Chapter 47

Lethal Love

Charmaine arrived home before Raymond and took the bags of groceries into the kitchen. Without Raymond there to distract her, she can have the food prepared and cooked in no time. The last time she tried to cook, she ended up burning everything. That was ok since it was only the two of them. Now its for Bosco and Myolie and she wanted everyone to actually enjoy the food. She removed the steaks from their brown wrappings and laid them side by side on a huge tray. She was about to take out the salt when the phone rang. "Hello?"

Raymond sweetly asked, "Did you miss me today?"

Suppressing a giggle, Charmaine said, "Of course. Every second of it."

Laughing, Raymond said, "You'll see me soon enough. I just finished my meeting. I'm in a cab now and should be back in about half an hour."

"Ok. I'll see you then. Bye."

"What? That's it. Don't you want to hear my voice a bit longer?" Raymond asked not wanting to hang up even though he'll be seeing her soon.

Exasperated, Charmaine chided, "I have to prepare dinner for our guests. If you don't hang up now I'll never get it done."

Raymond smiled as he imagined what her expression is like now. Charmaine always looked adorable whenever she was anxious or nervous. With a heavy exaggerated sigh, he said, "Allright. I'll see you soon."

Charmaine replaced the receiver and dreamily thought of Raymond. He has an unexplicable electrifying effect on her. Just the sound of his voice would make her jittery. Whenever they were together, Charmaine felt as if they were the only two people in the world. Shaking him out of her mind, she returned to her preparations. Seconds later, the doorbell rang. Without caution, she threw the door wide open and came face to face with Kevin.


Linda waited nervously outside of the police station for Bosco. She knew he was in there. Suddenly she caught sight of Myolie walking towards her with a set expression. Not paying her any mind, she turned to look the other way.

Myolie walked around Linda to stand right in front of her face, "What are you doing here?"

Ignoring the question, Linda turned her back on Myolie.

With her hand, Myolie forcibly turned Linda back around to face her. "I asked what are you doing here?"

Giving her a hard glare, Linda replied, "Its none of your business."

"I don't get how you could have done what you did to Raymond. Do you have any idea what he went through when Charmaine broke up with him? I have never seen him so depressed and devasted."

Linda glared back at Myolie and shouted, "What about how I felt when he dumped me! Did he care how it affected me?!"

Myolie softened her tone when she saw a glimmer of a tear in Linda's eye, "I admit that Raymond was wrong in the way he treated you. But he loves Charmaine and I thought you loved him."

Linda bent her head and let the tears flow, "I do love him! I love him very much!"

Looking at Linda, Myolie softly asked, "If you love him that much, don't you want to see him happy, even if its with someone else?"

Linda looked up at Myolie and from the corner of her eye she saw Bosco making his way towards them. Instead of answering Myolie's question, she ran towards Bosco. Grabbing his arm she cried, "Its Kevin! I think he's out to get Raymond. You got to save him!"


Joe felt a tap on his shouler and opened his eyes. He must have fallen asleep while waiting because it was now dark out. He turned to Ron, "What?"

"She's awake and up for questioning."

Joe felt a sense of relief flood through him. With a curt nod at Ron, he walked into the room. She was sitting up in bed and smiled weakly when he entered. "How are you feeling?" Joe asked as he approached her.

Her voice was low and faint as she responded, "I'm alive. That's what counts."

Joe smiled at her humor, "We want to get the person who did this to you - you understand right?"

She dipped her head in consent, "I want him behind bars." Joe was amazed at the ferocity in her voice. Just seconds ago, she looked fragile and sickly but at the mention of her perpetrator, she looked strong and ready to fight back.

In an authoritive manner, Joe said, "Tell me who did this to you and I will personally put him behind bars for you."

She looked up and met his eyes. With a firm clear voice she said, "Kevin Cheng did this to me."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.