Chapter 6: Secrets

White Secrets

Luhan’s POV:

“I love Song Joongki!” Naeun fangirled over her tears. “How could she just leave him again like that!” Naeun weeped.

“I KNOW!” Minhee cried. Naeun and Minhee were crying in each other’s arms while the credits came out. “But still…that was a good movie…” she said while wiping the tears off her cheeks and eyes.

“Anyways!...” Naeun shouted killing changing the mood, “We have something important to talk about…” Everyone looked at Naeun in confusion. “What are we going to do with Luhan? We’re going back to school tomorrow…” Minhee and Naeun tapped their chins and thought.

“He can come to school with us!” Chanyeol suggested, “He can be like a transfer student!” Both the girls looked at Chanyeol with a ‘really’ look and shook their heads.

“How do we know if he’s civilized enough? I mean he was a dog for how long…”

“Oh C’mon… give him a chance! He might give you guys some popularity at school! And he’s more ‘civilized’ than you think… I hope” he mumbled the last part, “Just give him a chance.”

“Yeah! I’ll be really good!... I won’t be out of your sight! I’ll follow you everywhere” I added. The girls sighed.

“That’s even worse…but we will give you a chance…” Naeun agreed.

“We will?” Minhee chocked and echoed, “B-but… fine”

“YAY!!” Chanyeol and I shouted jumping up and down.  Naeun stared at us for the longest time.

“What?” I asked.

“You… guys seem a lot closer than expected?  Coming from the fact that you guys were at each other’s throats before” she pointed.

“She’s suspecting something..” Chanyeol whispered to me.  I nudged his rib causing him to wince.

“Shut up.  You’re making it more obvious” I hissed so only he can hear.

“What are you guys talking about?” Minhee joined.  We both started coughing.


“Well then… Luhan… you’re going to need a uniform” Minhee remembered.

“Chanyeol can lend Luhan one of his” Naeun insisted.

“And why would I do that?”

“Because it was your idea!” Naeun snapped at Chanyeol making him pout. “Okay then. It’s settled. Luhan’s going to become a wolf!” Naeun shouted in glee.

“But… I DON’T WANT TO  BE A WOLF! I don’t want to be an animal anymore!... I was just a dog!” I blurted with a worried expression on my face.

“Luhan… calm down”

“What? Why!?” I shouted, “Do you know how it feels to be a dog!?”

“It’s just an expression. Our school mascot is a wolf… So when we say you’re going to be a wolf it means you’ll be a student there” Naeun explained. I made an ‘oh~’ expression and nodded my head.

“Pft….puhahahahah you thought you were ….hahahahah…. omg….hahaha…. that’s too much” Chanyeol exploded falling to the floor.  I glared at him and kicked him.  He stopped laughing and glared at me.   “Did you just kick me?” he asked me incredulously.

“No… why would you think that?” I asked innocently.

“Oh… okay then” he stood back up and went to the kitchen. 


“Luhan!... you’re a lot meaner than I thought” Naeun commented, “taking advantage of Chanyeol’s stupidity… Good Job!”  I made the peace sign and she high-fived me.

“It’s 8 o’clock… we have school tomorrow… we should get to bed” Minhee said.

“Yeah… Let’s go Minhee!~” I sang pulling her arm toward her room.

“On second thought… umm… I’m sleeping over at Naeun’s today” she quickly changed her mind. I guess she didn’t want another episode of what happened earlier today…

“About that… Chanyeol locked himself out of his house and uh… parents are out of town sooo… he’ll be staying at my house…”

“Even better!”

“What if Luhan and I will stay at your house, Minhee. You can go have your girl talk with Naeun” Chanyeol suggested. I whimpered when Minhee rejected me…

“Really?! That’s a great idea! That’s why I love you, Chanyeol!” Minhee agreed.  I winced at those words.  How can she say that so easily? She then paused and made a horrified face. “I mean… I don’t love you… I like you as a… you know what I mean” She said nervously. Chanyeol looked at her weirdly but nodded.

“How else would you mean it?  You’re so weird” he questioned. “Okay… so it’s me and Luhan?”

“yeah” Naeun responded, “Come Minhee… go pack… We have a lot to talk about.” Minhee brought a bag of clothes out and walked out the door. She waved bye to the both of us before shutting it.


Minhee’s POV

While we were walking to Naeun’s house, I couldn’t forget the look Luhan had.  He looked extremely hurt and bothered.  But why?  I shrugged it off and took off my shoes when we reached her house.


“Don’t so me” Naeun shot me a look.


“So what’s going on?” she questioned. “You and Luhan have become a lot more awkward since I left for the market and came back. So what happened while I was gone? Huh?” She raised one eyebrow.

“Hahaha… what are you talking about?  Everything’s the same” I nervously replied.

“Uhm if everything was the same, you’d still be petting Luhan.  You’d still be sleeping with Luhan.  You’d still be kissing Luhan.  You’d still be-” she emphasized every you’d.

“Okay I get it!” I yelled then hung my head. “I really don’t want to talk about it. It’s embarrassing and if you were my real friend then you wouldn’t force me to tell you” I said feeling my face getting hot.

“fine… but you’re telling me later” I sulked.

“Yeah…Whatever you say…”  

“At least tell me the reason why you won’t stay in the same house as him” she reasoned.

“Uhmmm… it’s just awkward… I don’t feel comfortable with him now that he’s not a dog anymore…”

“Fine if you won’t tell me-”

“Naeun, I’m not the only one that’s keeping a secret am I?” I changed the subject.

“W-wh… I don’t know what you’re talking about…” She stuttered.

“You know something about Chanyeol, don’t you?” I interrogated, “What is it? Tell me and I will tell you”

“It’s Chanyeol’s secret… I can’t tell you… and it’s not really important for you to know” she lied.

“I thought you supported me and Chanyeol… What’s this about?”

“I never said that… I think you can do better than him… I said that I will accept it… I still don’t understand what you see in him…”

“What?! No, he’s innocent and!-… Wait a second… don’t try to change the subject!”

“He’s innocent because he’s stupid!” she exclaimed.

“Exactly!... wait, what?... no! agh! What are you and Chanyeol hiding from me!?”



“Why don’t you ask him, not me? I really can’t tell you… even if I really want to… I’m sorry”

“fine… let’s stop arguing about this… We’re like Chanyeol and Luhan fighting: stupid…”  we gave up and decided to call it a night.





Hope You enjoyed this chapter...

although it was a little slow...

but please continue to support!~~~

In the next chapter others from exo will come out!! :D

YAY!!! :)


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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?