Chapter 16: Don’t Sass Me Bro

White Secrets

Chanyeol’s POV:

“It’s been over 2 weeks now… I’m thinking Minhee hasn’t forgiven you yet?” Suho guessed.

“Yup… She’s avoiding me at school and out of school…” I sighed.

“So… since you’re bringing this up… I have a question” Everyone turned to Baekhyun. “So… did you really kill her parents?” Everyone rolled their eyes and stared at him with judging eyes.

“It’s a long story, Baekhyun. I’ll tell you later when nobody’s around” Suho acknowledged.

“What?... I wanna know too” Chen complained.

“Well you can’t” Baekhyun sassed, “It’s only for me to know and for you to never find out…” Chen pouted and hung his head.

“What are you talking about?!” Luhan exclaimed.

“You can’t tell Baekhyun!” Kai stopped.

“What can’t he tell him?!” Lay hollered confused.

“I’ll tell you guys later!” Suho shouted over everyone, “Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Luhan meet me at the basketball courts after school. Understand?” We all nodded our head in agreement.

“Why are you keeping secrets from us!~” Lay whined.

“Let’s talk about something else!” Kai ignored Lay.

“Like what?”

“So how was your day, D.O?” Sehun asked with no change of expression,

D.O. lifted an eyebrow.

“It was good I guess?”

“I’m bored!~~~” Baekhyun declared. *Ring Ring* The late bell rang after Baekhyun’s sudden outburst. “Great… we have to go to class now…” he frowned. “This is all your fault” he randomly pointed at Kris.  Kris rolled his eyes and whacked Baekhyun’s head.



“Why do we have to learn this?”

“Yeah… It’s not like we’re ever going to use it again…”

“It’s about dead people in the past! Get over it…”

“It’s useless…”

“Quiet!... You use history everyday!” the teacher hushed.

“Like when?”

“Like… for example, when...” Mr. Cho thought.

“Exactly! It’s useless!” Mr. Cho glared at Exo annoyed.

“Well you still have to learn it so quiet down!” he ordered, now aggravated by Exo’s immaturity. I guess no one can tolerate us.

“But… I’m bored!”

“You know what!” the teacher screamed. “I give up!... Go learn Chapters 23 through 24 by yourselves!” He snapped as he slammed the textbook on his desk then walked out of the classroom.  The rest of the class groaned and threw hateful glares at us.

“Took him long enough…”

“I know… I think he lasted longer than last time”

“I think we’re growing on him!” Lay smiled.

“Right…” Luhan rolled his eyes. Naeun walked up to me and slammed her hand on my desk.

“Chanyeol... Can I talk to you outside?…  it’s kind of private…”

“Yeah sure… What’s up?” I nodded before standing up to follow Naeun outside.




Naeun’s POV:

“You really need to tell Minhee the real truth” I urged, “She won’t listen to me… No matter what I tell her she doesn’t believe me”

“I… can’t. It’s not only my secret. Like 4 others will be affected...” he explained.

“What do you mean? There’s more of you? I thought you said it was only you.”

“Oh right… I mean that I can’t tell Minhee my secret. Haha… nobody else is involved… I lied… It only affects me” he stammered looking down at his feet.

“Really?...” I lifted an eyebrow. “So what about Luhan? How do you know him so well? And you keep talking to Hyuna’s cat… What is that all about?”

“Y-you know… I just have this connection with animals.” I raised my eyebrows questioningly at him.

“Yeah…. you mean the same kind of animal connection you had with Luhan?” I sarcastically remarked.  

“Yes… I’m glad you understand” he joked earning a glare.

“Luhan was a dog but he turned human!  You asked Hyuna when she was turning 16! Is Xiumin, her cat, going to turn human too?!” I snapped losing patience.  

“Actually… It was Luhan that asked her… and I don’t know what you’re talking about…” he corrected. I face-palmed myself in frustration. I forgot how stubborn he could be.

“Look… I’m not accusing you of anything… You’re not in trouble, I promise... I just want to know the truth!” I feel like I’m talking to a child.

He scrunched his face and thought about it. “So what do you already know about me?”

“Well… I know you’re not from here. And that the whole car thing was an accident. You came here mainly to protect Minhee and… you’re really stupid…”

“Well that’s everything… that’s all you need to know…” Chanyeol affirmed. I gave him a look.

“I know you’re lying…” He laughed it off while slowly walking back into the classroom. I shook my head at his obvious act to escape and grabbed the back of his collared shirt. He stumbled backwards and turned around.

“What?” he whined.

“How long are you going to let Minhee avoid you? I know you hate the fact that one of your best friends is avoiding you!” I yelled.  He stayed silent.

“Well what am I supposed to do?” he looked straight at me with eyes filled with regret and dismay.

“Tell her the truth!” I stated the obvious.

“How can I tell the truth when 4 other people’s friendship are on the line?!” he yelled then quickly covered his mouth with his hands.  His eyes were wide open.  

“What do you mean four other?  You said the same exact thing ten minutes ago too”

“You weren’t meant to hear that” he quavered in a low voice.  I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Chanyeol….” I slowly started and he closed his eyes.  “What. Do. You. Mean. By. Four. Others?” I clearly cut all my words and stared him down.  

“What four others? I have no idea what you’re talking about…”

“Stop being so stubborn! I’m this close to hitting you...” I motioned the amount with my thumb and index finger.

“Okay, Okay!... I just-” Before he finished his sentence he ran back inside.

“I seriously have to beat this kid so he can get some sense into his brain…” I sighed.


-- After school


“SUHO!~ Tell me now!” Baekhyun demanded while pulling on his sleeves.

“Chanyeol and Luhan aren’t here yet…”

“But I wanna know now!”

“Stop being a baby!” Kai insulted.

“Excuse me?” Baekhyun scoffed. “I am not a baby. I am at the child stage in life right now for your information. I am a free spirit.”

Right” Kai rolled his eyes in response, “Whatever that means…”

Chanyeol’s POV:

“Sorry, we’re late!” Luhan yelled once we got close enough.

“So, the reason I brou-”

“Took you long enough!” Baekhyun interrupted. “You’re like 15 minutes late…”



“Do you want to know or not?”

“Yes, I do!”

“Then shut up!” Suho silenced. Baekhyun pouted but nevertheless shut up.

“Okay so…”

“What happened?” Baekhyun interrupted.  Kai, Luhan, Suho, and I shot him daggers.  “Sorry” he peeped.

“First of all… Baekhyun is actually from the luminous side of our planet…. He’s actually the one that kept the light source going, along with few others, obviously revealing that he has the power of light.” Baekhyun nodded cheerfully at Suho’s words. “Chanyeol and Luhan on the other hand, are from the shadow side. They were sent here as a punishment.” Suho finished introducing us with a knowing look.  We, Luhan and I, looked down.

“Wait… You guys are Shadows?” Baekhyun gasped astonished. “I never met one! So you guys like… destroy stuff?”

“Don’t say that” Luhan scrunched his face.

“But it’s true… no?”

“Well… We were just sent to the dark side of the planet because our powers are destructive… but yes… we do enjoy destroying stuff...” Luhan explained. Baekhyun kept his ‘wow’ look until Suho started talking again.

“Kai and Xiumin are from the luminous side as well.” Baekhyun lifted his eyebrows disinterestedly.  

“I don’t care about people from the light side to tell you the truth… I’ve lived there my whole life… I already know everything I need to know” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Well excuse me” Kai responded offended by Baekhyun’s remark, “… those two that call themselves Shadows are actually just from the ghetto side of the planet…”

“What!?... No we’re not!... We are more civilized than you!” I argued.

“I’ll have you know our technology is way more advance than yours!” Luhan backed.

“Is that why you don’t have any light on your side?”

“NOO!... We get our light the old fashioned way! By using fire! At least we’re kept warm in the winter!”

“Oh! Is that why you use fire?  Because you guys can’t keep something in one peice for more than a day and end up destroying everything?”

“Ex-cuuuuse me!” I sassed in a girly voice and waved my finger in his face.  “I’ll have you know Suho’s power is pretty destructive as well!”  Kai snickered and gave us daunting looks.  Kai snapped his fingers in rebuttal.

“Don’t sass me boy!”

“I can do what I want when I want!” I flipped my nonexistent hair.

“When did this turn into a diva battle?” Luhan stated from the side.

“You know what!?”


“Let’s take this outside!”

“We’re already outside!”

“Then I guess we can start this right now then!”

“Come at me bro!”

“Guys stop arguing!... Both sides are good…” Suho intervened. “Anyways… the cat that you see us talking to all the time is Xiumin… he’ll turn back human in probably a couple weeks.” he informed casually, turning back to Baekhyun.

“How did you find out Baekhyun was from the planet?”

“Actually he found out that I was from the exo planet…” Suho admitted, “I thought I was talking to Kai about being homesick and all, but then when I turned around it was Baekhyun.”

“Yupp! and then I uncovered your secrets” Baekhyun chirped. “Anyways…how do you and Luhan know Suho, Kai, and Xiumin?  I thought you guys were darks”

“We are but we were originally in the light side” Luhan explained.  

Baekhyun cocked his head in puzzlement. “Does this mean you guys are…..”







hope you enjoy this chap 

Had a nice week? hope soo~~~

soo we really hope you guys enjoyed the valentines special...

we made it specially for you ;)

thank you for all the support

have a good weekend... maybe we'll double update

pun : i heard there's a quiet person in Vixx








Leo-ve him alone xD


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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?