sleep.  I grinned. Maybe I'll confess to her when she's awake..... When I get the courage to. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD