Scary "Noona"

My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

You got home just in time before dinner as your six Boyfriends crept upstairs. Your Umma called from the kitchen. "Is that you ________?"

"Ye Umma." you answered as you laid your bag of essentials onto the living room table. 

"Go get some kimchi... We're out tonight. And when you get home... we need to talk."

You just sighed and grabbed a thicker coat, since the weather was getting colder, and left the house after saying goodbye. 'I wonder what Umma wants to talk about?' you wondered as you slowly sneaked down the darkening street. 
More and more people disappeared from the road and are back home safe and snug. You wanted to be home too... especially when the days were getting shorter and the nights were getting longer. The shadows lingering around you were starting to creep you out.

Hyunseong, Donghyun and Jeongmin were watching you, making sure that there was nothing out there to harm you.

"Will she be safe?" asked Jeongmin, worriedly.

"We can only hope." answered Hyunseong, in a slightly sorrowful tone.

"Hey... She's just going out to get the groceries. She'll be back in no time!" reassured Donghyun, grasping Jeongmin's shoulder.

Minwoo sat up from the bed, suddenly determinded to chase after you. "No. We can't let our Girlfriend go on her own like that! That's no way to treat our lovely, aegyo, kyeopta, ulzzang, cute, kawaii, beautiful-"

"Yah... we get it." interrupted Youngmin, putting your diary down. "I've already finished reading this anyways... let's go after her."


The other two maknaes just stuck their tongue out at him scornfully and looked away, focusing on the window. They were all still annoyed from the conversation they had in the changing room.

"C'mon! Let's go out for some fresh air then. It will do you and ________ good." encouraged Donghyun as he opened the window and stepped out first. 
The chilly air from outside, escaped into the room and made everyone shiver. One by one they jumped out of the window and onto the ladders and climbed down to chase after you.

~~Time Skip~~

After some time has passed, you've finally reached the local grocery store. Without you realising, Boyfriend was creeping behind you, watching your every move like a demented, desperate stalker. 

"Ooh ooh ooh! She's going in!" pointed Jeongmin, about to leap out and give you a hug... but the three maknaes stopped him.

"Hyung! Behave please." Minwoo said, as if demanding him rather than asking.


When the coast was clear, they finally stepped out from behind a fence and followed you into the shop.

Your P.O.V

I can't help but feel that something is following me but everytime when I turn around... no one's there... Even in the store I can feel the presents of someone lurking behind..

"Annyeong! Do you want help?" called one of the staffs by the counter.

I woke up from my daze, slightly suprised. "Errr... Ani!"

She smiled at me and bowed her head. "You looked like you were troubled. And.... do you know those people behind you? They keep following you."

I tilted my head sideways, not getting her point. "Behind me?"

She nodded her head and giggle with the other staff by the counter.

"They're so handsome aigoo!" she squealed as the other girl hi-fived her.

I quickly turned around and instantly a flash of red blurred across my face and disappeared to another isle. The idea of Donghyun hiding behind the shelf came across my mind and soon I realised what's really happening. "AISH! DONGHYUN, HYUNSEONG, JEONGMIN, YOUNGMIN, KWANGMIN, MINWOO! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Straight away they started jumping out into view and sprinted off down to the ramen aisle a few meters away.

"Wait!" I called, automatically chasing after them. I wasn't angry... I was just... curious. When I finally reached the ramen section... they've already taken off to the other side. Was I that scary??? "YAH WAIT!"

"Mianhaeyo jagiya~~!" I heard Minwoo sang and that just does it! Completely flipped. They're soooooo dead now...
I flared my nostrils and prepared myself for a long sprint. "BABO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Minwoo's P.O.V

Why is ________ so angry for? We did nothing but follow her... She should be happy that six amazingly attractive guys are stalking her. Well... not exactly stalking... more like protecting!

"Aish! God! I swear she's more like a Noona than a Dongsaeng." said Hyunseong as he quickly slid behind a stack of cans to avoid her.

"Is she angry?" wondered Youngmin, half gasping as ________-ah turned her head and stared towards our direction.

"I feel like I'm in a horror movie!" I stated, excitedly. "Noona is sooo scary~"

"You make her sound old even though she's younger than all of us." said Kwangmin lightly slapping my arm.

"Yeah." Donghyun and Jeongmin chorused, agreeing with eachother.

 Before I had the chance to argue back, a silhouette appeared in front of us.
Gasps escaped from our lips as we saw the figure grin.


Hehehe sorry for taking so long to update =3 I'm abit lazy this month coz it's almost my Birthday *HINT HINT* (18th October)
And there's loads of exams this and next week so I'm gonna study and do my best!!! HWAITING! =D

So be good readers and wait arasso? ;D Komawo~~~


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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!