Chapter 33

Lethal Love

"Hey buddy, aren't you going to invite us in?" Bosco asked as Raymond stood transfixed at the door.

"Huh? Now?" Raymond stuttered not wanting his relationship with Charmaine to be exposed in this manner.

Bosco peered into Raymond's apartment, expecting to see some half woman, "You have company?"

Still not letting them in, Raymond said, "No. I'm just working."

Bosco smiled with relief, "That's ok. We brought you dinner." Myolie nodded in agreement but looked a bit embarassed at barging into her supervisor's home unannounced.

Clasping his hand firmly on the door to bar them entrance, Raymond said, "Thanks but I already ate."

"Myolie and I haven't. And since we're here already, I'm sure you won't mind if we eat at your place." Bosco attempted to walk in but Raymond still stood in place.

"I have a lot of work right now and prefer not to be disturbed. Why don't I give you the keys to my car. Its in the garage downstairs. You could eat in there. Don't worry about making a mess, I'm going to have the car cleaned tomorrow anyway."

Bosco smiled impishly at Raymond. "You are such a good friend." He then pushed Raymond aside and walked in setting the food down on the table. Myolie followed docilely behind not wanting to cause an upset with Raymond. She smiled apologetically at him, "Sorry for intruding but as you can see it wasn't my idea."

Bosco took the food out of the bag and proceeded to eat. He glanced around the room but didn't notice any files or documents laying around. "Where's your work?"

Raymond did not get the chance to answer because at that moment, Charmaine walked in using her own set of keys. Seeing the newly arrived guests, she was immobilized. Bosco and Myolie looked at her in shock amusement. Myolie recovered first and with concern walked to where Charmaine stood. She whispered, "Please don't tell me that you and Raymond are together."

Not wanting to lie to her friend, Charmaine said, "Yes."

Myolie asked, still in a hush tone, "Do you have any idea about his womanizing reputation?" Myolie did not want to see Charmaine get hurt by Raymond. She was Jessica's best friend and that meant her best friend too.

Charmaine knew that Myolie was looking out for her and smiled with appreciation. "Yes I do. But he's changed."

With disbelief, Myolie asked, "Is that what he told you?"

Hearing every word spoken between the two woman, Raymond marched over and placed a possessive arm around Charmaine's shouler. "Its the truth." Looking at Myolie,
Raymond said sincerely, "I only want to be with her from now on."

Myolie was about to say more but Bosco cut her off gently, "We should let them be. Its none of our business."

"Fine," Myolie said not wanting to cause tension between them. She looked pointedly at Raymond, "If you hurt Charmaine in any way, I'm going to come after you."

Raymond laughed. "I will never hurt her. You have my word."


Kevin sat at the bar downing tequilla shots. Charmaine. He can't get her out of his mind. When he first met her, it was already love at first sight for him. He didn't want to scare her off so he was satisfied with just being friends. As the years progress, he made himself part of her life by being there for her for everything. The first time he told her how he felt, she dismissed it as a joke on his part. The second time around, she danced around the topic. On his last attempt, she told him straight out that she was not interested in starting a relationship with anyone. He didn't mind, thinking that she'll come around one day. She was worth waiting for. But when he saw her with Raymond he became enraged. Just thinking about her choosing Raymond over him renewed his fury. But he wasn't going to give up that easily. First he had to rid himself of the competition.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around slowly to the source. She looked familiar but he couldn't quite remember who she was. Just then it him him. He remembered seeing her a few times with Raymond. She was one of Raymond's girlfriends.

Linda sat down beside Kevin and summoned the bartender, "I'll have the same as him."

Kevin looked at her strangely, "I don't think I know you."

Linda smiled sweetly at him. "You know who I am though. My name is Linda. And I know that you're Kevin."

"Yes but so what?" he said and turned abruptly away from her.

Linda was not put off by his rudeness. "You and I have a common goal."

Kevin turned to look at her again. "Really? And what is that?"

Looking him straight in the eye, Linda declared softly, "We want to break up Raymond and Charmaine." Linda caught the gleam in Kevin's eyes and knew that she got his interest.

In a voice as soft as her's, Kevin asked, "And how are we going to do that?"

Linda downed her tequilla in one gulp and smiled smugly at Kevin. "All I need is your cooperation and you leave the rest to me. Agreed?"

Kevin held his hand out to her and they shook on it. "Agreed."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.