Questions and Answers

You're My Neighbor?
Yong Yong's POV That was soo embarrassing!  I can't believe that just happened! First the kiss, now this? I think I should stay away from him for awhile.  "Yong Yong-ah! We were looking for you!" said Jin Jin and Jae Rin.  "Ohs. Well let's get to class." "Wait" said Jin Jin running in front of me to stop me from walking on. "Are they really the Jo Twins?"  "Yes. Now let's go before we get in trouble. We'll talk about this later." I grabbed both of them by their wrist and ran to our class. We all sat together at lunch to talk about the twins. "I forgot to tell you...." I said to both of them. "They live next door." "What!?" the whole room looked at us cause of their yell. We ignored them and went on talking.  Questions shot at me one by one. I tried my best to answer them as much as possible.  "So what's Min Woo like?" said Jae Rin.  "He's actually pretty cool! You have to meet them theyre just like little kids. Cute, playful, innocent looking." "Yah! So is there something going on between you and Kwang Min." asked Jin Jin.  "Anie. Now that I look at it, hes really not my type." "Since when did you start thinking that!? You're the ultra fan of Kwang Min! You wasted all you allowance on an autographed poster of him remember. " said Jae Rin.  "Well, that was until I met him and got on his bad side. Trust me you do NOT want to get on his bad side. " "*sigh* you guys would've made a cute couple.... Hey so did you ask about the sleep over this weekend?" "Crap! That's what I forgot. I'll ask when I get home. Oh! Did you see that with the red hair in our class? He was pretty cute huh?" "Red hair? Yong Yong your target is the brunette with the blonde brother. " said Jin Jin.  "Haha good one but no." "Aishh. Your not fun anymore. 2 years in America and you become human. *Sigh* oh Jin Jin where did we go wrong with her?" "haha shut up you guys." "We love you too!" they said at the same time.  After school they both ended up coming over to my house. Sadly they had good timing because the twins were my house also. Omma made them some kimbap and Korean pancakes. I reached for one to eat but I got slapped by Omma's hand.  "Yah! This isn't for you." "Whe? I should be able to have food too!" I reached for one again and ended up getting my hand slapped again too.  "You should be watching your figure! Or else you won't end up marrying that celebrity guy you wanna marry."  i can hear everyone in the room giggling.  "Omma! I'm still in highschool! So I have plenty of time to do that. Ahh. I almost forgot. Can Jin Jin and Jae Rin sleep over this weekend?" "This weened? Yes you can but your appa and I have a mini bussiness trip to go to so you guys can't cause trouble while were gone. Araso?" "Araso! Gamweo Omma!" The weekend came so quickly and I haven't seen Kwang Min since I asked Omma about the sleep over. That's good. I wasn't planning on seeing him anyways. It was Friday night and I was making a list of what I should get and what to do for the sleepover. So far it's just movies and popcorn. *Sigh* I had to think of something....
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You should update ^^
Min Woo Oppa and Jae Rin?? ... kekeke can't wait to read more Unnie ... XD
OOhh! Yong Yong is on stage!! Now everyone gonna talk about that situation, and Kwangmin might get introuble with the manager:D I hope everything is fine<br />
Update soon!
kekekek cute. ^^
OrangeChoco #5
how cute~!!! hahahaha :DD update soon~!! :))
Eonnie!!! Kawaii!! ^^ Keep writing!! .. Fighting! : ) Go Jae Rin ssi! kekekeke
Puppydog111 #7
U have to update
OrangeChoco #8
awww how cute~!! update soon!! :DDD