Plan: Club

You're My Neighbor?
Kwang Min's POV I was so bored all day. Yong Yong's probably having fun with that new guy while I'm stuck with my blonde twin brother. I just stayed in my room laying upside down on my bed and hugging my pikachu while Young Min talked on the phone.  "Hyung can you talk more quietly?" I asked sounding depressed.  "Okay I'll talk to you later. " he said and got off the phone. "Yah! Let's go do something you look so boring." he said grabbing my Pikachu out of my hands.  "I don't want to! Gimme back my doll!" "No. Come on were gonna meet Jin Jin at that Teen club that you told me about. Yong Yong's gonna be there. " I sat up looking like I had interest in going. "I don't care. " I said putting a pillow over my head.  He grabbed my legs and dragged me outside our room.  After a violent walk to the club we joined Jin Jin, Jae Rin, Yong Yong, and the new guy at a table. Yong Yong smiled. "Kwang Min-ah!"  "Annyong. " I said blankly.  "Annyong! Everybody!" said Young Min and went to sit next to Jin Jin.  "This is Sung Jo Sunbae." said Jae Rin.  The guy smiled and stuck out his hand for me to shake it.  I shook it and sat next to Jae Rin and started spacing out.  Yong Yong's POV Sunbae whispered to me "is he the one you like?" I nodded and whispered back. "But he's a big poopy head sometimes so there's probably no way he would go out with me." "Did you know he's looking at you?" I was confused and looked at Kwang Min. He was staring. But it wasn't me. He was staring at some girl with short brown hair wearing a mini dress.  "Sunbae. You're mistaken. He's looking at that girl over there. Why would he be looking at that girl?" "Well she's not so bad looking." said Sunbae. I hit the back of his head.  "That doesn't help!" I yelled.  "Mianhe. Ahh who's that?" he pointed at the group of boys that was coming closer to our table.  "Yah! It's BOYFRIEND!" I heard girls yelling and squealing. They all came in looking cute as ever which got the attention from all the girls in the club.  Young Min's POV "You guys came!" I yelled with excitement.  "This place looks so cool! We should come here more often." said Min Woo. "Annyong Jae Rin!" She blushed and waved back.  "Yah Young Min. There's alot of girls staring at us. Should we leave?" asked Dong Hyun.  "Anie. Let's just have fun!" Once they started sitting down, girls came up to our table. It was all: "You're so cute!" or "Can I get a picture with you?" Who knew they're so many fans in this area. But they weren't just complimenting there was also some flirty girls.  They gave us their numbers and sat next to us while Yong Yong and her friends just watched us.  The only one who started to look mad was Jin Jin. Shes so cute when shes jealous. keke.  Yong Yong's POV It was so crowded. It was like a 2PM concert in here. But only no one went shirtless. So many girls around us. All flirting with them. Even that mini dress girl that Kwang Min was looking at.  I whispered to Jin Jin, who looked like she was going to loose it soon.  "Jin Jin. Are you okay?" "Anie. Theres too many girls here flirting with my Young Min!" she clenched her hand into a fist " I can't take it anymore!" she stood up from her seat. "Ya! Get away from our table!" she yelled.  The mini dress girl was the to be the mean girl and tell us off. She started laughing and said "YOU should get away. Boyfriend probably doesnt need you and your friends. Move along and go play with your toys or something." Jin Jin was so mad but she wasn't the fighting type. Shes ended up with tears forming by her eyes. Young Min's face went blank. Isn't anyone gonna do anything? "Ya! Please just leave." I said without yelling.  That girl took a cup of water that was on the table and threw the water at us. The three of us got hit. Jin Jin, Jae Rin and me. We were wet and mad. Young Min finally got up and took Jin Jin outside.  Min Woo took Jae Rin. Sunbae wanted to take me outside too but i wanted to stay. Instead he went to check on Jae Rin too. The rest of the band followed. I just stood there wet.  Kwang Min stared at us back and ford. Me then her. It's like he was picking a side.  I stared her down. "Arent you gonna apologize?" I said calmly.  "Apologize? Why? What did I do?" she said innocently.  My fists started clenching together. I wanted to do something but I didn't think I was able to do it. Kwang Min stood up, grabbed my fist and guided me out.  "What are you trying to do?" he Kwang Min.  I tried to make him let go of my fist. "She made Jin Jin cry! Wouldnt you stand up to her if she made Young Min cry?" "Anie. Young Min's a big boy. He can take care of himself." "If I had enough courage, I would've punched you by now." my fist got out of his hold and I started walking into the club.  "Stop! If you go back, I'll tell you're Omma that you were at this club." he said seriously.  "Don't!" I sighed and turned back in Kwang Min's direction. "Fine let's go. But I don't wanna go home. Bring to Jae Rin's house." "Anie. You're staying with me." My eyes widened and I looked at his face looking surprised.  Young Min's POV I had Jin Jin and she was crying. I didn't know what to do. I made her sit down on the ground while she cried.  "Jin Jin. Don't cry. If it helps, I wasnt flirting back." I said innocently.  She stopped crying.  "So did it work?" she said normally. I was confused.  "Huh?" She smiled. "Mianhe. I just wanted to get out of there and have you to myself." I pinched her cheeks. "You're so cute!" "Oww. Stop that!" she said laughing.  Min Woo, Sung Jo, Jae Rin and everyone, except Yong Yong and Kwang Min, was coming towards us.  "Are you guys okay?" Sung Jo asked.  We both smiled.  "Yups. Just wet. Haha." said Jin Jin.  "Umm. I got a txt from Kwang Min. He said he's taking Yong Yong home." said Min Woo.  "And I got a txt from Yong Yong saying that she told her Omma that shes staying my house but shes actually staying at your house." said Jae Rin.  "Who's house?" asked Jeong Min.  "Kwang Min and Young Min's. " said Jae Rin.  Everyone smiled and started laughing.  "Who knew Kwang Min could get a girl." said Hyun Seong.  "He gets that from me!" I said. "Lets go have fun so I don't have to go home yet!" "Yeah!" everybody yelled. 
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD