Who Wins?

My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

And it's settled! I've counted the votes and Youngmin had the most! (10 votes in total so far and Youngmin had 7.) Kekeke~ So prepare for an epic battle! (well not so epic...) And thanks to the people who didn't give up on reading this rather boring fanfic halfway! =D


"No... She's mine!" spat Youngmin, gritting his teeth.

"I've known her for longer!" hissed Dae Ho with a victorious smirk on his face.

Youngmin cringed from what Dae Ho had said. He was sure to lose.

"Got anything else, Blondie?" asked Dae Ho mockingly. He chuckled at his future victory.

Youngmin lost all his hope and was about to meet defeat when... DUN DUN DUN! He started grinning! "Well.... she's does like you..." he began.

Dae Ho's smirked widened to a smile. "Go on."

"Buuuuut~ She only likes you like a brother!" Youngmin finished off... with a final blow.

That made Dae Ho zap out of his daze and he soon lost focus on his death glares.

"Whereas...... she likes me as her Boyfriend! After all..... I am her Boyfriend." He leaned back against the wall, watching Dae Ho fall in defeat.
Soon... all that's left was a pile of flesh, bones and disappointment on the floor. "I-I'm De-feat-ed." Dae Ho stuttered, crouching in shame.

"Heh~" laughed Youngmin. "Looks like I win this battle."

With his last ounce of energy he lifted his head to stare back at the satisfied blondie. "You might've won this battle... but you will never win this war."

The Blondie chortled at the raven haired boy. "We'll see...." And with that, he jumped out of the window and onto the little balcony. He climbed down the metal ladders attached to it and soon got to the ground. "Annyeong~" he said, walking off to find you.

The loser was left laying on the floor.

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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!