Chapter 46

Lethal Love

When Kevin entered the Autumn's Cafe, Linda was already there. Impatiently, he walked towards her table, "Whats this meeting about?"

Linda took a sip of her wine and said, "Seems Raymond and Charmaine are back together." She saw the hatred in Kevin's eyes flare and continued, "Are we going to let them get off that easily?"

Kevin leaned back in his chair and calmly looked at her, "Don't tell me you have another plan. Your first plan backfired."

"I can come up with more plans to break them up if you're up for it."

Kevin laughed and shook his head, "Your plans are immature and childish."

Linda was insulted by his comment and glared at him, "And I suppose you have something in mind that will definitely break them up."

Kevin looked at Linda coldly with a wild glaze in his eyes. As if talking to himself, he murmured, "Yes I do but you won't be a part of it. All I can say is as of tonight, Raymond and Charmaine will be permanently separated."

Linda felt a shiver run through her at his words and worriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

Kevin gave her a hard look that made Linda squirm in her seat, "You'll find out tomorrow morning," he said simply and walked away without giving her a chance to ask any more questions.


After dropping off Charmaine at work, fifteen minutes later Raymond was waltzing into his own office. The first person he saw was Myolie, who was too busy reading a file to pay attention to where she was going. She bumped into him, scattering papers around the floor. She looked up and immediately apologize, "So sorry Raymond."

Raymond bent and began picking up the papers. He handed them over to Myolie with a bright smile. "Don't be. Accidents happen you know."

Myolie was flabberghast by his reaction. Normally he would scold her for being clumsy. But since his break up with Charmaine, he has been in a foul mood, and would just walk away without a word. Their collegues didn't know of his personal affairs, only Myolie did, but they do know that Raymond was having issues so they took steps to avoid him.

Raymond noticed Myolie's expression, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Are you okay?" Myolie asked hesistantly, not wanting to ignite his temper.

Raymond laughed softly and with his hands behind her shoulders, marched her into his office, closing the door behind them. "Charmaine and I got back together," he beamed.

"Really?" Myolie asked with wide eyes, "That's great!"

Still smiling, Raymond said, "Why don't you and Bosco come up to my place for dinner tonight."

Myolie laughed, "Free food? We'll be there." She then turned to cast a look of uncertainty at Raymond, "You and Charmaine are really back together?"

Raymond took out his cellphone and dialed Charmaine's number, "Hey its me. I invited Bosco and Myolie up to our place for dinner, is that okay with you?" Raymond then passed the phone to Myolie.

Knowing now that they are indeed back together, Myolie happily took took the phone from Raymond, "Hi. Yes, we'll be there." She returned the phone to Raymond and winked, "I knew you guys would work it out."

Raymond turned serious and looked gravely at Myolie, "Thanks and I owe it all to you and Jessica."


Joe and Ron raced into the hospital and almost collided with the doctor in their haste. "How is she?" Joe asked looking over the doctor's shoulder and saw a nurse take the victim's vitals.

"She's awake and very weak. She's on alot of antibiotics right now so her mind is still very fuzzy. Let the antibiotics wear off a bit before you start questioning her."

Joe glanced at the still form of the victim, "How long will that be?"

The doctor looked at his clipboard before answering, "I say about eight to ten hours. Her system basically almost shut down due to the toxin. And there were infections everywhere in her organs. We had to fight it off to give her a surviving chance."

Joe nodded his head, "I understand. Will it be okay if we wait here."

The doctor smiled reassuringly, "Not at all. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go check on my other patients."

Joe turned to Ron, "Call Bosco and give him an update."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.