Useobwa - Part 2/2

My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

The sun has already rose over the horizon and the birds are chirping in the trees. Your alarm rang disturbingly before you had the chance to stop it.

"Stupid school..." you moaned as you slowly got up and leaned onto the wall. To your surprise... Boyfriend wasn't awake to greet you. "That's strange... they should all be up by now..."

Youngmin rolled across the floor and bumped into Minwoo who groaned and turned to Kwangmin, which then lifted his leg and laid it on top of Hyunseong... and then he brushed his hand past Jeongmin’s head... resulting him to punch Donghyun.
But he was too sleepy to get up and complain thus fell asleep again.

You sighed and got out of bed... quietly getting your school uniform then crept out of the room.

Hana was waiting for you by the stair case, already in her uniform. "Why do you always get up so late?" she asked arrogantly. "You should be the one to get up first..."

You laughed and stuck your tongue out at her. "It's not me who's getting up too late... it's you who's getting up too early."

She smirked and walked off to the kitchen. "Tch. Make me breakfast them... You're just talk and no action."

Without hesitation you followed her into the kitchen to prepare some food to eat, since you were also hungry and you were also concerned about Boyfriend because they hardly eat. Today you've decided to make kimchi fried rice, because there were still loads of kimchi left from yesterday and you didn't want to waste it.

~~Time Skip~~

After you've finished cooking them... you served it to Hana and ate it up yourself before you went to go change. Before hand... you've already put the left over rice into lunch boxes for Boyfriend once they wake up, so you didn't have to worry about them while doing your daily routine.

Meanwhile, Boyfriend was waking up from their late night. Still unconscious, they tried to stand up but couldn't. The tiredness was unbearable.

"Aish.... Why is school so early??" moaned Minwoo, feeling his way across the floor to look for his watch but fell asleep again during his search.

"Stop and get up!" complained Kwangmin but he, too, was too sleepy to fully wake up. "Aahhh my head."

"What time is it?" mumbled Youngmin sitting up and rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. He went to get his watch and looked at the time. "OMO IT'S 7:00am! GET UP QUICKLY!" he exclaimed, kicking everyone's duvet out of the way.
 The rest of Boyfriend heard him and shot out of their futons... then rushing into the over-crowding bathroom. Donghyun was brushing his hair, Hyunseong was washing his face, Jeongmin was brushing his teeth, Youngmin was getting changed with Kwangmin and Minwoo was keeping watch in case anyone was coming up until someone was available to take over his job.
When everyone was ready... they all got out of the window and climbed down to the ground. 

You’ve also finished getting changed so you said goodbye to Hana, who was still eating, and exited the house with your school bag in hand. Seeing Boyfriend waiting for you made you happy to know such wonderful people. "Annyeong. Here's your breakfast." you said as you handed them their lunch boxes.

"Komawo~" they all thanked at the same time.

"Kya!!! We get to eat ________'s cooking!" beamed Youngmin, punching the air with his free hand.

“Girlfriend! Let’s go now before we’re late~” sang Jeongmin, skipping down the street. For the first time, you’ve realised how beautiful his voice sounds.

Suddenly, the Jo twins linked arms with you... Kwangmin on the left and Youngmin on the right.
“Off we go~” they both chorused.

Blushing, you nodded and strolled with them to school, Donghyun and Hyunseong watching your back.
When you’ve arrived at school, there were still alot of people waiting outside the Academy. Everybody felt more relieved to not be the last to arrive.

Before Youngmin could ask you if you were free this afternoon, Dae Ho came into view and ran towards you.

“________-ah!” he shouted, giving you a big wave. “Annyeong! Do you wanna go to class together?”

Without further thoughts, you agreed and went with him instead... since it was rude to reject.

Frustrated, Youngmin pulled on his hair and stomped around in circles. “AISH! I HATE DAE HO!”

The rest of Boyfriend laughed and reassured him that he was 10 times better than Dae Ho... which made him abit happier.

“Come on... Let’s go and tell the teacher that we’re busy today and that we won’t be able to make it to lessons.” hissed Donghyun.

“Tut tut tut. I didn’t know you all like to lie.” teased Jinyoung walking towards them.

Baro, Sandeul, Gongchan and CNU followed behind, smirking.
“I thought you were all innocent goody-two-shoes.” said Gongchan, crossing his arms.

Baro shook his head and asked, “What made you lie? Is it something serious?”

Donghyun stepped forward. "None of your business."

"Awww... too bad. We can help you know. We can get past any rule coz we're the kingkas." bragged Jinyoung. "We have our own minions and fanclubs in school."

"Yeah come on! We can help persuade the teachers to let you off for the day!" insisted Sandeul. "Besides, seonsaengnim has a soft side for us."

Hyunseong was suspecting them so he asked, "Why are you helping us?"

Jinyoung his chin with his fingers, thinking of how to put his answer together. "Hmmm... Let's put it this way... we have nothing else better to do so this is a ticket to take us away from boredem."

After a minute of consideration, Boyfriend decided to let B1A4 onto this. They've told them about their plan of cheering you up.

"Alright! It's planned. Make sure she'll be here after school." warned CNU, jotting the notes down into his notebook.

~~After School~~

The bell rang and you was packing your text books away. For the whole day, you were curious of where your Boyfriends had went off to. The last time you saw them was this morning before registration.

"Do you wanna go grab something to eat before we open up the Ice Cream Bar?" asked Dae Ho as he got up and swung his school bag over his shoulder. "I'm hungry."

"Me too." you agreed as you also stood up and tucked your chair under the table.
Before you went out of the classroom, the teacher called you over. "Before you leave... can you go and wait for me by the school gates? Stay there until I come!"

"Okay.." was all you said and you quickly rushed out of the classroom before the conversation could get any more awkward.

"What's wrong?" Dae Ho asked, worriedly.

"Seonsaengnim wants to see me by the school gates..." you answered as you quickly walked out of the building and paced towards the iron gates. "She said to not leave until I was told to." 

Dae Ho nodded and waited with you. A couple of minutes has past and still no one came to tell you what was going on. Just as you were about to give up waiting, your Boyfriends and the Kingkas came out of the school building in hip, fashionable outfits- supplied by the school's drama studio.

"W-wae?" you asked as Jeongmin approached you, dragging a huge stereo with him.

"Just wait and see Girlfriend~" he replied and gave you a heart-stopping wink.

All you could do was stare at him as he walked away to the others, setting up a mini stage. 
When everything was in place, music played out of nowhere and Boyfriend started singing.
"Would you be my Girlfriend?" said Youngmin as he winked at you.

Smiling, you stared back in awe to how their voices echo from the microphones and how cute the dance moves were. You felt so touched. There were already dozens of people watching them now... each one of them captivated by Boyfriend's talents.

"Ojik nan neoui Boy Friend e e e~ Neomanui Boy Friend e e e~"

You felt like crying at that moment but it will ruin the performance if they were to see you tearing up like that, so you kept a big grin on your face. Their dance moves, voices and looks were simply flawless that no word can describe it.

Dae Ho was also amazed to see them dance this way... making him admire them.

When they've finally finished the song, a huge crowd of people cheered and clapped... enjoying the performance. Not for long, the Kingkas also came up on stage. everyone went silent again to see what was going on.
You were actually quite surprised that they were doing this for you even though you hardly know them... The music started but this time... it sounded more adorable than cute.

"Oh my beautiful target, you zoom zoom heart like a rocket. I like it like it like it, I like it like it like it, I like it like it like it~"

For some reason, seeing them dance also made you happy. 
Already, loads of people are singing along the song because of the extremely catchy choruses.

"Oh my beautiful target. You zoom zoom my heart like a rocket~!"

You and Dae Ho were swaying to the beat, smiling at the two groups' performances. When the song ended, the lights switched off and everyone howled and whistled... enjoying the entertainment.

"BOYFRIEND!!!" you cheered, waving your arms above your head and jumping to see them as there was a huge crowd blocking the view. "THANK YOU!"


From afar... two men were watching Boyfriend and B1A4 performing to the crowd. It was obviously clear that they've caught the attention of the pedestrians walking down the street.
"What do you think of them?" asked the first man in a business suit.

The other man smirked and signalled him to make a phone call."They're perfect. Hire them now. My senses are telling me that they'll be high in the music industry."

Hehehe... Boyfriend and B1A4 Hwaiting! =D

What do you think is gonna happen next after reading the last bit of the chapter? ;)

P.S. Birthday is in 2 days *cough cough*

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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!