Chapter 40

Lethal Love

Charmaine waited outside the Courtroom for her trial to begin, which was in another thirty minutes or so. Her mind wasn't focused on the case. She had spent a better part of the night reviewing her notes but nothing seemed to sink in. How could it when Raymond was forever in her thoughts. It has been over two weeks since Jessica and Myolie explained the Linda incident to her. She was ashamed of herself for not giving Raymond the benefit of the doubt. She knew that she had hurt him deeply by not believing him. On many occasions, she had wanted to call him and apologize but each time, she couldn't find the right words to say. She hasn't seen or heard from him either. Perhaps he doesn't want to be with her anymore. Just the thought of that made Charmaine nauseas.

"Mr. Lam, thank you. Thank you." Charmaine overheard a man saying and she turned and saw Raymond coming down the corridor, stopping only momentarily to shake hands with the man next to him.

Raymond looked handsome as usual as he smiled confidently, "You're welcome. You paid me to do my job. Call me again if you need any legal help."

"Thank you so much," the man said as he walked away.

Raymond was aware of her presence even before he saw her. It was as if there's some sort of energy pull that connected them. Turning his head slightly, he saw her twenty feet away. She stood still looking at him. He slowly walked towards her, "Hi."

Charmaine felt her heart flutter at his simple greeting. "Hi," was all she managed to say in return.

Raymond stared at her intently, as if to burn the image of her into his memory. He had missed her badly. He wanted to call her numerous times but wasn't sure if she wanted to have anything more to do with him. Bosco informed him that Myolie had told the truth about Linda to Charmaine. Yet she never called him in these two weeks. Perhaps she didn't want to be with him anymore and took his advice and chose Kevin instead. "How have you been?"

"Working hard as usual," Charmaine said but what she really wanted to say was 'can you forgive me so that we can start over again'.

"Don't forget to take some time out to eat," Raymond said softly, remembering that when she was working, she forgets to eat.

Charmaine smiled, "I've been setting up alarms to remind me."

Raymond laughed, "That's a good idea."

The two stood silently not knowing what else to say. Deep down they both wanted to say what was in their hearts, but both lack the courage to do so, afraid of the rejection. Finally Raymond looked at his watch, "I have to run now. I have an appointment across town."

Charmaine felt a sickening twist in her stomach. After this encounter, who knows when she'll see him again. "Raymond, I..."

Raymond looked at her, waiting for her to continue. When she didn't, he sadly bent his head. "I'll see you around," he said and walked away.

Charmaine felt the oncoming tears and quickly wiped at her eyes before they fell. Raymond didn't want her anymore. She could tell by the way he was so eager to leave. It was over between them. Taking a deep breath, she also knew what she had to do to get over him.


Bosco walked towards the uniformed officer and flashed his badge. "How is she doing?"

The officer shook his head, "The doctor was here earlier but didn't say much. Oh wait, here comes the doctor again."

Bosco approached the doctor, "How is the patient?"

The doctor frowned, "No reaction yet. I'm hoping that she'll wake up soon. Her body is rejecting to some of the antibiotics that we've been administering to her."

Alarmed, Bosco asked, "So does that mean she's going to die?"

The doctor looked grimly at the patient through the window, "Yes. As I said, its up to her on whether she wants to fight to live." The doctor then walked away leaving Bosco with his own thoughts.

Bosco opened the door to the room and stepped in. He looked at the woman who had almost died. She was young and pretty and did not deserve to lie here motionless waiting for death. Slowly he walked towards her. "Please wake up," he said softly, "Only you can help us catch whoever did this to you."

Tenderly, he brushed a flock of hair from her forehead. "You have to wake up," he pleaded, knowing that she can't hear him, but hoping that she does. "Wake up and help us catch the killer!"

Bosco placed a hand on the woman's arm and closed his eyes. He concentrated on seeing nothing, just waiting for the vision to come on its own. Suddenly he saw a flitting image. It was a blur. Bosco felt the speed of his heart pick up. Cold sweat poured from his face. He squeezed his eyes, focusing on the image in his mind. It was still very blurry. All he can make out was a man. He pushed himself to dwell deeper into the image but all he saw was white spots. "Agggghhhh," he cried in frustation as he re-opened his eyes.

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.