6 Jealous Boyfriends

My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

When you got back home... you were greeted by six frowning faces.

"Annyeong~" you said but no one answered. "Mianhae for being so late home... I had work today."

Boyfriend's faces relaxed abit, knowing that it wasn't your fault that you're late home.
"You could've told us where you were! Aish... I was soo worried about you!" breathed Jeongmin as he face-palmed himself in relief.

Minwoo cleared his throat and said in between coughs, "You mean we... hyung."

Jeongmin didn't realize until he repeated the sentence he just said. "Ahhhh! I meant... 'We' were soo worried about you..."

You smiled at them both for being sooo irresistibly cute~~~

"________-ah... The maknaes are getting bored from waiting for you all day. Maybe you should spend more time with them." suggested Donghyun pointing at Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo, mucking about near your bed. "It's not just them who misses you... it's also us... the vocals..." he added.

You nodded your head. "Don't worry... I will~ After all... you are staying here right?" You grabbed your towel and headed to the bathroom. "I'll go take a shower first... Bye bye!"

~~Time Skip~~

The door bell sounded from downstairs... making Boyfriend curious. They rushed to the door to listen. "I wonder who would visit at this late hour?" asked Jeongmin, placing his ear right next to the door.

"Who knows... Let's just listen!" hissed Hyunseong, concentrating on the sounds beyong the room. "By the way... keep quiet or someone will hear you!"

They all nodded and carried on listening... only hearing mutters and muffled sentences. But they didn't stop and carried on.

"This ! I can't hear anything!!" moaned Youngmin, stepping back from the door to have a good stretch.

"Shush! Or they'll hear you!!!" whispered Kwangmin, glaring at the annoying blondie.

"Yeah.... Just take it out on me!" snapped Youngmin, irritated.

"I'm not taking it out on you... You're just naturally ANNOYING!" Kwangmin barked, gritting his teeth. "You're meant to be the more mature one, but why aren't you!? Sometimes I think that you have issues!"

"Well how about you!" the blondie argued. "You're younger so you should loosen up abit! Like Minwoo... he's definitally cool unlike you!"

Kwangmin was about to say more when Hyunseong interrupted. "Someone's coming! I can hear footsteps!"

"HIDE!" commanded Donghyun as everyone squeezed into their hiding places. "Err... Minwoo... You can hide with me."

The maknae nodded and followed the leader into the cupboard, since the bathroom was already occupied.

"Where do I hide!?" asked Kwangmin... who didn't have a hiding space in the first place.

"Anywhere!" muttered Hyungseong from beneath the bed.

Kwangmin quickly looked around the room, panicking from pressure. The door knob twisted, leaving him with no choice but to crawl underneath the studying table and use the chairs to block himself from view.

The door swung open and footsteps entered the room. Everyone was too scared to take a peep at who it was. After a few moments... the door closed and the person walked to the bed, sitting down on it.

'Aish! Get off the bed before you suffocate me!' Hyunseong mentally moaned, sticking his head out to breathe for half a second.

"AHA!" the guy shouted, sitting on the bed, and quickly stepped on Hyunseong's head.

He yelped and crawled out from underneath the bed. "Yah! Why did you do that for?"

Dae Ho laughed. "It's just me... you can come out."

The rest of Boyfriend slowly got out of their hiding places and stepped forward towards the bed. "What are you doing here?" Youngmin asked, slightly smirking. "I thought I've already won the battle~"

Dae Ho chuckled. "You won? Nonononono! I've won since the beginning coz I know your secret!"

"What secret?" Jeongmin lied, trying his best to sound innocent.

"________-ah told me EVERYTHING about you! She trusts me... and besides... we've known eachother since we're born... We're just meant to be~" At that moment, when Dae Ho finished his sentence, you came out of the shower with a towel over your head.

"Ahh Dae Ho! Did you bring the homework over?" you asked as you dried your hair.

"Errr.... yeah... Shall we start now?" he suggested as he took his maths folders out.
The two of you went to your studying table and got on with your work whereas Boyfriend just hung around being bored.

With nothing else to do... Boyfriend started communicating eachother using telepathy.

"When I get my hands on him... I'm gonna rip his head off!" growled Youngmin.

Minwoo seconded it. "Me too hyung! He took our Girlfriend away... huhuhu..."

Donghyun sighed at the two youngsters. "It's not our decision on who she will like... It's up to ________ on who she chooses."

"But we can't just sit here and do nothing!" argued Jeongmin, annoyed at how useless he is. "We can't just let Dae Ho take her away just like that! It's too easy!"

Hyungseong tutted and zapped Jeongmin's mind. "Babo! We need to calm down! I know we're all angry and grumpy et cetera, et cetera... but we need to focus coz our Girlfriend is soo pretty... she might get seduced by other guys!"

The others agreed and admitted that their Girlfriend is REALLY pretty and probably the best in the world but they were also worried that the seducing part may be true.

"Exactly my point!" said Jeongmin, regaining his consciousness after the zap. "I declare war against any other guy, or guys, that tries to come near to our lovely and beautiful ________! Who's with meeee!?!?!?!?!"

They all agreed to the plan.
"We're gonna enroll at Yeongkwang Academy, where ________ goes to school, and protect her 24/7!" said Youngmin, triumphantly.

They all got together and chouted, "Boyfriend Hwaiting~"

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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!