Chapter 18: Chanyeol’s past

White Secrets

Chanyeol’s POV:

“But I don’t want to go in there! It’s dark!” I whined while stomping my feet into the ground.

“That’s the only way that you will be able to find out what your power is” Dr. V explained keeping her patience. I pouted and sighed.

“Fine…” my head dropped. As I let my feet lead me into the dimly lit room, I heard Dr. V heaving a sigh of relief. The door shut behind me when I was not even half way through which caused me to fall on all fours.

“Who is it” A stern male voice questioned. I looked around and saw a shadowy figure sitting at a desk.

“Oh! Hi, I’m Park Chanyeol!” I cheerfully answered while getting up off from the floor. “I’m glad that you’re here sir! I thought I was going to be alone in here!” I pushed up my glasses.

“You’re quite the friendly one… that’s odd… Are you sure you’re in the right room?” he asked confused from my over excited voice.  I shrugged.

“Yes! The lady in the other room told me to come here! Where am I?” I innocently asked still smiling.

“Well… You’re in the-....” the figure shook his head, “Nevermind that… let’s get to business. I have a lot of kids who are waiting.” He snapped his fingers and the room lit up with torches.

“Wow! You did that just by snapping?! That’s cool! Can you teach me how to do that!?” I asked with my mouth wide open.  He opened his mouth to say something but second- thought it and shut his mouth.  He shook his head in disbelief.

“Sit.” I followed his order and sat down on the chair.  

“So...Dr. V doesn’t know what power you have… all she suspects is a dark power.  So let’s start with questions first”  I shrugged.


“There is a coconut tree.  A lion, a squirrel, a chimpanzee, and a giraffe.  They compete to get a banana.  Who wins?”  I scrunched my face.

“Can you repeat that?”  He paused, as if suspecting something but still repeated himself.  I nodded my head, knowing the answer.

“Definitely the chimpanzee…”

“......Why….” he asked almost in disbelief.

“Because, I don’t think the other animals eat bananas” I answered confidently and contently.

“He’s definitely not a psychic” he mumbled.  “well… not all of them are smart...hmm… but not as stupid as this kid….”

“What?” I cocked my head.  He shook his head and smiled.

“Nothing”  He suddenly took out a beanbag and threw it at my face.  I blinked unaffected and stared at him.

“Why-ow-are-ow-you-ow-throwing-ow-these-ow-things-ow- at me- ow!”  He stared at me in awe.

“Definitely not a psychic”

“I’m a psychic? Wow”

“No… you’re not…. definitely not” he denied defiantly.  I pouted and fixed my spectacles.

“Okay then… sir what am I?”  He stood up and motioned me to follow him.  He led me to a corridor that had 5 different doors.  He pointed to the door with an ice symbol.

“This is the next testing center” he explained as we entered the room. The room was filled with white snow and a crystal ice chandelier.

“It’s cold in here” I said looking around the room, “Where are we now?”

“It’s the coldest place on the planet” he answered from outside. I turned around and saw him in a giant bubbly jacket zipped up to his nose. He already had his beanie and gloves on and was now putting on his scarf.

“Wow, Sir! How did you change so fast?” I stared in awe, “Why are you wearing all that stuff? It’s not that cold.”  Despite what I said, I blew out and my breath fogged up my glasses.  

He tilted his head, “Did I bring him to the right room? Is he an Ice wielder? No… the doctor suspected a dark power.”

“Sir… Don’t you have a fire power? Isn’t that how you the torches?”

He looked at me strangely, “Of course not!... that’s just all special effects. You know like one of those clap on and off lights, but with torches. I have the power of wind.” I made an ‘Oh’ face and nodded my head. “Are you cold?”

“Kind of… but not really. It’s like I’m standing next to an air conditioner. Do you get me?”

“No… I feel like I’m standing in a blizzard…. So you do feel something?”

“Why yes! It feels nice!”

“But Ice wielders don’t feel the cold at all… Let’s just go on to the next room” he said as he pinched his nose bridge. We stopped at a door with a water droplet carved into the wood. “Do you like water?” he asked before opening the door.

“I would say that I do, but I really don’t. So no, not at all. I don’t know how to swim. I don’t like the feeling of water, but I drink water. Does that count? But I don’t enjoy drinking it. Especially baths! I hate baths! It feels like acid” He facepalmed himself and moved on to the next door. “Oh where are we going? I thought we were going in here” I pointed to the door.

“No… We’re going in here, the door of wind” he corrected. A gust of wind hit my face as he opened the door.

“WOW! It’s like I’m sticking my head out of a moving car! So this is where you’re from? It’s so empty! There’s only sand. I feel bad for you.”

His eyebrow twitched in annoyance, “NO! This is just a testing center! It’s not where I live! You know what! Just tell me what you do like!”

“Well… I do like warm stuff, but not soup.” I shook my head with a disgusted face, “Nooo!... Soup has water and I don’t like water.” I answered while taking off my glasses and wiping them.

“But everything has water!” he shouted aggravated.

“That’s why I don’t like eating.” I said in a matter of fact tone. “But you know I have to eat because my dad makes me.” I scrunched my face.

“What else do you like?” he bluntly asked out of patience.

“From time to time I like to climb the biggest tree here and look over the wall”

“But… you’re not allowed to go there. It’s reserved in the headquarters.”

“Shhh…But then again this really really like really old man lets me through. He always sees me, but I’m pretty sure it was because he was old so he didn’t really see me.  But he always says hi, so I’m sure he saw me… or he could have been talking to someone else…. Anyways! I like to see those explosions that happen over the well… I couldn’t really see anything, it was dark. You guys really need some lights!... anyway… they sound like explosions but look like fireworks”

“The fire realm? Why didn’t I notice this before. I could have gotten rid of you a lot earlier! You don’t like water, you can withstand the cold, and you like explosions!” he recalled hysterically. “Great! Another pyromaniac! That’s the best kind! And a 2% pyromaniac! Wonderful!” he sarcastically remarked. His face suddenly turned serious, “Welcome to the darkside… We don’t have cookies, so don’t even ask. Now get out of here!”

“Oh okay! Thanks sir!... You’re really nice! I like you! Well bye!” I smiled and waved, rooted in my spot. He shook his head and pushed me out of a door that appeared from nowhere. “Aww Sir… You’re not trying to get rid of me, are you? What’s a 2%?”

“No no no no… Of course not. There’s just a line. You will find out when you get to your new room. Now please leave” his voice almost sounded desperate, as if he were begging me to leave.

“But what about my parents… They’re in the light side.”

“You won’t see them ever again” he quickly answered and pushed me into the portal before I could respond. He shut the door and when I turned around I was in a totally different place.



I aimlessly walked around until I reached this large court room.  My face brightened up.

“Wow… there’s actual people on this side” I marveled.  The kids slowly stopped playing and stared at me.

“How rare”

“Another 2%”

“After 2 years?”

“What? Isn’t it usually 15 years?”

“He’s gonna ruin us even more… as if that Luhan kid isn’t enough”

“Shhh. He’s coming this way”

“Hi there” I greeted happily but they shot me weird looks.  They’re so welcoming.  “I’m Chanyeol… the man earlier called me a pyromaniac but I don’t know what that is” I bluntly told as I held out my hand.  

“Get your filthy hand away from us”

“Hmm.. they are dirty. Sorry, I’ll go wash them.”  They glared at me.  “So what’s 2%?”

“Don’t answer him” one hushed.  

“Is this a riddle?  Okay… I’ll try and figure it out… the man told me to go to the 2A dorm room 373?  Where’s that?”  

“That’s Luhan’s room”

“Don’t answer him” one boy hushed his friend.

“How long do you think he’s gonna last?”

“Not long”

“What happened to his last roommate?”

“I heard he woke up floating above the stove”

“So creepy”

“And the one before him had a mental breakdown and ended up in the psychiatric hospital”  I listened to their conversations as I walked to the tall buildings at the end of the road.

“He seems like a cool guy” I smiled, imagining what kind of person he might be.  

When I reached the room, I saw a little boy, not much older than me, sitting in the middle of the room performing some kind of ritual.

“Wow… what are you summoning? Can I help?”  The boy looked up at me in slight disbelief.

“No it’s a death ritual that kills all pyromaniacs”

“Wow, I’m a pyromaniac…. what’s a pyromaniac?”

“It’s someone who has an obsession to set things on fire…. wait don’t talk to me”

“Aww… okay, I’ll let you finish your game”  He facepalmed himself and threw his stuff out the door.  It landed in front of some random kid and he screamed bloody murder.

“Was he a pyromaniac?” I asked.  He stared at me with his mouth wide open.

“What did you say your name was?” he asked uninterested.

“Oh! I’m Park Chanyeol! Nice to meet you Luhan hyung!” I introduced myself although it seemed to look like he wasn’t listening.

“How do you know my name?”

“The other kids told me!... They’re nice people!” I explained. He rolled his eyes and mouthed the words ‘of course’.  “You don’t think so?”

“So… Chanyeol… do you want to play a game?” he asked mischieviously pulling open a kitchen cabinet.

“SURE! I like games!... The man in the other room played games with me! He even showed me his house. I feel bad for that man. It’s like super windy there and like there’s a bunch of sand.” I recalled. “So, what are we going to play?!” I asked excitedly.

“Well… It’s a game I like to call ‘Can Luhan hit the apple?’...” he replied in a creepy voice.

“Oooh! Sounds like fun! How do you play!?”

“So basically you hold this apple right here” he poked the middle of my chest, “most people like to put it on top of the head… but I think this is more… fun. There’s less chances to hit the wall, right? Then I take these knives and try to hit it and break it in half.”

“I guess… you won’t make a hole in the wall… but what if you miss and hit me?” I scrunched up my face at the thought.

“Are you doubting me? You don’t trust me?” he scoffed looking somewhat offended.

“No! Of course I trust you! Okay let’s play!” I smiled and took the apple from his hands. I trotted over to the other side of the room, “Is right here okay?”  I could hear his jaw drop from here.

“Is he really this stupid?” he mumbled as he shook his head in confusion.  “Yeah! Right there is just fine! Stand still! Make sure you don’t move! Not even an inch!” I nodded showing him I understood. “Don’t close your eyes either! You’re gonna want to see what happens!”

“Okay!” I gave him a thumbs up.

“Alright… Here I go!”

The next few seconds passed in slow-motion. He pulled his arm back and sent the knife flying in my direction. I followed his demands and didn’t move. I stood there waiting to see what was going to happen. As the knife got closer, I realized it was too high up and aimed at my face.  Still, I did not move.  Luhan hyung narrowed his eyes to see if I would move but I didn’t move at all. I kept my eye on the knife as it got closer and closer. Luhan’s eyes widened and with one swift motion of his arm the knife flew to the right and punctured the wall.

“You’re right! That was cool, but the wall has a hole now...” I stood flabbergasted staring at the knife plunged in the wall,“Where did you learn to do that?”

“Y-you’re face! I’m so sorry!” he frantically apologized while running into the kitchen to grab a napkin.

“Huh? What about my face?” I touched my face and felt a hot liquid smear on my cheek. I looked down at my hands and saw that it was all covered in red. I took off my glasses and wiped my cheek.

“You’re an idiot! Why didn’t you move!? You could’ve gotten severely injured! What’s wrong with you!?”

“Because I trust you!” I smiled, “and anyway people get hurt when they’re playing all the time! …..Although you’re not too good at this game…..It’s okay!”

“Y-you… trust me?” he stuttered and froze from what I said.

“Mmm-Hmm!” I nodded my head, “Of course! You’re my hyung!” I grabbed the napkin from his hand and wiped my face with it. “As fun as this game is… Can you help me with something? I don’t understand some stuff.”

“u-uhh… sure…” he responded. He grabbed a big bandage the size of my cheek and stuck it on my wound.

“Thanks!” I appreciated his kindness. “Okay… so what’s 2%? People keep talking about it… Is it like a drink or something?” His face turned dark.

“2% people are people like us.  The  2% in the population are born with dark powers even though both their parents have bright powers… 2%’s are only born from two lights.  Never the other way around.  Original darks think 2%’s are diseases and are bad for the Shadows.  Even the adults… Therefore, we get mistreated.  We’re hated….I mean unwelcomed… It usually happens every fifteen years but you’re an exception”

“A good exception” I quickly piped.  He smiled at my answer.  His first smile he’s shown me.  I smiled.  “Oh… okay.” I knew being a 2% never was a good thing but I tried hard not to show my true feelings to Luhan hyung.

“We get placed into dorm 2A because we’re 2%’s.  2A stands for 2%Ace... We’re supposed to be the Aces of the society but I don’t understand how if we’re mistreated so much.” he mumbled the last part.

“So we’re special people?”

“Yes… at least we’re suppose to be. As an Ace we are stronger, smarter, and more skilled than others.”

“WOW!!... I’ve never been special before! It kinda feels like an honor!” I thought to myself, “Oh and by the way… why do people call me a pyromaniac? I have never set anything on fire before!”

“Ohh… well because people with fire power are usually, like literally, psychopaths! They are the reason we got sent to this side. Their power only  allows them to destroy stuff... Well…. as far as I’ve seen. But they say Fire Aces are different.  They make bigger explosions, have more agility, and have more stamina.  You’re the first one I’ve met, who I’ve been told is different… and the first one that didn’t run away screaming…”

“Why would I run? I think you’re a nice person!”

“Yeah… no…” he denied, “I’ve done a lot of bad things… and by the way… you can’t stay here. I prefer to be alone.”

“Alone?” my smile dropped for a millisecond but reappeared as fast as it disappeared. “But… nobody likes to be alone.”

He stared at me with a suspicious face, “That’s the first frown I’ve seen from you. You’ve been smiling all this time. It kinda started to get creepy. I’m glad to know that you’re human. But yeah I do want to be alone.”

“Frown? What frown? I didn’t frown!” I denied shaking my head profusely with a nervous smile, “I never frown.”

“Calm down… People are allowed to have different emotions” he patted my shoulder. “So you can either leave now with only that scar on your cheek… or I can make you leave by doing something worse…” he threatened.

“Oh noo… I’m not leaving… You will change your mind! Nobody can be alone and be happy about it. That’s why people have companions.”

“You’re gonna regret your decision.”

“No… I’m sure of it… I’m here for you Luhan hyung!” I smiled. “So which is my room?”

“Alright whatever… just stop smiling so much. Your room is on the right” he pointed using his head.

“Thanks!!” I gave one last smile and ran into my room.







So we didn't realize how long it actually was until we finished...

Sorry to those who hate long chapters...

but hope you guys do enjoy it :)

On another note... hope you guys had an amazing week xD

Oh and we apologize for not replying to omments in awhile Xl


Joke: Why did the chicken cross the road?









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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?