School+Work+Boyfriends+Biases+Surprises=A Fun Day!!! - Part 3/3

My Imaginary Boyfriends Came To Life!?

Jinyoung's P.O.V

Hehehe~ It's fun to tease those little guys. Can't help but laugh until there were tears in my eyes!!! "C'mon guys. Let's get back to class!" I ordered and the rest followed behind.

Then the whole school did too! Screaming fangirls and swooning Queenkas. Yep! That's the life.

"Yo Gongchan!" said Baro, turning his cap so that he's wearing it the wrong way round. "Who do you think those peeps are? They don't look like they come from around here."

Gongchan shook his head. "Dunno but they're so fun to mess around with!"

We all nodded and laughed as we arrived at class.

"Hey! I wonder what class they would be in? What if they end up in ours?" asked Sandeul, walking thoughtfully into the formroom. "That would be fun~"

"In your dreams! They're gonna be in 11A1... the class opposite!" said CNU, slapping Sandeul's head.

I sighed and strode to my table catching at least 10 girls' attention. 'The fun days just keeps coming don't they....' I thought, smirking.

Your P.O.V

"Yah! ________-ah! Are we gonna be in the same class?" asked Minwoo, slightly excited. "Coz I wanna sit next to you!"

"Ani! I'm sitting next to her!" argued Youngmin, shoving Minwoo away and walking beside me.

The maknae shook his head in protest. "In your dreams blondie! She picks me! Right?" He turns to me and gave me the puppy-dog eyes.
I kindah melted at the spot but Kwangmin caught hold of me before I could become a pool of nothing on the floor.

"Don't underestimate him. His stares are deadly. You can fall prey at any moment during eye contact." warned Kwangmin slightly scaring me. "Besides... You're sitting with me..."

"Eh!?" I said, tilting my head to the side. I glanced at the vocal line but they all chortled and looked away. Someone help me! I willed but Donghyun, Hyunseong and Jeongmin ignored my stare for mercy. This leads to only Dae Ho left to help me. I gave him an aegyo stare and he fell for it right away!

"Hey! Sorry to burst your bubble but... she's with me." announced Dae Ho, rescuing me from the grips of my troublesome Boyfriends.

"Awww! Why are you with him!?!?!" asked Youngmin, turning to me. "Can you ask seongsaengnim if I could swap seats with Dae Ho please?"

I shook my head. "Mianhae. But she's very strict on stuff like this so I'm too afraid to ask..."

Youngmin looked away, understanding that there's nothing that could be done. The rest slowly quietened down aswell then we finally reached the classroom. I opened the door but the maknaes couldn't wait to see how their classroom looked like and poured into the formroom like water filling a jug.
The teacher realized straight away and slammed her hand on the table. "Quiet down class!"

We all stopped and looked at her.

"You! Newcomers!" she called, pointing at Boyfriend. "Come and introduce yourselves to the class!"

Kwangmin's P.O.V

Aigoo! I can't do this! I'm not good in front of people! I get nervous unlike my brother who LOVES the attention.

Since Donghyun, Hyunseong and Jeongmin hyung are in different years than us... there would be no one else to protect us.

"We'll go in order!" whispered Youngmin as he took a step forward to introduce himself. "Annyeong~! Jeonun Jo Youngmin imnida! Mannaseo bangap-sumnida~ Hope you will treat me well!" he sang, winking at ________ but it kindah affected every single girl in the room aswell.
He stepped back leaving gossips and whispers hum around the classroom. Then he pushed me forward. "Your turn..." he hissed.

I gulped and began to sweat. "A-a-annyeong-has-seyo." I stuttered, completely losing my cool. "I'm Jo Kwangmin... Youngmin's t-t-twin brother. N-nice to meet you..." I quickly stepped away and hid behind him. Every girl in the classroom squealed in delight as they heard the word 'twin' and saw me hide behind Youngmin.

"KYA! Kawaii! They look like they've just stepped out of an anime!" shrieked one of the girls from the back.

"OMG! Twincest!" shouted another.

'Twincest!? Aniyo aniyo aniyo! We're completely straight!' I mentally called out but too afraid to do it for real... but Youngmin did.
"Ani. We're not Twincest. We're normal... hehe."

"Lord! His voice is sooo deep and y!!!!" said one of the girls in the middle row.

"I know right?! God they must be sent from heaven!" agreed another who was sitting next to the girl before.

Youngmin sighed and looked at Minwoo, signalling him to quickly get this over and done with. The maknae springed into action and gave the class his killer smile! It made the girls captivated and the guys blinded from the light...
"Hello! Jeonun No Minwoo imnida! I hope to spend great times with you~"

Immediately the attention turns to him and every girl started gossiping even more.
"OMG! He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAWT!"

"Yeah! I want him! He's the most good-looking!"

"God... I think I'm in heaven... should I pinch myself?"

"Quiet down or you'll all stay behind school until 8:30pm!" screamed seongsaengnim, shutting everyone up.

Youngmin sighed again and stomped to his seat, located near to where the Queenkas sat.
I was sent to sit with a bunch of boys, who are all pretty friendly and are willing to become friends with me.
Minwoo was assigned to sit near the row of girls and he was the nearest to ________ aswell.

God... Can this day get any worse?

Dae Ho's P.O.V

I sat down next to ________ and watched the commotion go on with her Boyfriends... well... at least half of her Boyfriends.

"Yah... Dae Ho-yah... Do you think that they would start to hate school?" she asked, slightly worried about how the class is reacting to their arrival.

"The sooner the better." I mumbled to myself but she kindah heard me.

"What did you say?"

"Errr... Nothing! I was just saying that they would probably get use to this! Hehe~"

She narrowed her eyes down and turned her attention back to the screaming class.

My personal time at school with ________-ah is ruined! If only she would pay attention to me more.... I would be the happiest person alive~

Your P.O.V

I waited until Boyfriend sat down and the class was calm again. Everything happened so fast that it felt like I was just in the eye of a storm then. Lesson was about to start so I got my folders ready to hand in our (me and Dae Ho's) maths homework. All our hard work is going to pay off once we get our high marks!
Seongsaengnim was about to call my name when my phone rang.

"Miss ________ please turn your phone off in class." warned our teacher, her eyes, glaring at me.

I gulped and nodded my head. "N-ne." I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket and secretly checked my inbox. It was Eun Ae again. God! Shouldn't she be in lesson aswell by now?!


To: you

From: EunAexLovely

See ya after school! =D

Eun Ae xxx


What!? After school? She's here???

Hey! Hope that the chapter isn't too long~ I think I might've gotten off subject but as long as you say it's a good story... I'll continue! So remember to comment and subscribe! ;)


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nice story!! ^^^^
Lol! Youngmin suddenly tuned nice to DAe Ho just to get his permission, sly YOungmin. UPDATE More plz..
Quackerz #3
>.< Update soon!!
OMOMOMOMOMO!@!!!!!!!! DFGBDHGDF!!!<br />
VFJBNGFKB NDFNBV!!!!! *faints*<br />
I think that will work out, so sweet. The boys are summing up all their supposed to be salaries for her expenses. <br />
They’re gonna work hard just for her to stay. <br />
Well, the only negative side will be their busy schedule & they won’t have much time to spend with her. <br />
Looks like Daeho will somehow be happy about it. Lol! Daeho, the hard working soul, <br />
going green.. hehe.. Why do I feel like Bf are suddenly becoming like bullies when it comes to DAeho.. haha
Quackerz #6
>.< Update soon!! Anything funny happens at the party?
whooh I like Dae Ho more now cuz I found out he's green! but I'm still team Boyfriend!
Wow, seems like the boys are going to be idols now.. <br />
Aww.. B1A4 so cute!! <br />
So BOyfriend just closed the deal with the man, aren't they gonna ask for her permission first.
Quackerz #9
Update soon!!