
My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

"Remember... next time when you decide to stalk me... tell me before you do it! You all freaked me out." you said, crossing your arms across your chest. "And Minwoo-yah... I know you're my "Boyfriend" but you're not EXACTLY one. C'mon... I can't date all of you at once! So don't call me Jagiya arasso?"

"Ye..." they all said dully at the same time, hanging their heads down low in shame.

"Oh don't be sad! I'm not angry! I'm just curious of why you're doing this to me. And I've also felt kindah awkward when I noticed you following me..."

"But ________-ah! We were just trying to protect you! Truth! You know, as much as we do, how dangerous it is to walk down these dark streets at night!" argued Minwoo, stomping his foot loudly on the ground. 

"Minwoo-yah... I know you, and the rest, care about me ALOT. But I wasn't born yesterday... okay?"


"No buts!"

There was a long period of silence before Donghyun decide to step in and brighten up the atmosphere. "Okay~ Let's go home now! We've got the kimchi... and other essentials so come on, get moving! It's freezing out here."

"Ne!" agreed Hyunseong, tugging his coat to stay in place and zipped it up. "Let's leave before we all catch a cold."

You shrugged and slowly followed them home, retracing the steps from the dark, eerie streets to the warm and comforting glow from the lights lit up inside your mini, rented house. Instantly, you could almost feel the warmth of the radiators and the heating inside even though the door wasn't opened yet. Everyone was glad to be home.

"Okay... Donghyun, you lead the way into my bedroom using the back way. And don't worry about me... just stay there until I come up. Don't bother going downstairs for a peek arasso?" you said, rubbing your hands together to keep warm.

"Ye." answered Donghyun as he beckoned the rest of Boyfriend to follow him up the ladders and onto the window sill.

When they were out of sight, you knocked on the door several times and waited for the sound of footsteps. Seconds later, your Umma opened it and told you to come in. 
"Got the kimchi yet?" your Umma asked as she shut the door. 

"Ye Umma! I've even brought some toothpaste since we're almost finished with ours." you replied, smiling as you placed the bags of groceries onto a stool.

"Come in to the kitchen with me. I've got something to tell you." she murmured as she turned and shuffled back to the stove. "This is quite serious and Hana already knows about it."

You gulped loudly and slowly moved into the kitchen as well, sitting down on the chair by the dining table.

Your Umma prepared your dinner and brought it over to the table. "Here. Eat up."

There was nothing else for you to do but nod and as soon as you look down at your supper... you see a cup of Aloe Vera juice in front of you. "Umma.... Is there something wrong?" you asked, concerned because she gave you Aloe juice
She only ever does that when she's going to tell you something bad... mainly because she believed that the juice is the tears of the Aloe as it gets picked and chopped and extracted. That is why lots of people uses Aloe Vera for soaps, lotions, creams and drinks because it is pure, natural and clear.

"________-ah... you're 16 now so you're old enough to know about the concerns that I have. I need someone to talk to... someone mature. Hana isn't exactly what I'm looking for." your Umma started off. "Now I can tell you the troubles that I have and you will listen... won't you?"

You nodded your head. "Ye Umma. I'll listen."

"Good. Now listen carefully... Mianhaeyo for being such an unfit umma. I know it must be hard for you to work six part time jobs and get fired one by one. Mianhae.
But I'm glad you've got Dae Ho by your side. He's a sweet guy. But just your wage plus mine isn't enough for you and Hana's tuition fees, the house rent and daily needs. So I've decided that we're all gonna move to England and live there as emigrants."

You looked up at her, your mouth gaped."MWO!? UMMA YOU SHOULD'VE DISCUSSED THIS WITH ME BEFORE YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!" you exploded, slapping the table hard as you stood up from the chair... making the cup of Aloe juice shake. "Umma! I don't want to leave! This is my home... Our home! Korea!"

"I know sweetie but if we go to England... just think of all the benefits! The education there is outstanding so you will end up with a job that can make a fortune, the school there is for free! FREE! So we don't have to pay until you go to college!"

"But Umma-"

"Come on darling! This is our chance to be free! Free from limited possibilities! If it's about the language border... don't worry about it... you will fit in eventually!"

You clenched your fists together until your knuckles turned white and gritted your teeth, shaking in anger. Before your Umma could say more, you slammed the table one more time. "WAE!? WAE UMMA. WHY SHOULD I FOLLOW YOU!? I'M PERFECTLY FINE LIVING HERE! AND IF YOU WANT TO HELP ME...LET ME STAY HERE PLEASE!" You violently tucked the chair into the table and stormed upstairs, not looking back.

"________." called your Umma but it wasn't loud enough for you to hear.

Hyunseong's P.O.V

After a great roar there was silence again. Jeongmin could only sit by the door in awe, listening to the conversation downstairs.

"What are they saying?" I asked, curiously.

"I'm not sure... their voices are muffled by the door and the distance. I can only make out a few words in a sentence."

"I hope everything's okay..." sighed Donghyun worryingly.

"Let's go and check it out! I wanna see if ________ is okay!" insisted Youngmin hugging ________'s pillow. "Please... we need to protect her."

"We can't Youngmin-ah! ________ said not to go downstairs to peek no matter what! We must obey her and stay here until she comes back like what loyal Boyfriends would do." reasoned Kwangmin, shaking his head. "Just wait a little longer."

"But we don't want to!!!" moaned Minwoo with a pout. "So worried... aish..."

Suddenly Jeongmin jumped up and mouthed the word "someone's coming" then quickly darted underneath the table where he usually hides. I quickly sounded the alarm as everyone else did the same thing and hid quickly in there hiding places, in case it was someone other than _________ or Dae Ho. I was the last to hide...
The door opened and we all ducked back. At first we couldn't tell who it was... it could've been Eun Ae coming over to visit ________ or Hana coming up to look for something. But by the end... we learned to know that it was actually ________-ah standing in the middle of the bedroom.
We all sighed and crept out of our hiding places to greet her with our smiling faces. But our smiles faded away as soon as we saw ________-ah's weeping face...

Yep... You're moving away to England now! D= Hmmmm... I wonder how Boyfriend, Dae Ho, Taemin, Eun Ae, Sora and possibly B1A4 will react to this news. Surprised? Sad? Angry? HAPPY?!?! I dunno but err.... stay tuned and find out soon.....? LOL =D

Btw.... I think I'll make more B1A4 appearances coz they've only appeared once so far in this fanfic and I really need them coz they're important to the story. =3
B1A4 AND Boyfriend fan here so 
NO HATERS arasso? Good~


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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!