Chapter 12: Step 2: Secret Hook ups Part 2

White Secrets

--An hour before the party


“Minhee,  We need to think this through before we head for the party!” Naeun affirmed. 

“What do you mean?... It’s just a party” I replied.

“No… with Exo in charge of this… it’s not just a party… they’re planning something… I mean think about it… they invite us to a party when they haven’t even said a word to us before…” Her face scrunched up, “but I don’t know what…”

“So?... What are we gonna do?”

“We’re going to use this party as a way to get you and Chanyeol closer. And… We can’t let them find out any of our secrets... just keep your guard up…”

“Like what secrets?”

“Oh I don’t know…Like your secret of having a crush on Chanyeol! And by the way, I can’t believe he doesn’t know you like him… You’ve made it so obvious”

“Wahh… No I didn’t!”

“Really?” she lifted one eyebrow, “What about when you recently said ‘I love you’ and you freaked out. Or when it was his birthday and you bought him the whole store… And when you turned red when he hugged you. Or the time when he called you ‘cute’ and you freaked thinking he was hitting on you. Or that time he was being stupid and kept saying cheesy pickup lines. Or how about-”

“Okay!... I get it…maybe I was a bit obvious”  Naeun raised a questioning brow at me. “What?”

“A bit?”

“Fine… a lot” I admitted.  “But so what?  Luhan’s my dog… he won’t say anything”

“Minhee, he’s not a dog anymore!  He can talk!  And from the way I see it, he likes you” she crossed her arms.

“Luhan doesn’t like me” I denied.  “He’s just attached because I raised him”  Naeun just continued to stare at me.

“Luhan’s not that naïve Minhee…” she warned. 

“I can tell” I mumbled suddenly thinking about the movie incident. 

“Yeah but, Chanyeol’s stupid… one lie can cover up anything with him”

“Not the rest of his friends are as stupid as him” she counter argued.

“Fine… We just won’t say anything…”


--Exo before the party


Nobody’s POV

“So how’s this gonna work”

“We can play ‘truth or dare’!”

“Or…” Kai grinned evilly.  “We can play ‘Baby if you love me give me a smile’!”


“That game’s gonna get so awkward!”

“That’s the point!”

“Sounds like a good idea… Luhan do you have anything in mind?”

“You guys are too excited for this…”

“What’s the punishment for being late?”

“We lock Minhee and Luhan in a closet!”

“Wait… If it’s their punishment, why does Luhan have to do it?”

“Cause they said we would have to do the punishment too…”

“What about Naeun?”


“Okay! I got it! Anyone who’s late has to jump in the pool with everything on!”

“But it’s soo cold”


“So, since none of us are late, we don’t need to jump in…”

“How does this help Luhan?”

“I don’t know… It doesn’t”

“fine… that’s the punishment for that, but we need a punishment for losing a game…”

“Let’s make it really unfair!”

“No we can’t…”

“A game is a game!”

“Okay, fine… that’s settled… They should be here soon”




*Ding dong* The doorbell rang. We all rushed downstairs to open the door.

“Why hello there!~” Lay, the first person to reach the door, flirted. Naeun was the first to step inside.

“You’re late!!”

“No, we’re not…”

“Yes you are!”

“No… I was on time… Minhee was ‘late’”

“We came at the same time” Minhee glared. Naeun paused.

“No! You knocked on time, but you didn’t come in on time!”

“YEAH! Minhee was a minute late!”

“Are you serious?”

“Fine… What’s your ‘punishment’?” Naeun rolled her eyes.

“Minhee has to jump in the pool!”

“So then one of you need to jump in too…”

“But… we weren’t late!”

“But we said that you would need to do the punishment with us…”

“So… one of you and one of us…”

“And… We get to choose who…”

“Fine…” Kris agreed.

“And we choose…” Minhee looked around.

“Chanyeol!” Naeun finished her sentence. Minhee looked at Naeun in confusion.

“Wait… What?!” all of Exo yelled.

“But I don’t wanna! You’re just picking on me!”

“Yes I am… so Minhee and Chanyeol have to jump in together!... Better yet, Chanyeol can carry Minhee into the pool…” Minhee gawked at her friend.

“What are you doing?” Minhee whispered into Naeun’s ear.

“I’m helping you guys out” Naeun gave a two thumps up and a wink.

“Why not Luhan!?”

“Why would we choose Luhan?” Naeun eyed him.

“Cause he’s her dog!” Chanyeol butted in.


“Ahaha… ummm… figuratively?…” Chanyeol saved himself.

“Uhm are we doing the punishment?” Chen asked.



“Wait what?”

“How about no punishment then?” Baekhyun muttered annoyed that no one was doing anything.

“Just…” Tao grabbed Chanyeol’s and Minhee’s arms and pulled them outside, “do it!” Tao pushed both of them into the deep side of the pool and dusted his hands off. “There… problem solved…”

“That was easy…”

“IT’S FREEZING!... How could you, Tao!... I thought we were friends” Chanyeol pouted after resurfacing. Minhee resurfaced after him, but had a hard time keeping herself up.

“Chanyeol!... Minhee can’t swim!” Naeun informed.  Chanyeol swam next to Minhee and reached his hand out to help her.  Minhee, not being a good swimmer, naturally clutched onto Chanyeol. He swam to the shallow end of the pool and carried Minhee bridal-style back to land.

“How could you push her in?!” Naeun screamed at Tao.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t know…” Tao whimpered and hid behind Kris.

“Ahh… it’s okay…” Minhee coughed, “he didn’t mean to…” Chanyeol grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Minhee.

“Don’t want you getting sick right?” Chanyeol gave a playful smile, patted her head and left to get himself a towel. He then took his shirt off and drained the water from it. Minhee flushed and started turning bright red from seeing Chanyeol’s and actions.

“Wait… Where’s my hat?” Chanyeol looked around and found it floating in the middle of the pool. “You gotta be kidding me… Tao you have to go get it”

“What?” Tao looked at Chanyeol surprised, “No way! It’s too cold.”

“Don’t worry…” Suho grabbed the pool cleaner and fished the hat out.

“Ahaha… uhm let’s go in before you guys really catch a cold” Kyungsoo insisted and pushed everyone inside.

“YAH! Stop flirting with Minhee” Chen whispered into Chanyeol’s ear, “She’s supposed to be with Luhan!”  Chanyeol glared at Chen.

“I’m not flirting… you would do the same if you’ve known her for such a long time” he excused.  Chen raised a brow.

“Really? You never talked to her at school” he reminded.  Chanyeol shut up.

“That’s because-… where’s Luhan?” he looked around avoiding Chen.  They all sat around the living room table and Luhan came few minutes later with Hyuna and her cat trailing behind.

“Oh…” Kai grinned mischievously,  “Well… since uhm… you know… Hyuna… and cough Xiumin cough… her cat were late…. Why don’t they do the punishment as well?” 





HIYA!! ~~

haha bad exo~~~~~ xD

hope the story is going well for you guys!! :)

we know there is really no point to the story right now but there will be DRAMA soon >:)

Sorry we couldn't update for a while ><

We have school and all xP.. haha busy!

anyway... we hope your week went well :)

so we decided to put a pun in every chapter starting now :P

Hehe enjoy your pun of the day/ weekend

Its really late but....... Merry Krismas Tao you ;)

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Infinite_WooNamstar #1
this book gives me memories
my first kpop fanfiction
i don't wanna be rude but please update
curtiskwong5 #2
Chapter 32: bookmarked & subscribed :) awesome story
candypark #3
Chapter 32: Ah~ they still can't fix it xD.
Come on, NaYeol...
Update soon, author nim :)
Newbiepoke #4
Wah that was such a good read <3
Chapter 32: *shakes Naeun* waeyo?! I need you and Yeoly to be a thing! The two have already been put onto the little boat and shipped off into the distance! Great job Writer-nim! Cant wait until next time!
koala_panda #6
Chapter 31: why naeun why u did that?nayeol pleaseeeee
candypark #7
Chapter 31: Yay for ChanEun/NaYeol! :D
Why why why?-- I'm frustrated here, they are a pair of best friend who knows each other very well, Chanyeol must understand naeun is xD C'mon, I hope they relationship will works well :)
Thanks for update ^_^
candypark #8
Chapter 30: Really, this chap is so funny xD
Update soon,ne?
Ahmengo #9
Chapter 30: :O! Keeep it up pleasseee!
candypark #10
Chapter 28: Ya ya author-nim! Put more NaYeol moment XD Luv this couple!
Update soon, ne?