After School With The Jealous Minwoo!

My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

This chapter is for you xcrimsonxhazelxeyesx! Hope you like it~  

When school has ended, you packed your bag quickly and rushed out of the classroom.

"Wait up!" called Minwoo as he sprinted after you. Dae Ho, Youngmin and Kwangmin followed behind.

You ran past Donghyun, Hyunseong and Jeongnim but didn't have time to say hi and jumped out of the school building.

"Yah... I wonder where she's off to in such a hurry...?" wondered Donghyun, scratching his head.

"Work?" suggested Hyunseong, then he saw Minwoo running towards them. "Hey! Why is ________-ah in such a hurry?"

The maknae stopped to breathe for a moment, panting from chasing after you. "I don't know, but I'm just following her!"

Before Hyunseong could say more Minwoo was already by the entrance and out of the Academy in a flash.

Minwoo's P.O.V

Aish! She's too quick! I miss her soo much coz we were separated a couple of times due to the different schedules we have. I had Science and she had Geography... I had Design & Technology whereas she had Art... I had English classes but she had Korean... I'm constantly away from her! But at least we were together at the beginning of the day and at the end~

"Minwoo! Are you coming for what?" ________ shouted, waiting for me by the gates.

I grinned and nodded. "NE!" I followed her out of the school grounds and ended up at a Cafe or something...

"Where are we?" I asked staring the simple but modern building in front of me.

"Where I work." she replied and felt for her pockets to get the keys. But then she realized that the door was already unlocked so she dropped her keys back into her pockets and slowly opened the door. "That's strange... Only me and Dae Ho has the key to this Ice Cream Bar..."

I was curious to see how it looks like inside and afraid that something or someone broke into the Ice Cream Parlour. So I stepped in front of her. "Don't worry. I'll go in first." I said and gulped at the darkness that engulfed me as I stepped into the building.

"Be careful..."

I nodded and looked around the place. Everything was still in place... nothing seemed wrong. I took another step foreword, listening to any sounds that might've came from behind the counter or in the cuisine but I heard nothing so I assumed that the coast was clear. "No ones here ________-ah." Maybe you might've forgotten to lock the door last night?"

She shook her head. "Dae Ho was here, watching me lock the Parlour up. I'm sure that I didn't forget."

I shrugged and grabbed her arm, urging her to come in.

"Minwoo-yah! Someone might still be in here! Maybe a thief has broken into the Ice Cream Bar and tried to rob the place!" she hissed, hesitating to take a step.

"C'mon jagiya~ There's no one here!" I reassured, teasing her abit.

"Jagiya!?" she repeated, kind of uncomfortable when I called her that. 

I smirked and pulled her towards me. "I promise that even if the boogie man, or something like that, jumped out at you... I would be here to rescue you..."

She grinned the best smile in the world and instantly I fell for her like never before.
"Well you're pretty good at cheesy pick-up lines!" she said squeezing my hand.

I melted at her touch... strong but gentle at the same time. I couldn't help but smile like a loonatic... lost in her eyes~ 
Everything was going fine until...

"ANNYEONG-HASEYO!" screamed a girl, suddenly jumping out from behind a table.

Me and ________ screamed from shock.

"Ahhhh, ________! Good to see you with someone else besides Dae Ho! I was starting to worry that you will never find a good-looking guy to go out with!" laughed the girl, suddenly hugging her.

"Eun Ae???" said ________-ah, rather surprised. "You're here?! I got your text but when did you arrive?"

The girl who's supposedly called Eun Ae answered, "I'm gonna live here now! Umma and Appa got jobs in Seoul so I'm gonna live here and go to school with you! Isn't that exciting? Aaaand... I'm going to work here!!!"

I couldn't see what the big deal was but it was huge for ________.

"Really!? Aigoo~ I'm soo happy!!! But why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because this is your Birthday present silly! I've already discussed it with Dae Ho over the phone to let me work here and to keep it a secret from you! Don't look at me like that! There's also another gift for you." Eun Ae wrapped her arm around ________'s shoulder.

"Komawo Eun Ae-yah! You're the best chingu a girl could have!" she said and gave Eun Ae another hug.

That's when the rest of Boyfriend plus Dae Ho and another guy came in.

"Wow... Friend reunion?" said Jeongmin, half smiling.

"Yah! You must be ________'s chingu! Nice to meet you!!!" beamed Youngmin as he came to give Eun Ae a handshake.

"Oooooh who's this cutie?" asked Eun Ae, winking at Youngmin.

"I'm her Boyfriend~" he replied winking back at her.

She nudged ________ and whispered, "Lucky Cow! You never told me that you have such a CUTE Boyfriend...!"

________ laughed. "Hehe~ It's not that simple. I'll explain it to you later. Right now we need to open up the Ice Cream Bar!"

We all nodded and unstacked the chairs from the tables and mopped up every single piece of dust away, leaving clean and shiny surfaces.

"You can work here for tonight." said Dae Ho, giving Boyfriend each an individual outfit to wear.

"Nice." complimented Hyunseong as he made his way to the changing rooms, the rest followed behind. But as for me... I stayed and helped ________-ah finish preparing for the opening first.

~~Time Skip~~

The Ice Cream Bar is now filled with customers, all digging into their desserts. We were all busy, taking orders and entertaining the customers... and the foreign guy, known as Sora, would decorate the delicious sundaes.

Me and the rest of Boyfriend actually caught alot of attention. Lots of girls would blush everytime they look at us and giggle afterwards. It was normal for me at first but now it seemed annoying whenever they do that.

"Eh...!" called Sora by the counter. "Minwoo-chan oide." He beckoned me to come over.


"Bring this to table 5 onegai. Doumo!"

I sighed and walked to table 5, nearest to the entrance somehow. Before I could ask the customers what they would like to eat, they screamed and pointed to the entrance.

"SHINee!" they shrieked as the renowned kpop group stepped into the parlour.

'SHINee?!'  I thought, slightly excited to see my Idol... TAEMIN! He's just awesome at dancing! I just wish I could meet him in person.

I quickly walked to the door and greeted them. "Annyeong~ Welcome to YummiYummi Ice Cream Parlour!"

Minho smiled. "Do you have a spare table?"

"Yes we do." I replied and directed them to a table at the far side of the Bar, where no one could disturb them.

Taemin's P.O.V

I wonder where that Waitress is? I wanna talk to her again. I kindah miss her.

"Yo! Taemin-ah! Why did we come here without disguises again?" asked Key covering his face with the menu.

"Because err... I don't want to!" I answered looking around the place to find the Waitress. The truth is... I want her to recognise me when I step into the Parlour so I don't want to wear any disguises.

"What would you like to eat?" asked the chibi-looking Waiter. He seemed excited somehow.

"Hehe~ Banana Split, two Red Mondays and a Cookie Crumble jooseyo~" ordered Onew-ssi and he handed the menu back to the Waiter.

He nodded and went off to take our orders. But I'm still looking for that Waitress!!! I was about to give up and assumed that she didn't come to work today then I heard laughter in the cuisine. The voice... it has to be her!

"Jungmal, jungmal Kwangmin-ah! Be right back!" I heard her say and she stepped out of the cuisine, wearing a big smile on her face.

I instantly felt relieved after seeing her happy face and decided to go talk to her.

"Hehe! That little rascal... He does like her." laughed Jonghyun as he hi-fived Key.
I could see them but I decided to ignore their snickers. When I finally reached her she gave me a curtsey and greeted, "Welcome to YummiYummi Ice Cream Parlour! May I help you?"

I smiled at her and shook my head. "Ani... I was just bored and wanted to finish off the conversation we had the last time we met."

She blushed and looked away, slightly smiling.

"And I forgot to ask you... What's your name?"

She turned to look at me. God I bet that her father is a thief for stealing all the stars in the sky and put them in her eyes... "Jeonun ________ imnida."

I was going to say something but forgot when I stared into her eyes...

She waved her hands in front of me, trying to snap me out of my daze. "Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

I grinned at her and extended my arm for her to shake it. "Jeonun Lee Taemin imnida. Mannaseo bangap-sumnida."

________ shook my hand and continued the conversation.

Yep, I think she's into me.... and I'm into her... One minute with her is better than eternity anywhere else~~~

Minwoo's P.O.V

I saw her and Taemin hyung laughing and talking to eachother... They looked happy and perfect for eachother yet I wanted to quickly separate them and cry. Taemin is my ultimate Idol and he's taking my angel away... Now I can't be whole again... But I couldn't stand to see her with someone else. It pains my heart.

"Yah! She's my Girlfriend!" I yelled running up to her and Taemin-ssi.

"Girlfriend!? asked Taemin, shocked.

"Ne!" I shouted and planted a tender kiss on her nose then slightly brushed past her lips.

Taemin hyung stood there speechless, his eyes wide open from amazement.

WOOOH! Minnie is definitally growing up LOL


Btw... THIS IS FOR YOU xcrimsonxhaxelxeyesx ! Minnie is jealous and you've got Taeminnie by your side!!! X3 But what matters most is that.... Minwoo stole your first kiss away! =O
Hehehe... =D *feels warm and giggly inside*



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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!