Chapter 4

You Are My Sun; You Are My Moon. No, You Are My Little Angel (Sequel to Day time: Like a Human. Night time: Like a Monster)

We brought them to the living room where Sandeul oppa explained to them what had happened. Both of them understood and completely agreed with the ‘Don’t call me oppa’ thing at school.

We went to school the next morning, and like usual, I’d feel sleepy and depressed. I felt less motivation as each and every day passed by slowly. I never bothered to do my homework anymore. All I did was spend my time next to Baro oppa, petting Roo who slept on my lap most of the time. Jonghyun oppa worried a lot about me, but didn’t scold for dropping grades. Jinyoung oppa felt really bad and even did my homework for me sometimes. I told him not to, since the teacher would probably notice the different handwritings. He pouted and always went,

“Fine~ but if you change your mind, just tell me.”

-A month passes-

Taemin oppa had finally woken up and Baro oppa was the only one that was still in a coma. I was in a complete mess. I couldn’t think straight most of the time, Jinyoung oppa, Jonghyun oppa and Key umma had force fed me multiple times and I still felt like a huge part of my heart was gone. Everyone understood what I was going through and always comforted me. I stayed in Baro oppa’s room for hours and always cuddled up next to him. Everyone would usually find me either sleeping or crying a little. Roo always nosed my hand, probably sensing my sad feelings. Someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Jinyoung oppa poked his head in and said,

“Dinner is ready.”

I finally went out of Baro oppa’s room and went to have dinner. Jinyoung oppa smiled at me as he led me to the kitchen. I was given a plate with a pile of food on it already. I stared at it and sighed, not feeling an appetite again. CNU oppa asked,

“Are you not hungry again?”

I looked away,


Jinyoung oppa and picked up a pair of chopsticks. Again, I was force fed.


After I was finished being force fed, I went and fed Roo before going off to Baro oppa’s room. I laid on the bed, trying to relax. Ever since I came back from Final Destination, I hadn’t been able to relax. Ten minutes later, I felt Roo jump onto the bed and curl up against me. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 6:20am. I did my daily routines and fed Roo. I plopped onto the couch and laid onto my side. Roo had finished eating and hopped onto the couch and my nose, before curling up against my stomach. CNU oppa, Gongchan oppa and Sandeul oppa were still in their rooms and Jinyoung oppa took over the bathroom after I walked out of it. Everyone eventually finished getting ready and the five of us went to school. We walked and eventually met up with SHINee. We arrived at school at least forty five minutes early so there was almost nobody around.

*When will Baro oppa wake up from his coma?! It’s killing me!*

Suddenly, everyone surrounded me, hissing and baring their fangs. I looked at who they were baring their fangs at. He seemed to be around our age group, if not then maybe a little older. I just remembered,

*Vampires age really slowly… He could be many years older than these guys, and still look just as young as them!*

He looked very muscular, yet lean. He had a tattoo of a treble clef on his left arm.

“Choi Dong Wook… Or should I say, Se7en… What are you doing here?!”

Key umma hissed.

“Nothing really. I just enrolled here.” He smirked.

Everyone glared at him.

“Relax guys, I’m not here to attack your human. I was actually sent here by the Queen.”

As soon as they heard the part about the Queen, everyone relaxed.

“Why did she send you here?” Minho oppa asked.

“I’m an extra body guard to watch her 24/7.”

“But Erin-ah has the ten of us!”

“Yeah, but all of the times you were attacked, there were two groups and you couldn’t protect her. You were too busy fighting another while someone else snuck up on you guys and attacked Erin! For example when all of you guys fought against MBLAQ and Beast! Do you really think that’s safe?!”

The nine of them didn’t say anything. They knew that he was right. They gave in and he hung around with us. He was put in every single one of my classes, and always sat either next to or somewhere nearby. Again, he was well known by fangirls, but we ignored them. We got closer, getting to know each other more, since he seemed so mysterious earlier. He’d always try to brighten my mood, but it didn’t last long. He actually got me to smile a couple of times with his unique ways, but I went back to just a depressed mode. I got to call him oppa, after becoming closer. Classes were boring and the boys went to go hunting after school. Seven walked me home and there wasn’t anyone around since they’d still be at work. We were half way back home when I thought,

*I feel like we’re being watched… And it feels really creepy…*

I walked closer to Seven oppa, as he also sensed that we were being watched. We walked by a really dark alleyway that seemed to have lots of hobos. We walked on, but all of the sudden, Seven knocked me over to my side with his arm, turned around at lightning speed and hissed in a defensive position. It was one of the hobos that we’d passed by a while ago, before the alley. He had a wicked grin plastered on his face, and his eyes were bright red. He’d lost his mind!

“C-Come here, little girl… Feed a person who is in need!”

Seven turned his head and looked at me saying,

“Stay where you are, Erin-ah.”


He smiled and turned to face the vampire.

“Well little girl, your friend is in the way isn’t he? Oh well… I’ll snack on the both of you!” he yelled.

He attacked me first, but Seven oppa was able to stop him in mid-air.

“Let’s count to seven, shall we? That’s if you can make it that far,” Seven oppa smirked.

“Are you ready? Let’s start! One…”

The vampire fell back to the ground, creating a body imprint into the ground, as all of his veins popped out of his skin. The vampire got up and stared at his arm, confused about his veins.

“Two…” Seven oppa whispered.

The vampires muscles seemed to tense up and twist in almost impossible ways. His own hand suddenly opened up and grabbed his own neck, starting to choke. He struggled and tried lunging for Seven. Seven oppa smirked and said,

“Too bad that I’ve already started counting. You can’t move until I finish.”

The vampire hissed at him.

“Three…” Seven oppa continued.

The vampire screamed in pain and clutched his head, as his body started trembling.

“I wonder… Can you really make it until I finish? Where did you get all of your will power?”

“Not…. Until… I get… my snack!!! I want her blood so badly!!!”

Seven oppa glared at him and continued,


The vampire screamed even louder in agony as I heard multiple loud snaps erupt from his body.


Blood seeped out from the vampire’s mouth and stained his shirt.


The vampire fell to his knees.

“You have a strong will power if you’re still alive right now… When was the last time you fed? If you leave us alone and never approach us again, I’ll let you live.”

“M-My snack… Y-You’re keeping it all to yourself!!! I haven’t fed for f-f-four years!!! It’s about time that I-I had a s-snack… B-Blood… I-I need blood right now! I can’t leave at one of m-my only opportunities!”

Seven oppa narrowed his eyes, definitely not liking the answer he got.


The vampire let out a bloodcurdling scream as his body exploded from pressure and blood squirted out from everywhere on his body. Some blood drops flew onto Seven oppa’s face. He walked over to the body and threw it into a dumpster nearby as green specs lifted from it. He wiped off all of the blood and asked me,

“Are you alright, Erin-ah? I’m sorry that you had to see that.”

“N-Neh… Thank you.”

He smiled and helped me stand up. We continued on our way back home.




HEY GUYS~ two updates in one day!!! :D i hope you liked the chapter!! anyways please subscribe and comment! sorry if this chapter was kind of....... bloody. xDD LOL sorry if you guys dont like any of the violence! its what happens when a human falls in love with a vampire! >.< what do you expect?! hahaha :p

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Chapter 29: finally finished reading your story good story though! ^^
Chapter 13: Love ur story ^^
smartkitty0410 #3
Omg!!!!!! I loved ur story~~<!!!
I meant ranting not tanting-.-" stupid touch keyboard-3- LOVE YOU! KAYK BYEZZZZ
IM BACK!! MUAHAHHAHAHA!! LOOL. IM JUST SO HAPPY BECAUSE OF THE SWEET ENDING OF THIS STORY. Issoo good! I did finish in...2 days? Lool. You'r stories are so fudging good!! Support support all the way! LOVE YOU. LOVE THIS STORY. OKAYZ. IM DONE TANTING ABOUT HOW GOOD THIS STORY WAS. (btw-YOU MADE ME CRY. If an author can make me cry because of their story, then they are some fudging good writer.>W<) KEEP IT UP! LOVE YA. (again-.-") LOVE THE STORY. BYEBUUUUUU~~~^^
GreenMilkTea19 #6
i finally finish the sequel:)
the story was very interesting :)
OF COURSE I WILL!! I'll make your name EXTRA BIG!! :D I'll start reading your new fic now! But I have exams this week so I can't read it right away -_-" I'll definitely subscribe and comment when I have the time!! :D
Thank you for this long roller coaster of emotions and a wonderful story :)
asianluver #9
TO ALL OF MY READERS!: THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SUCH NICE COMMENTS!~ i hope it ended the way you wanted it to! and i hope you guys continue to support me! :)<br />
<br />
@B1A4BANA: of course you can~ :) just as long as you let everyone know that its by me! :DD
Komawo for the long , emotional and exciting story <3 Saranghae <3