
My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

This is to all of the people who wants Donghyun to have a little romantic time of his own because he hardly get any!!!! 

Your P.O.V

I was walking with the remaining Boyfriend, trying to get away as far as possible without coming back to my bedroom.

"Hey... how long are we gonna stay out here? It's dangerous!" whined Minwoo, grabbing onto my arm.

I squeezed his hands reassuringly and smiled. Without a word, he released his shoulders in relief.
"We're just gonna hang out here for a while until we know that the row is over."

Donghyun looked around for a moment, enchanted by the outside world.

"Hey!!!" shouted someone from behind. We all turn and looked to see who it was. I can remember that golden gleam anywhere! It's Youngmin...
"Hey!!! Wait for me!" he shouted again, waving his thin arms up in the air. "It's over! You can come back now!"

I sighed and gave him a wave back.

Instantly, Jeongmin pounced onto Youngmin, and looped his arm around the blondie's shoulder. "Sooo~ who won?~" he asked curiously.

Youngmin laughed victoriously, placing both of his hands onto his hips. "I won of course!"

Everyone cheered and jumped up and down, mostly the maknae...

I was going to join in when I remembered that I have homework to do and quickly rushed  off back home. "Cya guys." I said but I didn't think they heard me...

Donghyun's P.O.V

I saw ________-ah ran off towards her house. Everyone was still cheering so I just raced after her without them. "________! Where are you going?"

She turned around, surprised to see me. "I have a big project that's dued in tomorrow! I was meant to start it yesterday but I was..." She stopped and lifted her hand to feel the back of her head. She winced as she touched it. "Aigoo! I have a lump on my head and it still hurts..."

I got closer and lifted my arm to feel her head. I gasped as I touched the huge lump. "Didn't you rub ice on it???" I asked in shock. I carried on rubbing it to sooth her. "Was this from the text books that fell on your head?"

She nodded her head, flinching everytime I rubbed too hard. "How could I rub ice on my head when I was unconscious for the whole night?" she argued, shrugging me away.
I shook my head and grabbed her arm. "Come on! I'm taking you back home!" I said and dragged her in the direction I thought was home.

~~Time Skip~~

When we got back Dae Ho disappeared so we assumed that he went back home in shame. I grabbed a tub of ice cream, left in the bag, and placed it next to her head.

"Donghyun-ssi... It isn't cold." ________ said, frowning.

I took the tub and placed it against my head and she was right... it isn't cold. I wanted to go downstairs to get some ice but ________'s umma and dongsaeng might see me and I'm not gonna risk it! "Listen! Go downstairs and find something cold in the freezer... like a pack of ice or a bag of peas..." I said, squeezing her shoulders.

She nodded and quietly opened the doors to sneak downstairs.

Your P.O.V

'Ice, ice, ice, ice' I chanted as I reached the bottom step. I tip-toed my way across the hallway but the floorboards betrayed me by creaking everytime I stepped on them... 'Please stay quiet...'I begged reaching for the kitchen door. That door always creaks when it's being opened... or closed. I'm sooo sooo close to the knob! Just a few more inches....

"________! What are you doing?" asked my dongsaeng, Hana, raising her eyebrow. "You're acting like a ninja..."

'Nooooo!' I mentally screamed. 'If I tell her I'm going to the kitchen to get ice... she will ask too many questions' "Hey Hana! I was just... acting like... Naruto....?" I lied, mentally kicking myself for thinking up such a lame excuse. "I'm a korean otaku..."

She sighed. "You've been acting strange today... I don't think this behavior is a part of growing up..."

I fake laughed and quickly took the handle. "Very funny Hana! Hahaha..." I carried on laughing until she had no option but to walk away.

'Yes!!! Mission accomplished!'

Donghyun's P.O.V

She got back safe and sound with a pack of ice. "Well done! You did a great job!" I complimented as I scooped some ice out and laid it on a cloth. "Can I use this?" I asked, as  I pointed to the piece of fabric on the stand.

________-ah nodded and took it from her nightstand. "Sure... it's clean." She rubbed the cool fabric over her head and winced as the cold slowly seeped in. "Aish! It hurts!"

I smiled at her innocence. "Here... I'll do it." I said as I took the wrapped up ice and slowly massaged it onto her head.
She stopped complaining and relaxed a little as I soothed her head. "Komawo Donghun-ssi." she thanked.

I was shocked by ________-ah's sudden reaction. "Errr... no problem..."

She shifted her weight to her other leg and sat down on the bed. "You know, I think that you're the most reliable one out of all of them... Boyfriend." she began, slightly blushing. "And you're the calmest..."

My smile widened into a grin. "Yeah... I guess I don't like loud stuff. Especially when they all argue!" I explained, half remembering that I'm alone with her. "I really hate that."

________ smiled briefly. "Mmmm..." she murmured, her eyes about to close. The next thing I knew was her snoring lightly. Her face was so peaceful... I decided to tuck her in bed.
"Sweet dreams... My little Girlfriend~" I whispered.

"Wow prince charming! Nice going!" said a voice by the window. I turned and saw Hyunseong carefully stepping off the window sill and landing quietly on the wooden floor. Everyone else followed behind.

"And to think you were too old for these Girlfriend businesses..." sighed Youngmin in disbelief. "You have it more than me."

"Not bad hyung!" said Jeongmin, looking from me to ________.

I shook my head and smiled. "Why didn't you guys come in earlier? You all could've been here to help me."

Kwangmin giggled as he took a step closer. "It was Minwoo's idea to stay outside and watch you two." He nudged Minwoo and chortled. "We didn't want to ruin your moment."

Minwoo grinned and nodded quickly. "Looks like you didn't need our help... she looks cured..."

I laughed at my dongsaengs. They always make me smile. And they might be right... I might not need them after all... With ________ sleeping... she cannot finish her project in time. I looked at her studying table and found a few books stacked up on top of eachother... Now it's time for me to do a little working out!

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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!