Chapter 4: No Way…

White Secrets

Minhee’s POV


“Where is his shirt?” Naeun stared at me in horror.

“No! it’s not what it looks like” I waved my hands ferociously in denial.  Luhan turned around to let us in.  Chanyeol suddenly fell to the floor laughing while pointing at his .  We looked at his and I flushed in embarrassment.  The sweats I gave him had the words Cutie engraved on it. 

“Puhahahah…. I always knew you were a girl” Chanyeol howled.  Luhan glared at him.

“What can I do?  This was all she had!  Aish, I’m taking it off!” he complained and reached for his waist.

“NO!” all three of us yelled.  He pouted. 

“Where is your shirt?” I hissed.

“It was uncomfortable so I took it off.  I was going to take off my pants too but you guys came so I didn’t have time to” he beamed.  I face-palmed myself and pointed to the inside of the house.

“Go. Put. It. Back. On. Now!’ I ordered. 

“Do you have anything else besides this bedazzled butterfly tee?” with a face of disgust, he picked the shirt up with two fingers and flung it in the air. I nodded my head, went to my closet, and brought back a long white shirt that covered his .

“Chanyeol, go take ‘Luhan’ for a walk…” Naeun ordered still confused. Chanyeol refused at first, but agreed after Naeun gave him the death stare.

“Fine… Ohh LUHANIE!!~” Chanyeol grabbed onto the stranger who resisted Chanyeol’s touch.

“Grr… I mean… don’t touch me” Luhan growled staring at Chanyeol’s arm that was wrapped around his own. “And where’s your respect for me? I’m like 2 years older than you!”

“Did you just growl at me? Have you become accustomed to being a dog? And you’re only 19 months older…” Chanyeol snickered. Luhan turned his head to face Chanyeol directly and mouthed ‘shut up’. Chanyeol chuckled, wrapped his arm around Luhan’s shoulders, and pulled him out the door. “Let’s go, Luhan hyung!”




Naeun POV


“Uhm… Why did a dude just come out of your house? How did he know our names? Why was he wearing your clothes? What did you do?” I bombarded Minhee with questions.  “Let’s get things straight”. I walked into her house and shut the door behind me.

“Is that really Luhan? Or are you trying to pull our legs? I mean Luhan was cute, but not that cute” I giggled dreamily.

“Wait, wait, wait.  You actually believe that that might be Luhan?” Minhee asked me skeptically. 

“Well… he did growl at Chanyeol… and plus… even if he isn’t Luhan, I would still keep him” I joked.

Minhee marveled at my expressions, “Are you seriously not affected by any of this? I mean dog-human-dog! How can you laugh at my confusion?”

“I don’t know… sometimes you just gotta go with the flow” I nonchalantly stated.  She gaped at me.

“Has Chanyeol rubbed off on you this much?”

“Hey!” I glared. “Okay well let’s think things through… it seemed to me that Chanyeol somewhat knew Luhan… There must be something Chanyeol hasn’t been telling us!” I suggested trying to break his secret to Minhee.  She looked at me.

You… sound like you know something” she emphasized the ‘you’ while pointing at me accusingly.  I shrugged.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about… we’ll ask Chanyeol when he gets back” I pretended.  There was a small silence for a minute or two until a thought crossed my mind.

“Ah! If that is Luhan, do you think he knows your feelings for Chanyeol?… He was there when we were talking about him…” I thought aloud. 

She gasped. “Kidding right?” she slammed the poor table. “He can’t know! He can’t!”

“More IMPORTANTLY!!! If that really is Luhan don’t you realize that…” I stopped in the middle of my sentence.

“What? What were you going to say” she said still flustered from what I said before.

“Well… you know… showers… baths… changing…” I hinted

“I don’t understand what you mean”

“HE SAW YOU !!” I blurted accidentally after getting frustrated from watching her. Her eyes rounded and she plopped onto the couch lifelessly. “I mean it’s not a big deal… hahaha…” I tried to reassure her.

“No…. no… why?!” she rolled on the couch while clutching her head.  “Why does life hate me?....” she mumbled into the couch cushion while throwing a tantrum.

“And.. technically you have also kissed him” I smirked. “… And~ he’s kissed you… well technically French kissed you” I sang.

She glared at me angrily, “THAT’S NOT MAKING ME FEEL BETTER!... I thought you were my friend!”

“No no… Think about it this way… I’m telling you now so you don’t have to freak about it later… I AM a good friend.”  She pointed to the door after hearing my explanation.

“Get out!”

“Okay but if I leave now…. You’re stuck with Luhan alone” I reminded.

“I hate you” she sulked knowing I was right.

“Love you too… Okay~ I guess I’ll see you later” I slowly walked to the door.

“Please stay” she mumbled.

“What?  I can’t hear you.  What did you say?”

“PLEASE STAY” she yelled.  I smiled in triumph.

“My pleasure”

“I hate you” she mumbled.

“What was that?”





Chanyeol’s POV


“Let go of me now” Luhan demanded.

“Gladly” I threw him off.

“Why’d you have to turn human.. I was enjoying life without you” I whined, “how long has it been?”

“9 years” He grimaced. “I have been a dog long enough! I’m finally free!! And YOU!” He pointed at me, “You did not make it any easier for me!”.  I made a heart sign and he responded by pretending to puke. 

“Hey… I made your life interesting!” I rebutted.

“No… you made it painful” he glared.  I gave him a cheeky smile.

“Aww…. to ”

“You kicked me… and Minhee…” his voice faded. I paused and reminisced the past.

“Yes.. yes I did kick you… but only cause you bit me” I added, “What about Minhee? What are you talking about? You mean the car crash?”

“No…You really don’t know?... I guess you’re still as stupid as you were 9 years ago… How could you be so oblivious to such things?”  I stared at him weirdly.

“I don’t know…” I shrugged.  “So…~ how was living with Minhee~” I wriggled my brows at him.  He started coughing and choking on his spit.  “I see it was nice”

“I-I- shut up!” he blushed trying to hide his face by turning his back on me. “What about Xiumin?” he tried changing the subject.

“He’s still the same” I smirked. We both laughed. “But really… it’s good to have you back… hanging out with only girls is tough… and scary…” I held out my arms waiting for a hug. He looked at me in disgust.

“I’m not going to touch you… you’re probably infested with diseases” he jerked backwards. I smiled and hugged him anyway.  He scowled immaturely. 

“Oh come on.  I know you missed me just as much”

“Not really… Can we go back now?”

“So you can see your Minhee” I teased. He scowled at me before leaving me behind at the park. “Wait~… Wait for your best friend!” I shouted while trying to catch up to him.





Double update! YAY! :D...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...

We worked hard on this story...

Keep reading and ENJOY :D~~~~

yours truly, 

BubblySmile and Pinkiestar73 <333

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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?