Chapter 26

You Are My Sun; You Are My Moon. No, You Are My Little Angel (Sequel to Day time: Like a Human. Night time: Like a Monster)


He handed the heavy sword over to me. My palms warmed at the touch of the handle. I stared at the language written on the handle, which I knew the others couldn’t read. It said,

“Thee who can read this, may feel the true powers of the Legend.”

*Your highness… I don’t understand what the sword means!*

Surprisingly, the Queen responded,

“Only the people like you who can read it, become more powerful with the sword…”

I firmly gripped the sword feeling a sudden wave of power surge through my body. I took a deep breath and attacked all of the Elites. All of the Elites reacted at the same time and tried to block more of my attacks, which only sent them flying. I smiled, liking the warmth that the power gave me. I attacked some more and sent them flying once more. B1A4, Big Bang, SHINee and Beast just stood and watched as Teen Top made their move to try and protect the Elites. Something strange happened when I looked at Teen Top. A midnight black aura glowed around their bodies.

*What is that?*

I heard the Queen’s voice,

“Be careful, they have true darkness inside of them. They are very dangerous.”

I noticed Teen Top’s eyes turn from black to red as they charged at me, with Ryosuke-chan’s clones defeated in a corner. I was able to dodge most of their attacks. Suddenly, Chunji grabbed me. I tried pulling away, only for his grip to tighten on me. I saw the black aura latch onto my wrist and burn at my skin. I screamed and pulled harder as the youngest looking one punched me in the stomach. I continued to struggle against Chunji, ignoring the intense pain from the black aura spreading from my stomach where I was punched.

To my surprise, Chunji had let go of me and the black stuff still stuck onto me. I put my hands over the black stuff and it died off after a few seconds. I whipped around and was completely stunned by why Chunji had stopped. Baro oppa had pounced on Chunji! I froze where I was, and watched Baro oppa rip out Chunji’s throat. Chunji didn’t give up at that second and scrambled to bite Baro oppa. The rest of Teen Top had started attacking me once more. All of them had surrounded me in a circle, and there was nowhere to escape except for flying. I didn’t feel like I should use my wings.

I gripped the sword once more, seeing a layer of a blue light cover its blade, and I just gave everyone the strongest swing I’ve ever made. Everyone was sent flying away from me by thirty feet. All of them hit the walls, and I charged for all of the Elites, giving them my strongest hits. All of their eyes widened and all of them shrieked in pain. They fell to the floor, with all of their blood splattered on the ground and dripping off of my sword. I stared at them on the ground. One of them asked,

“What…. How?!”

Baro oppa was instantly by my side and wrapped his arms around my waist. One other Elite stated,

“H-Her sword! I-It’s the one from the Legend of the Mixed Angel breeds!”

“W-What?!! H-How’d she get her hands on that?! I thought we d-destroyed that sword AGES ago!” another Elite bursted.

I looked at the sword and the blue light gently died down. Kikwang had walked over and said,

“It was me who was able to grab it.”

“How were you able to get it?”

Kikwang answered,

“My first lover was the fifth Mixed Angel breed ever created, approximately seven hundred years ago.”

Everybody gave him a look that told him to explain as green specs started lifting from the Elite’s bodies, signaling that they were dying. Kikwang sighed and got ready to explain.

(Yoseob: YAY, STORY TIME~ [poofs up a bag of popcorn] :3)

“Well, it started when we had our secret one year anniversary. Apparently any relationship between different creatures is forbidden and looked down upon. We spent our one year anniversary together, but when we went out on our date, an angel happened to be wandering around and saw us… He reported us to the Archangels and we were to be punished…”

Some tears formed in his eyes, but didn’t spill just yet.

He continued,

“They put me in a peril state. They told us that either her, or I had to sacrifice our lives for each other. If I died, then she would continue to live in peace, or if she died, then I would live peacefully. I wouldn’t bear to see her die right in front of my eyes. Of course she was reluctant about it, but of course, I was already close to death. I was about to take the last blow from the angel, but at the very last second…”

He paused and allowed his tears to spill. Doojoon, being the good leader he was, sympatheticly put a hand on Kikwang’s shoulder. Kikwang sniffled and continued,

“S-She… With her unbelievable speed, moved herself in front of me and took her death by the angel.”

All of us were stunned by the event and kept silent.

“The last thing that she told me was, ‘I love you Kikwang oppa… This is not the last time you will see me… Take my sword… It has been passed down from all of the past Mixed Angels… When you meet the next Mixed Angel, I want you to give the Legendary Sword to him or her.’ So, Erin-ah…”

He looked at me,

“I want you to keep the sword… You are the only living Mixed Angel here…”

I heard him mumble,

“You even remind me of her…”

I asked,

“Who do I remind you of?”

“W-Wha? You weren’t supposed to hear that…”

“You might as well tell me…”

He sighed,

“I said that you remind me of her… You remind me of my first lover… That’s why I’ve been so observant of you.”


I saw the Elites sit on the ground lost in their thoughts. One of the females eyed me closely. My gaze met with hers and she lightly smiled,

“Y-You two… T-To be honest… I think you guys are a perfect couple…”

Her body burst into green specs and disappeared into thin air as I felt surprise overwhelm me. The other five Elites glared at the area where the Elite was previously, before they disappeared themselves. I sighed in relief that this was finally over. It felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I then remembered,

*Crap… What about my friends? And the King?! Aish… this still isn’t over!*

I slowly turned around, afraid of what everyone was going to do. I studied everyone’s faces and only found surprise, mostly confusion, and possibly coldness. I looked towards the real Ryosuke-chan, Baro oppa and Seven oppa. They seemed to be unsure of how to feel but more or less, Ryosuke-chan seemed to be the one mostly on my side. I closed my eyes to think of what to say. I told everyone,

“Oppas and Ryosuke-chan… This may not be the best apology but… I’m… Ugh, I don’t know. I’m sorry for what ever I’ve done…”

Nobody said a word to me. They seemed way too overwhelmed with the new information that was just presented to them, confused and still slightly angered.

*I’m… not entirely sure what they’re so angry about…*

I took in a deep breath and told them,

“I’m going to my next place then… I’m going to confront the King… You guys may come to support me if you want. All of you can go home if you honestly want to hate me now.”

I turned away from them and stood there for a few seconds before taking a running start into flying.

“Yah… Erin-ah.” I heard Baro oppa’s voice.

I paused where I was in the air and turned towards him.


I saw everyone smiling at me.

“We would never hate you with a passion… It’s the fact that you put yourself into both emotional and physical danger. What I had said to you earlier… I was under mind control, and you should know that I’d never hate you. Saranghae!”

I’d been longing to hear that last word for a really long time. I lowered myself to the ground as tears dripped from my eyes. I stood in front of him.

“Y-You mean it?”

He nodded and opened his arms. I threw myself into his arms and hugged him with all of my might.

“Saranghae, Baro oppa.”


He gave me a long kiss as everyone ‘aw’d at us. We held hands and went onwards to the Royal Castle.




yay~ i updated! hehehehe.... its not over YET!!! :DD please don't forget to comment and subscribe! :))

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Chapter 29: finally finished reading your story good story though! ^^
Chapter 13: Love ur story ^^
smartkitty0410 #3
Omg!!!!!! I loved ur story~~<!!!
I meant ranting not tanting-.-" stupid touch keyboard-3- LOVE YOU! KAYK BYEZZZZ
IM BACK!! MUAHAHHAHAHA!! LOOL. IM JUST SO HAPPY BECAUSE OF THE SWEET ENDING OF THIS STORY. Issoo good! I did finish in...2 days? Lool. You'r stories are so fudging good!! Support support all the way! LOVE YOU. LOVE THIS STORY. OKAYZ. IM DONE TANTING ABOUT HOW GOOD THIS STORY WAS. (btw-YOU MADE ME CRY. If an author can make me cry because of their story, then they are some fudging good writer.>W<) KEEP IT UP! LOVE YA. (again-.-") LOVE THE STORY. BYEBUUUUUU~~~^^
GreenMilkTea19 #6
i finally finish the sequel:)
the story was very interesting :)
OF COURSE I WILL!! I'll make your name EXTRA BIG!! :D I'll start reading your new fic now! But I have exams this week so I can't read it right away -_-" I'll definitely subscribe and comment when I have the time!! :D
Thank you for this long roller coaster of emotions and a wonderful story :)
asianluver #9
TO ALL OF MY READERS!: THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SUCH NICE COMMENTS!~ i hope it ended the way you wanted it to! and i hope you guys continue to support me! :)<br />
<br />
@B1A4BANA: of course you can~ :) just as long as you let everyone know that its by me! :DD
Komawo for the long , emotional and exciting story <3 Saranghae <3